Can Sephiroth ever die?

Sephiroth won't die as long as the Jenova cells and the darkness in Cloud's heart are still hanging around.

Been playing KH, much? *rolls eyes*

Anyways, on personal thought, Sephiroth is no different to the generic boss you fight in every RPG. In storyline, he does die. FFVII saw to that, and the only reason he returned in FFVII: AC was because of
Jenova's head
. Remarks about him being able to live forever, or be a God are just figments of peoples' imaginations.

I never really liked Sephiroth, because he seemed to be too much of a generic main enemy. He had a pretty unoriginal goal, too.

ANYWAYS, straying from the point, which is that Sephiroth doesn't live forever.
That remains to be seen, from his quote *Spoiler* from AC, he clearly states "I will never remain a memory." This comment to me basically means that in some shape or form, he won't ever truly be gone, the guy has resurrected himself twice already, so I doubt that he will truly be considered "dead".

However that will remain up to the creators of FFVII, and where they want to point the storyline too, as of now, Sephiroth will most likely not return "anytime" soon, if ever.
no shephirot can't die cuz he is like a star of this game just think about having a game of ff7 whitout sephirot .i now that ther are games whitout sepirhot but sephirot is cool right .
Yes. He can. Because he's human. Nothing more. He is a human with some alien in him but he is not a manifestation of a force of nature or being. He's simply a human being with a strong will, Jenova cells and enough fanboys to make Square whore him out like Jenna Jameson. But, yes, he can die. His "i will not become a memory" is nothing but a final, feeble taunt that most villains deliver. Look at Zeromus, if you want examles just inside the FF series. He's pretty dead until they make another game.
Yes. He can. Because he's human. Nothing more. He is a human with some alien in him but he is not a manifestation of a force of nature or being. He's simply a human being with a strong will, Jenova cells and enough fanboys to make Square whore him out like Jenna Jameson. But, yes, he can die. His "i will not become a memory" is nothing but a final, feeble taunt that most villains deliver. Look at Zeromus, if you want examles just inside the FF series. He's pretty dead until they make another game.

Not quite. FuSoYa mentioned in FF4 that he will never truly disappear because so long as people keep evil in their hearts (or minds, or whatever), he will not disappear.

As for Sephiroth being human, he only appeared human, and had enough influence from Jenova cells that he couldn't merely be considered human. Could any human being survive mako poisoning without the traumatic experiences that Cloud did, and could any real human being transform into a one winged angel, or could any human being have the ability to split himself into three smaller entities, and regroup them again later? Could any of these things, which humans clearly cannot do, justify Sephiroth having characteristics that are not human that he no longer is *gasp* human?

Even if he were human or appeared human on some level, that doesn't mean he couldn't obtain immortality in some way. If it were the Jenova cells, he could just as well be immortal. Afterall, we do not know of any human beings who can survive being destroyed three or four times only to reappear again, even if not as a single entity. Since there isn't exactly a story after AC, we don't exactly know if Sephiroth is truly dead or not. Most gamers might have believed that it was the end for Sephiroth after the original FFVII game, but that's obviously not the case, since Sephiroth reappears in AC. We aren't really going to know if Sephiroth really dies unless Square decides to make another game or movie after AC, but I'm sure they're not going to.
As for Sephiroth being human, he only appeared human, and had enough influence from Jenova cells that he couldn't merely be considered human. Could any human being survive mako poisoning without the traumatic experiences that Cloud did, and could any real human being transform into a one winged angel, or could any human being have the ability to split himself into three smaller entities, and regroup them again later? Could any of these things, which humans clearly cannot do, justify Sephiroth having characteristics that are not human that he no longer is *gasp* human?
Yep. he's pretty human. With alien bits inside him. That's about it. You knwow ho his parents were? Humans! You see how getting stabbed hurts him? Human! And yes, a human being could do that he did. It was said simply his "strong will" allowed him to avoid being assimilated into the Lifestream. No mention at all of anything else. So, if Joe Schmo had a strong will in the FFVIi world and died but didn't want to stay dead, he could come back to life. And as for his transformations, well, what about them? Vincent is a human being last time I checked. The people of Wutai Pagoda are human beings last time I checked.

So, yep. Just a human with some alien parts .

Even if he were human or appeared human on some level, that doesn't mean he couldn't obtain immortality in some way. If it were the Jenova cells, he could just as well be immortal. Afterall, we do not know of any human beings who can survive being destroyed three or four times only to reappear again, even if not as a single entity. Since there isn't exactly a story after AC, we don't exactly know if Sephiroth is truly dead or not. Most gamers might have believed that it was the end for Sephiroth after the original FFVII game, but that's obviously not the case, since Sephiroth reappears in AC. We aren't really going to know if Sephiroth really dies unless Square decides to make another game or movie after AC, but I'm sure they're not going to.
Have faith in Square. Their money-grubbing is their most notable quality since they became Square-Enix. We'll see 3 more movies, 6 more games and 2 books about FFVII before someone finally bombs their headquarters to try and stop their sodomizing the FF series.
Yep. he's pretty human. With alien bits inside him. That's about it. You knwow ho his parents were? Humans! You see how getting stabbed hurts him? Human! And yes, a human being could do that he did. It was said simply his "strong will" allowed him to avoid being assimilated into the Lifestream. No mention at all of anything else. So, if Joe Schmo had a strong will in the FFVIi world and died but didn't want to stay dead, he could come back to life. And as for his transformations, well, what about them? Vincent is a human being last time I checked. The people of Wutai Pagoda are human beings last time I checked.

So, yep. Just a human with some alien parts .

In other words, being human isn't exactly "normal" by a long shot, they're not exactly weak, just wierd and possibly mutated, and capable of gaining immortality. Right.

Have faith in Square. Their money-grubbing is their most notable quality since they became Square-Enix. We'll see 3 more movies, 6 more games and 2 books about FFVII before someone finally bombs their headquarters to try and stop their sodomizing the FF series.

You seem more enthusiastic about this than I do, don't you? Do you kind of see what's wrong and ironic about that?

If they really are going to make three more movies, six more games and two more books about FFVII, and some of them are going to occur after AC, then Sephiroth couldn't possibly be dead for them, otherwise there wouldn't be much of a story left in FFVII. Which means we still can't determine if Sephiroth is really going to die yet.
Well really the answer to this one is in AC. As they say as long as there are J-E-N-O-V-A cells avalible then they can easily create a new Sephiroth. But the original ( if you wanna call him that) is basically already dead. You saw him in the crystal in the N.Crater. So yup... Sephiroth can never die as long as J-E-N-O-V-A cells are about.
Sephiroth can die. But that don't mean he can't come back. Again and again. This has been shown by the fact that whenever he does die soon after he returns. As stated by the "Will not be a memory" comment Sephiroth will not just remain in the Lifestream. Rufus himself comments that he knows that Sephiroth will keep coming back. As long as there are Jenova cells there will be Sephiroth.

Yep. he's pretty human. With alien bits inside him. That's about it. You knwow ho his parents were? Humans! You see how getting stabbed hurts him? Human! And yes, a human being could do that he did. It was said simply his "strong will" allowed him to avoid being assimilated into the Lifestream. No mention at all of anything else. So, if Joe Schmo had a strong will in the FFVIi world and died but didn't want to stay dead, he could come back to life. And as for his transformations, well, what about them? Vincent is a human being last time I checked. The people of Wutai Pagoda are human beings last time I checked.

So, yep. Just a human with some alien parts

Oversimplification. Sephiroth is partially human and partially whatever it was that Jenova was. He wasn't given Jenova cells after being born--he was given them in the womb. He developed into a hybrid of human/jenova. Being an alien does not mean he cannot feel pain. Jenova can feel pain. Jenova is not human.

If he were given the cells after birth he would be human but the fact remains that his DNA is made up with Jenova cells.
i think that he died in the end of ff7 ac,otherwise the movie would have a second part too.
It is certainly true that as long as raw Jenova cells are around, Sephiroth has a chance of reviving himself yet again. But he also needs to connect his will with Jenova matter.There are therefore many factors that stand in the way of Sephiroth resurrecting himself AGAIN:

-- First and foremost, Aerith's cleansing water has purged any Jenova cells upon contact both inside and outside the Planet (since her rain did come directly from within Gaia in the first place).

-- The Negative Lifestream containing Sephiroth's essence, has therefore been purified too by Aerith's force. As a result, Geostigma is now no more. This is witnessed in DoC, where people with Jenova cells (who formerly had Geostigma) no longer have the disease, because Sephiroth's influence was the driving force behind it, and now it's gone.

-- Then we have the SHM, the incarnations of Sephiroth's will. Kadaj willingly dispersed into the Lifestream, and as shown his dark essence turned into natural spirit energy. Not to mention, Yazoo & Loz blew themselves to smithereens.

So, as you can see, the chances of raw Jenova matter being about is VERY rare indeed. And Sephiroth has lost his battle in the Lifestream, as Aerith cleanses his dark influence. There may still be some remnant of Sephiroth's will tustling in the Lifestream, but I doubt it. If SE do decide to bring him back for any future titles, I will be very intrigued to see how they handle it.

As for the 'I will never be a memory' claim by Sephiroth. I see that more as bravado myself. He's far too arrogant to simply bow out without leaving Cloud an ominous vow.
Excellent post there, Jubei. You made a lot of great points.

-- First and foremost, Aerith's cleansing water has purged any Jenova cells upon contact both inside and outside the Planet (since her rain did come directly from within Gaia in the first place).

Actually, this I disagree with. If this were true then there would be no need for the infected kids to be splashing about in the rain or the water. There's bound to be some people who haven't touched the cleansing waters Aerith sent. Ergo, there are people still with the disease.

As for the 'I will never be a memory' claim by Sephiroth. I see that more as bravado myself. He's far too arrogant to simply bow out without leaving Cloud an ominous vow.

Agreed. People will do this when they are dying. It does not necessarily mean they know they can return--it is possible that Sephiroth did it just to scare the shit out of Cloud. Of course, it's also possible that Sephiroth does know a way to return and is enjoying this fact...but it's never explicitly stated and thus only speculation.
Actually, this I disagree with. If this were true then there would be no need for the infected kids to be splashing about in the rain or the water. There's bound to be some people who haven't touched the cleansing waters Aerith sent. Ergo, there are people still with the disease.

If you look at one of my other points, I mention that in DoC there are still people with Jenova cells. But they don't have Geostigma, because Sephiroth's will inside each cell was the catalyst behind it. Since he was defeated in AC, the cells simply rest in the body now without causing Geostigma.
is this still alive HAHAHAHAHAAH LMAO
anyway Seph is damn creature and he's already died!!

By all technicalities, Sephiroth can't be killed....

... and neither can Cloud.

It doesn't clearly describe this in the game, but we should all know the Sephiroth is the son the genova, and the father of Cloud.

How you ask? Cloud was cloned from Sephiroth which was stated in the game.. Now, onward shall we?

As long as some part of Sephiroth exists, some part of Cloud will exist. Now, lets look at this backwards.. As long as some part of Cloud exists, some part of Sephiroth will exist. Exciting isn't it?

Why do we all assume the Cloud will or can die, and Sephiroth can not? Because cloud hasn't been "killed" yet, while it was he who "killed" Sephiroth.


If you were to kill either cloud or sephiroth, you would have to destroy the genova plauge, and remove it from the life stream.

Because cloud (tired of writing cloud, he is now known as C) and Sephiroth (tired of writing sephiroth, he is now known as S) are one and the same, and connected by genova, as long as genova is in the life stream, S and C can reconect with the host, and be reborn, as long as a physical host it present as seen in Advent Children.

If you play the game, pay attention and then watch Advent Children, it all makes sence..
lol your ahead of me 0.o
Anyways, as u say that SEph is dead, he will get revived somehow like in Advent children.