Multiple Platforms Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Made an error earlier. You can enter prestige mode 10 times. Multiply 55 by 10, and that's the amount of rank levels there are.

And I've actually got a complaint about the game now! I hate the perks. They're annoying as hell. I'm tired of losing kills due to Last Stand. I down the enemy just to have a teammate come up and finish him off.
I totally know where you are coming from after buying it for the PS3, not only does that annoy me but martyrdom perk does as well, its just unrealistic - put a whole clip (30 bullets) into them just for them to either 1) Drop a live grenade or 2) Fall on the floor and pull out a pistol >_<
I DESPISE Martyrdom. I bet 3/4 of my deaths are due to that damn perk. It's completely unrealistic...which wouldn't annoy me if the developers didn't preach realism when describing their game.

Juggernaut is an annoyance as well...
I totally love this game, and I actually helped my uncle to do Prestige Mode twice, we still need 6 more Prestige Modes to fully complete the Prestige Mode. Basically, what I do is use the sniper rifle, specially the Dragunov or the 50. Barret Sniper Rifle which are, by far, my favorites among all the arsenal of weapons we get to choose from (yeah, I hate that I can't keep my 50.Barret Sniper Rifle after each Prestige Mode, forcing me to unlock the Sniper Rifle again :mad:)

Ah, I find it so fun to use the sniper rifle and kill 10 or 15 dudes in a row (my uncle's record is 25....damn him...:dry:), not to mention the air support we can get from an helicopter.

When playing 4 Split Screen, we even make "Knife Only" game in the smallest stage possible for Split Screen games. :)
Knife-only matches are awesome! Pistols-only is a good time as well.

There's always that one guy who ruins the fun by pulling out a P90 and gunning everyone down, though.
Knife-only matches are awesome! Pistols-only is a good time as well.

There's always that one guy who ruins the fun by pulling out a P90 and gunning everyone down, though.

And could you please tell me what happens to the guy who ruins the fun? :devil2:
Well all I hear is the same comment: "LET'S ALL GET THAT BASTARD!"
Damn straight. usually turns into an all-out deathmatch a few minutes later.

Someone will accidentally kill someone else who "sorta looked like the P90 guy who broke the rules," and it all escalates from there until everyone's using heavy weaponry to annihilate each other.

But if you get a bunch of people who play by dah rules, then knife matches kick ass. :monsmash: Holy crap, that smiley is awesome. I wonder why I only just saw it...
Call of Duty 4

Well i havent seen a COD4 thread here so im making one. The games is perfect and even though the story isnt long its one of the best stories i have played through in any fps.

Whoever has it and wants to play me pm me
I have it for Xbox 360, but not PS3. I wouldn't call the game perfect, but it's damn good.

The stealth sniping mission where you're tasked with assassinating a high-ranking enemy is one of the best I've ever played.

Multiplayer's where it's at, though.
I've it for PS3 and although i don't play as often which i would like (almost every day xD) tha game is awesome!

It's true that have some nasty flaws (campaigns is SO short, and i those 'host ended game' and several bugs on the online are more than just annoying); but most of the time the multiplayer is deep, chaotic and so fun that you can't stop saying: "Just one more match!"

The class/perks sisteme is just brilliant.
This game pwns MoH!

i loved that stealth mission when you crawled in the grass past those tanks. that was awsome XD
This game pwns MoH!

i loved that stealth mission when you crawled in the grass past those tanks. that was awsome XD
For me the best part was
when Sargent Jackson dies. The part when you must exit the fallen Heli' and crawl until you dies it's one of the greatest moments of any FPS i've ever play it
!! It was shocking, amazing and let you jaw-dropped! I've never expected that part!

And the chase for the son of the bad guy (forgot the name of him right now) was also awesome.
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holy crap! how can I forget that! that should go down as one of the greatest game scenes of all time!

me, I like stealth missions; hiding in the shadows, pissing in your pants. thats a thrill for me. i've gotten killed alot! i'm playing on hardened, so its difficult. i still havnt beaten it! haha
but chasing whats his name was definitely awsome!
holy crap! how can I forget that! that should go down as one of the greatest game scenes of all time!

me, I like stealth missions; hiding in the shadows, pissing in your pants. thats a thrill for me. i've gotten killed alot! i'm playing on hardened, so its difficult. i still havnt beaten it! haha
but chasing whats his name was definitely awsome!
Indeed, one of the most amazing and shocking scenes of all time on gaming.
And the part when you must stay down while the guys pass you by on the high grass is so exciting! I was "come one! come on!" all the time.

Right now, i'm on the last chapter in veteran. The part were chasing the Zakhaev's (that's the name!) son is **** hard on Veteran! (well, every single part of the game is real challenge in veteran! but men! you couldn't be hit more than 2 or 3 times, 'cause you're dead) I'm wanting to reach the final scene in veteran! It would be awesome to play that part on veteran! (and hard as hell! >_<)
I'm not touching Veteran with a 10-foot pole. I was annoyed at the one mission when
you were on that farm and you had to reach the bottom of the hill to get to the landing zone.
and thats on Hardened! imagined the head-ache i'll get on Veteran!

Right now, I'm stuck on the mission when you
rappel down the vent and you have to stop the missiles before they reach the eastern coast of the US.
Its hard XD. Well, they did suggest this difficulty for me, so...
The thing that annoys me about the campaign is that you get too gripped by the characters. Like at the end when
Gaz and Cpt. Price died
I was sat there and was like "WTF?", the first mission and the secret mission at the end were the best missions though:P

Multiplayer is far too addicting though.
Addicting multiplayer and gripping characters are bad things, then? xD

Yeah xD
Especially when awesome characters get
killed off
, and as for multiplayer...well something so fun isn't good when you are 2/3 months away from GCSEs >_<
I've borrowed the game for my Xbox 360 and liked the Campaign mode, but the Multiplayer is not all it's cracked up to be for me. I have a few friends who have a PS3 and they LOVE CoD4 for their system and it's mainly the only game they play.