Multiple Platforms Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Tauros and Probopass <3
Apr 8, 2007
This game is downright amazing. I haven't seen visuals this good on a videogame since Gears of War. In fact, they may be a little better. The campaign is epic and the multiplayer is filled with endless challenges and fun.

Anyone else play this game? If not, I recommend it.
My girlfriend bought it for me a few days ago and I'm amazed by it. I though GRAW looked amazing for a military shooter......bloody hell I was wrong. I LOVE this game. My only problem is I can't play online yet.....but when I do, I'll be playing this game first on my list. I've not finished the singleplayer yet but it's really good so far. Definetly the best military game I've seen or played so far.
As good as the campaign is, the multiplayer is 10x better. The more you play, the more abilities/weapons/weapon upgrades you unlock. There's well over a dozen game modes.

The game has some spawning problems, but with matches containing 12 players, that's difficult to avoid sometimes.
Been waiting for this game for ages, they screwed up CoD2 and 3, but this game is awesome, can't wait to play it MP.
Call of Duty 3 is awful, but I thought Call of Duty 2 was rather good. Of course, it pales in comparison to the more advanced Call of Duty 4, but it's still a solid game, in my opinion.

Who developed Call of Duty 3, anyway? I think it was EA Games or something. They suck. Fortunately, Infinity Ward took control of Call of Duty 4.
Who developed Call of Duty 3, anyway?
Dunno :/

What I know is that the same guy that worked on Dall Of Duty one worked on CoD4, thats why its so badass.
I love COD4, I've found you rank up to quickly on multiplayer though which is annoying as i'm almost at the top and i've only played just about 30 hours.
I never play the single the multi player is awsome. Just looked at the Rankings. One guy has played over 12 days worth of the game. I thought i played it alot...1d 09h?? My god
If I recall correctly, you have to go to the Barracks. Once there, you should be able to find the rankings on your own.

There are rankings for total points earned, kills achieved, accuracy, and victories. Granted, I haven't played Call of Duty 4 for quite a long time. There may have been updates.

Dazz said:
I love COD4, I've found you rank up to quickly on multiplayer though which is annoying as i'm almost at the top and i've only played just about 30 hours.

Once you surpass rank 55, you are given the option of entering Prestige Mode. Once you enter this mode, your level is reset from 55 all the way back to 1. You lose EVERY unlockable you've unlocked, but you're rewarded with a nifty looking medal that indicates that you're in Prestige Mode. The top ranking you can achieve is extremely high. If I'm correct, I think you can re-enter Prestige Mode 50 times. I may be wrong, however. Either way, with 30 hours of gameplay, you're a LONG ways off from reaching the top.
Barracks/leaderboards and i think it's Y you hit to see the world wide ranking. I think, I can't be bothered to turn it on i need to leave the house soon.
callof duty 4 sucks really bad, its broken the tradition of the other call of duty games which of course were all in world war 2, they were much better, it let you re-live history but the new one breaks all that and sets you in modern times, the weapons suck, the graphics are ok but thats the only good point about it, the rest is just rubbish
Im so tempted to get this game as the graphics look lush and both me and my brither want to play it. Im not usually a fan of war games, ut it looks stunning.
Argetlam said:
callof duty 4 sucks really bad, its broken the tradition of the other call of duty games which of course were all in world war 2, they were much better, it let you re-live history but the new one breaks all that and sets you in modern times

Hence the title of the game. I don't know about the majority, but I was getting pretty tired of killing random Nazis on beaches. It's good to see a developer go in a different direction, in my opinion.

Argetlam said:
the weapons suck

The weapons suck? If you enjoyed the weapon selection from past Call of Duty games, then this should be a dream come true. Tons of unlockable, upgradable and customizable weapons.

Argetlam said:
the graphics are ok but thats the only good point about it, the rest is just rubbish

Just "okay"? Call of Duty 4 is graphically superior to any shooter. I'd say the visuals are exceptional at the least.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm having a hard time understanding how Call of Duty 4 is a step backwards...aside from having more enemies to kill than just Nazis.
I only have the PC version though I will presume they are both at least vaguely similar. Anyway, at first I was skeptical about CoD4 and wasn't fairly optimistic since nearly every First-Person shooter ends up having an alright story and then a real awful multiplayer or a multiplayer that gets boring after a couple of hours (such as BF2).

However, though on the face of it CoD4 isn't 'hugely' different from any other first-person shooter it has a 'fun factor' revolved around it. They rankings only go up to 55 though (on the PC version) then I think thats at it (at least when I got to 55 nothing happened) and neither are they scored the same.

The weapons are awesome though, there is nothing better than mowing somebody down with an MP5 >_<.
As for the graphics I can't really comment that much, they are stunning to me because I have a good GFX card but it all depends on the PC. Either way, I think the 360 version sounds if it has more to it. ^_^
My brother has already completed it on medium. He said it was an amazing game, but its over far too quickly.
I played CoD4 when visiting some relatives in D.C. I always thought myself to be a strictly rpg guy, but that changed after playing this. the graphics were gorgeous, the gameplay was amazing, and it left me breathless on many occassions. I give it a 4.75 out of 5!!!
Made an error earlier. You can enter prestige mode 10 times. Multiply 55 by 10, and that's the amount of rank levels there are.

And I've actually got a complaint about the game now! I hate the perks. They're annoying as hell. I'm tired of losing kills due to Last Stand. I down the enemy just to have a teammate come up and finish him off.