Crisis Core Can G be...

Everytime I stumble across one of these threads I end up so confused. I didn't even know who that guy WAS at the end of DOC, how do you people find these things out?

Was there any mention of this Genesis guy in VII or are SE just making up it as they go along?
Nope there was no mention of him in the original story, SE made him up as part of the explanation for Deep Grounds existence and have decided he'll be part reason why Sephiroth went bad arse basically.
Yep, making it up as they go along>_<

But that's what frightens people so much about the remake mystery. Are they going to integrate Genesis into the story and over-complicate things or are they going to leave the story as it was. As much as the idea of Genesis is quite intriguing, it is something that had no place in the original story.

But then the original story apparently was only half-baked when they brought FFVII out. Which surprises me because it's fantastic, but leads me to ask why.

Might start a thread about that subject:wacky:
If you can get enaugh Omega Reports you can get the basic idea. I saw this one scene in DoC and it said that "G" is Grimoire, Vincent's father
Yep, making it up as they go along>_<

But that's what frightens people so much about the remake mystery. Are they going to integrate Genesis into the story and over-complicate things or are they going to leave the story as it was. As much as the idea of Genesis is quite intriguing, it is something that had no place in the original story.

I agree that the story would get way to complicated if G and Sephy were twins. Mainly because the CC plot pretty much nixes it. Dr. Hollander (Angeal's father) specifically says that Genesis is Angeal's half-brother (sorta) - so to make him Seph's brother would be a little overkill. Hollander says that Gillian (Angeal's mother) was injected with Jenova cells and then her DNA is implanted into Genesis as a fetus. Angeal is Gillian's birth son, so the Jenova cells are a natural part of his genetic make-up. Unfortunately, both Genesis and Angeal suffer from a bit of unnatural deterioration that only Hojo was able to perfect with his experiment with Lucrezia and Seph. Genesis' only relationship with Sephiroth (besides being friends) was that he needed Seph's cells to stop his degeneration. I still haven't researched into the between years of CC and DOC to discover G's ties to Wiess that would explain the ending to DOC.
Also, personally, I think that Seph is a bit of a dead horse when it comes to villains. The only way that I could see him being resurrected is if the unthinkable actually happened: He came back as a good guy (whether it be because Aerith reforms him, he has amnesia, or he is cleansed of his Jenova cells and no longer seeks out her goal of using the planet as a vessel). We need fresh blood for baddies. That being said, I was intending on writing a fanfiction in which Genesis and Sephiroth were, in fact, half-brothers. The only way this would work (believe me, I've spent considerable time trying to find another way), would be if Vincent was actually Sephiroth's father and Hollander got his hands on Vincent's DNA to fertilize Genesis' mother's egg and then injected the fetus with Gillian's DNA. In that case, both Angeal and Sephiroth would be Genesis' half-brother but Angeal would not be related to Sephiroth by blood. Confused yet? Yeah, me too.
did weiss have genova cells in him? if not, isnt it possible that he'll come back and try to get jenova cells from cloud?
I really don't understand the deal with Weiss, or the other Tsviets for that matter. Except Nero, who I understand ended up assisting Hojo's brain embodied in Weiss, in order to wake Omega. That's all I understand. And they call me a DoC fan:huh: