Multiple Platforms Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

i was thinking about buying this game, but the MGS4 came out and just to be on the safe side i didn't buy either of them, so i am asking if this game is worth buying because if not i am going to buy MGS4 so, i have played call of duty 3 and enjoyed it and have been told that COD4 has more up to date weaponry so is COD4 worth buying or not /
CoD4 is definately worth buying... and Bad Company is really just a bad design rip of CoD4, anyway... CoD4 plays better, has a better storyline, has far superior multiplayer, and should probably be easier to find used (which means its cheaper). CoD4 is by far one of the best games available right now, on any system... and definately is the best FPS currently available... in the words of Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee, its "pretty excellent gun wank." Seriously... if you have a next gen system, or a fast enough PC, you need to buy this game.
i got it today, since my hometown has no gamestation i was trying to look for a pre-owned copy in CEX. non there, so i got it from GAME, game of the year edition too.

i have to say it's LOUD and really intense. took a while to find my way around on console controls but i got used to it. not finished yet, but i'm really liking it so far.

i can see why there are no pre-owned copies of it around XD.
Call Of Duty 4

Anyone have it?
Care to play a round or two with/against me.

Im pretty decent.
And I say decent because I know I'm not pro.
I just play to have fun.

If so then add
XGC The Doctor
I have it for PS3, not online though. I found the graphics amazing and the story was pretty decent, but apparently I'm missing out a lot by not being online. Ah well.
Yes you are haha. Multiplayer CoD is the best thing God gave us :)

Well maybe not that far but it is damn good. I play the Xbox and PC version depending on my mood.
I have it, and its amazing.

Sadly my disk got scratched in my friends xbox, so now I need a new one >.<

Hopefully I'll get to play with everyone soon eh?
That sucks man. I scratched my Gears of War and its hard to bear when you screw up a good game :(
i play a lot.
my group and i are always doing something.

Mainly Search and Destroy Hardcore.
but yeah i love it, im always changing guns and perks after every round to mix it up
I'll go ahead and merge this with the other Call of Duty 4 thread.

Thread Merged

I play, but I don't get a lot outta the game anymore. It just isn't fun, in my opinion. Part of the reason is that I suck at it. Another part is the lack of variety. I feel like I'm playing the same match over and over regardless of the game type or map.

Search and Destory is pretty awesome, though. I'll give it that.
COD4(Call of Duty 4)

Ok then, I'm a big COD4 player who is a level 55 and running the lastest patches (1.7) and I was just wondering if anyone else here plays it. It is currently one of the best online FPS's and normally has more players on at one time than halo. (but you have to have the lastest patches)

This thread is for descussion on COD4 and anything else envoloving the game or online play.

"When FPS's give you noobs, bring the shotguns, pain, and insults",-TheHunter(Me), AAdomainofgodserver.
-Threads Moved and Merged- There was a few threads for it already so I've moved some threads around and merged the three threads together.

Online play or different consoles, please just use this main thread instead. Thanks.
Ok then, I'm a big COD4 player who is a level 55 and running the lastest patches (1.7) and I was just wondering if anyone else here plays it. It is currently one of the best online FPS's and normally has more players on at one time than halo. (but you have to have the lastest patches)

This thread is for descussion on COD4 and anything else envoloving the game or online play.

"When FPS's give you noobs, bring the shotguns, pain, and insults",-TheHunter(Me), AAdomainofgodserver.
Let's just say I won't be upset when Gears of War 2 rolls along, completely devastating the number of people playing Call of Duty 4 on a daily basis.

I'm ready for something new.