Crisis Core Can G be...


Posterboy for FFVII
Feb 8, 2007
Can G be Sephiroth's brother??? I don't know what the story on G's gonna be in FF7 Crisis Core, but as of right now, I'm in speculation.

G pops out a single wing on the opposite side where Sephiroth pops out his wing. Hojo was the only one who saw Lucrecia giving birth, she was passed out. Could G and Sephiroth have been siamese twins?? Joined at the shoulder or something, which can explain why they have their wing on opposite sides. This is something that I'm seriously contemplating. I've seen no proof to credit or discredit this theory.

Your thoughts folks........................
A documentation of the G Reports. I'll cover them with the spoiler code... because--you know--they're sort of hard to obtain.

G Report 1:
The Shinra Company is feared across the globe for its ruthless army, SOLDIER.

However, there are two members of this legion of whom few have the courage to speak.

While one is well known: the infamous "S" -- a symbol of strength and destruction -- the other remains shrouded in an eldritch veil of shadows. All records of this man's existence have been deleted; the only remnant of his legacy being the lone letter "G".

G Report 2:
We can only begin to imagine who this enigmatic warrior might be.

There are rumors that he was a biochemically constructed prototype for the soldier who would become "S". However, there are no documents to support these claims. In fact, there is so little information on "G" that his existance may be nothing but a fabrication.

The only thing that may give insight into this mystery is a lone personnel record which indicates that several years ago, a soldier 1st class was assigned a top-secret mission to pursue a target referred to only as "G". Unfortunately, any further data on this mission has been lost or destroyed...

G Report 3:
"G" slumbers below Midgar...
Silently abiding his awakening...

Or so tell the stories of vagrants who dwell in the slums of the mephitic metropolis. However, could there exist some truth behind these rumors?

Being one of the few who was involved in their construction, I know all too well of the vast caverns that sprawl deep beneath our city's streets.

This will more than likely be my final entry. The last fragment of data I have uncovered reads as follows:

Soldiers branded with epithets of color...
These are the hellspawn of "G".

Also, Lucrecia demanded to see her "son." No plural being there, I'm guessing she either didn't know she had twins and Hojo secretly took the second child (unconscious?), or G was never really "born." The latter being partially backed up by G Report 2.

One could speculate that G was an experiment (most probably constructed by Hojo) with partial success. I don't say 'complete' success, because who wouldn't use a success? A limitation in G could have spurred the creation of the ultimate being: Sephiroth. Otherwise I'm sure this scientist would have used G to full potential.

Considering the meaning of "epithets of colour," it is also entirely possible that the Tsviets are results from similar G experiments. Though why G took no part in Deepground... who can say.
I remember the scene in DoC where Lucrecia demands to see her son. But I doubt she ever did. There is a line in FF7 where Lucrecia tells Vincent:

"You can't even call me his mother. I never got to see him or hold him even once."

Or something like that. I bring this up because of a lot of what was written in the G reports. They weren't conclusive, but they suggested a hell of a whole lot.
This is a really good theory BUT if Genesis was Sephiroth's twin they would look exactly alike would they not?
Pretty much... 'G' is a sort of Prototype Sephiroth. How or what made him incomplete is still unknown.
i dont think that Gensis and Sephiroth are in anyway gentically related. and it is clear that Gensis was 'created' before Sephiroth. but it is possible that they could be brothers in the sense that they both shared the same creater eg. Hojo, and well, you get the feeling that a simliar procedure was used to create their uniqueness, along with the rest of the Tsviets. That could be the source of the comradeshipness (is that even a word, meh).
just an idea.
plus there is story of CC. not that i really know much about it as of yet.
I remember the scene in DoC where Lucrecia demands to see her son. But I doubt she ever did. There is a line in DoC where Lucrecia tells Vincent:

"You can't even call me his mother. I never got to see him or hold him even once."

Or something like that.
Well, her son is definitely Sephiroth, and yeah, she's never seen/held him thanks to Hojo.

This is a really good theory BUT if Genesis was Sephiroth's twin they would look exactly alike would they not?
They could be fraternal twins.
They're NOT twins.
At least, I'm pretty sure they can't be, 'coz if they were, Lucrecia would know. She's a scientist, she should know if she was bearing one child or two, since she's experimenting and all.

However, read G Report #2 on Saix' post.
They said that there are rumours, but no documents to back the facts up.
So, it's still unknown.

Pretty much... 'G' is a sort of Prototype Sephiroth. How or what made him incomplete is still unknown.
Read the above.

It says that G was created differently to sephiroth so i dont' think that G is his brother, but that is what i thought when i first saw that black wing flar on his other shoulder
Well, two of his words in the Secret Ending, "little brother", can't just be discarded.
And who would be a better little bro to G other than S?
I just realised that I might've contridicted myself on my theories.

Could G and Sephiroth have been siamese twins??

They could be fraternal twins.

This is impossible, siamese twins have to be identical twins, and fraternal twins can't be siameses......... Sorry.

But how about the possibility that Lucrecia wasn't the only women that Hojo impregnated for the Jenova Project. If that's the case, then they could be two-thirds brothers instead of half brothers. They both would have the same father, Hojo, and one of the same mothers, Jenova.
If G really has connections with Hojo, then it's probable that Hojo told him one or two things about Sephiroth, in the events of his birth. Hojo may have even had contact with G throughout Sephiroth's fame. However G's words "little brother" does not necessarily mean he's referring to Sephiroth.

In G Report 3, it is mentioned that those with "epithets of colour" are the hellspawn of G. It's obvious to see that G is collecting Weiss, so perhaps he is only referring to him as his little brother due to Weiss and the fellow Tsviets having a bond with G. We don't even know if Sephiroth or G knew of the other.
Actually, I heard a statement in a trailer of Crisis Core that another SOLDIER named Angeal said something about a place he, Sephiroth an Genesis use to go to together. Meaning that they did know each other.
Ah, well I've seen nothing of CC, so I couldn't have known. But I did, however, support both possibilities.
Well, that certainly clears a lot up.

I guess he's not as mysterious as the G Reports let off...
This is impossible, siamese twins have to be identical twins, and fraternal twins can't be siameses......... Sorry.
And I'm pretty sure they're not twins. :P

But how about the possibility that Lucrecia wasn't the only women that Hojo impregnated for the Jenova Project. If that's the case, then they could be two-thirds brothers instead of half brothers. They both would have the same father, Hojo, and one of the same mothers, Jenova.
That could be a possibility... in fact, that is more of a possibility than G being Lucrecia's son, since the only son she keeps talking about is Sephiroth.

If G really has connections with Hojo, then it's probable that Hojo told him one or two things about Sephiroth, in the events of his birth.
Now hold on. Why do you think Hojo would want to tell G about stuff like that.
First off, G's most probably the result of an experiment he did.
Secondly, it's Hojo. He wouldn't care about G, except for the results he produces.

However G's words "little brother" does not necessarily mean he's referring to Sephiroth.

In G Report 3, it is mentioned that those with "epithets of colour" are the hellspawn of G. It's obvious to see that G is collecting Weiss, so perhaps he is only referring to him as his little brother due to Weiss and the fellow Tsviets having a bond with G. We don't even know if Sephiroth or G knew of the other.
Well you already know that S and G know each other already from Omnislasher483's words.
And yeah, there is a possibility that Weiss IS his brother, and him being a "little brother" adds to the possibility.
However, Sephiroth too could be, if G being the prototype rumor is true, since Sephiroth is created after him and all.

So yeah, possibilities.
Well G refers to Genesis (I assume) - but the guy in the CC trailer who has the single white wing (on the opposite shoulder to Sephiroth's) is not Genesis, it's Angeal, Zack's mentor.
Well G refers to Genesis (I assume) - but the guy in the CC trailer who has the single white wing (on the opposite shoulder to Sephiroth's) is not Genesis, it's Angeal, Zack's mentor.
Yup, G is indeed Genesis. ;)

And to clear up your doubts, Eidolon, both Genesis and Angeal are in Crisis Core, both has wings on the left, Angeal white, Genesis black.


Crisis Core Angeal


Crisis Core Genesis