Crisis Core Can G be...

Yup, G is indeed Genesis. ;)

And to clear up your doubts, Eidolon, both Genesis and Angeal are in Crisis Core, both has wings on the left, Angeal white, Genesis black.


Crisis Core Angeal


Crisis Core Genesis

WoW They both do do they?

Where did you get that info? - everything I know is from the trailer.
You must be joking Hojo is one ugly man :blink:
Explain Lucrecia then.
Dude, scientists will do anything in the name of science. ;)

I made a mistake when I said Angeal has his wing on his left shoulder.
It's actually his right.
And Hojo doesn't have to be good looking, nor does the girl need to be a willing candidate. The Shinra & Hojo have done many things against other people's will.
And Hojo doesn't have to be good looking, nor does the girl need to be a willing candidate. The Shinra & Hojo have done many things against other people's will.
Uh.. yeah, but that's not the point dude.
For one, Lucrecia was willing, and we're talkin' about scientists here, so willingness is out of the question, since the answer's obvious.

Remember Ifalna? Gast wasn't that good lookin' either, but the same time, he's not the evil, forceful kind unlike Hojo... but hey, they had Aeris.
I'm not sure, I don't think he's based on anyone.
The only person Nomura drew based on a real life person, that I know of, is Genesis.

And why Angeal's wings are white, or why he even has wings, no one knows of it YET. ;)
(Probably because Angeal's created like S and G too?)
Well that probably would be true that he was created similar to them, i mean he was a soldier and he was how Zack got his buster sword and all, but why white, wasn't it generally black, or was it because he had good intentions that he got angel wings, and Genisis and Sephiroth got fallen angel wings
For one, I'm not sure if he was created or not, I was only suggesting. :P
And why his wings are white.. well, I wouldn't know dude. Maybe he was a good guy, thus white wings, and S and G were bad, so black?

Question is, why do the three of them even have wings?
well that isn't really the question, the question is more like, why do they have A wing, notice how they have only one wing...

well that is probably because of Jenova, she had wings remember, but still wings are cool, i mean if i suddenly had one sprang from my right shoulder, i wouldn't mind... would you?
well that isn't really the question, the question is more like, why do they have A wing, notice how they have only one wing...
lol I know that.. I meant why do they have wings, as in the three of them, having one wing each, which makes three wings, so... wings. ;)
Why are we arguing over this? :|

well that is probably because of Jenova, she had wings remember, but still wings are cool, i mean if i suddenly had one sprang from my right shoulder, i wouldn't mind... would you?
You kiddin' me dude? I'd love it if that happened. :cool:
And Jenova? Well.. that's another possibility, since they have Jenova cells in them and all.
Ok, this is regarding only the first page of posts. I never played the english version of this game, only the japanese version right when it was released in Japan. So I could only understand a little bit of what was going on since my japanese isn't perfect.

But my question is, when was the name Genesis confirmed? Because I dont remember seeing the name Genesis in the game (might have missed it). I always assumed that G stood for Gackt and that G was modelled after Gackt. Thats the impression that I got when I finally unlocked the second ending in the game. Of course at the time I also had my doubts since I thought it'd be a little farfetched for Square to make a villian out of a famous J-Rock singer... But it was also the first time I saw Gackt do a song for a Final Fantasy game as well... Anyway.

At the time when G spoke, I thought he was referring to Vice as his little brother... So why is it that some people here think he was speaking about Sephiroth? Although it is a possibility... Oh well now im confused...

EDIT: I realize in the american version his name is translated as Weiss... I call him Vice because thats what his name sounded like when pronounced in the Jap version...
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Ω Xenogias Ω;75803 said:
But my question is, when was the name Genesis confirmed? Because I dont remember seeing the name Genesis in the game (might have missed it). I always assumed that G stood for Gackt and that G was modelled after Gackt. Thats the impression that I got when I finally unlocked the second ending in the game. Of course at the time I also had my doubts since I thought it'd be a little farfetched for Square to make a villian out of a famous J-Rock singer... But it was also the first time I saw Gackt do a song for a Final Fantasy game as well... Anyway.
G is not Gackt, the only thing that relates G to Gackt is that G is modelled after Gackt.
I forgot how it was confirmed that G is Genesis, but look at it this way dude, Genesis is appearing in Crisis Core, and if you watched the trailer, he's just the same as the one who appeared in the secret ending.
Plus, they mentioned S as well in the G reports. Don't tell me S is some J-Rock singer that SE decided to implement in with Gackt. :P

Ω Xenogias Ω;75803 said:
At the time when G spoke, I thought he was referring to Vice as his little brother... So why is it that some people here think he was speaking about Sephiroth? Although it is a possibility... Oh well now im confused...
Well, it's because he said "otou-otoyou" or "little brother", so this might lead to a few things:

[1] G Report # 2:
There are rumors that he was a biochemically constructed prototype for the soldier who would become "S".

[2] Wing: Sephiroth has his on the right, G(enesis) on his left.

Ω Xenogias Ω;75803 said:
EDIT: I realize in the american version his name is translated as Weiss... I call him Vice because thats what his name sounded like when pronounced in the Jap version...
Vice, Weiss, they're pronounced the same.
But the correct spelling's Weiss. (Weiss is German for White) ;)
Well I automatically assumed S stood for Sephiroth but at the time G was just a mystery. Anyway I haven't seen the trailer to the game mentioned (only thing on CC I saw was Last Order around the time AC was leaked on the net). What system is Crisis Core going to be on? Probably PSP... and we'll never get to play Before Crisis either... I had to go to wikipedia and ruin BC information for myself a while back (picked up a few interesting things about some characters...).

Also, I know Weiss means White (mainly because nearly everyone in the DG is named after a color in a diffrent language) just how Nero is black in the same language. The first one I picked up was Azul (since im hispanic :P) and Rosso is obviously Red, even though I donno what language translates Rosso to red.

I read on wikipedia that the 5th colored member appears on the online mode of DoC (which I wish I could have played in the jap version... its sad how theres always a slight diffrence in games depending on the region...). When I saw my friend play the american version I thought it was pathetic how they could remove the online mode and add some useless ass extra missions to try and make up for the loss.
Ω Xenogias Ω;75834 said:
Well I automatically assumed S stood for Sephiroth but at the time G was just a mystery. Anyway I haven't seen the trailer to the game mentioned (only thing on CC I saw was Last Order around the time AC was leaked on the net). What system is Crisis Core going to be on? Probably PSP... and we'll never get to play Before Crisis either... I had to go to wikipedia and ruin BC information for myself a while back (picked up a few interesting things about some characters...).
Yeah dude, I hated SE for doin' that... at least get BC on some handheld or somethin'. Same goes for DoC: LO
And Crisis Core is indeed for the PSP.
You should get one, just make sure it's hackable. You won't regret it. ;)

Ω Xenogias Ω;75834 said:
Also, I know Weiss means White (mainly because nearly everyone in the DG is named after a color in a diffrent language) just how Nero is black in the same language. The first one I picked up was Azul (since im hispanic :P) and Rosso is obviously Red, even though I donno what language translates Rosso to red.
Good on ya for Azul. :cool:
Nero is black, yeah, but Nero's a Latin word, not German. :P
And Rosso, well, it's Italian.

Ω Xenogias Ω;75834 said:
I read on wikipedia that the 5th colored member appears on the online mode of DoC (which I wish I could have played in the jap version... its sad how theres always a slight diffrence in games depending on the region...). When I saw my friend play the american version I thought it was pathetic how they could remove the online mode and add some useless ass extra missions to try and make up for the loss.
lol Well, the online mode didn't get many response back in Japan, and they thought the response in the states will be worse if they enabled it.
So they removed it, and added teh extra mizzion.
Alright. People are saying that they are confused as to why all these different people have one wing and why it only adds up to three. Well for one Cloud also has one wing which is shown in Kingdom Hearts. If you remember back at the end of FFVII when you fought Bizarro Sephiroth he had 4 wings. Now I don't know how Cloud, G, and Angeal all got a wing from Sephiroth but it could explain some things as to why these people have wings.

In AC Kadaj said that they are all connected by Mother. He was refering to Geostigma of course. Kadaj transformed into Sephiroth so that proves that they are connected and we all know that Cloud is connected to Sephiroth. With G, people are saying that he was made in the same way as Sephiroth so they are clearly connected by Jenova. Angeal however, I don't know much about him. I don't even remember him as being Zack's mentor. The first I heard of him is from CC and why he has a wing and it's white it could be that since Angeal was Zack's mentor he had a connection in SOLDIER and therefore had some connection with Sephiroth. Perhaps Angeal also had Jenova's genes implanted into him except he reacted in a different way so that's why he has a white wing.

Once Sephiroth was defeated in VII perhaps Jenova's cells sent some of Sephiroth's energy into the strongest people infected with her cells and that just happened to be Cloud, Sephiroth, G, and Angeal. That is probably the best explaination for why everyone has a wing. I could be wrong though.
Whatever happens in Kingdom Hearts isn't cannon to the Final Fantasy games, Cloud12489.

Unless they actually use some idea they decided to throw into Kingdom Hearts in the next FFVII installment.

All these spin-offs, FFVII better have a proper or descent conclusion (that conclusion probably being Advent Children anyway).
Yes, the relation between the characters in Kingdom Hearts, aren't related to anything from the original series, but that only makes three wings in total then

white 1 - Angeal
black 1 - Sephiroth
black 2 - Genesis

Then who has the other white wing, don't tell me that Square is going to give another character of the game a wing, somebody like Zack or something... not likely
I wouldn't be surprised if they did and as far as Cloud having one of the wings is a distinct possibility. Even though he hasn't been shown with a wing in the official "Final Fantasy" series it still could be something that they would do. I just don't think that they put Cloud in Kingdom Hearts with a wing for nothing.