Can Sephiroth ever die?

I think that Sephiroth can't be killed.But the shitty thing is that it would take him a whole lot o time to return. I mean look at all the trouble he gets into to return in AC....
But...As long as the Lifestream exists Lord Sephiroth will never be truly defeated.^_^
I've been thinking about this for a long time after seeing AC and I've come to the conclusion that Sephiroth can't be Permanently killed. Rufus really brought this into my mind in AC when he compared history to the lifestream, in that it courses all over the planet, constantly repeating itself. If this is true then Sephiroth and Jenova and the Remnants will always be lurking and when Cloud eventully dies, whose going to stop them then? It seems that Sephiroth is destined to win...

Well it's like you said. If Sephiroth dies then he will simply go into the lifestream and "float" around the planet until he is resurected again. Well then if Cloud dies wouldn't that mean there would be a way to resurect him aswell? Unless, that is, if Cloud dies then Sephiroth dies. That would be the only way to completely and totally get rid of him.
Sephiroth can die. He simply can revive himself. But, since Jenova cells are kinda inactive in most people (as seen in DoC) and they are ncessary for his full resurrection..he's screwed. His will won't stay its own forever and he'll become part of the Planet.
As long as the Lifestream exists Lord Sephiroth will never be truly defeated.
Can't we destroy the Lifestream?
I mean no Lifestream no Sephiroth, am I right?
*sigh* yes but then No lifestream = No planet.

so destroying the lifestream - which would be impossible - is probably the stupidest thing they could do in the FF7 world.
Lifestream can only do so much. That's what Kadaj and the others were. Without Jenova cells, Sephiroth can't revive himself. And since the Jenova cells are basically in remission and not doing anything at all anymore, Sephiroth can't make himself a body and come back.

Yep. Dead. Dead as Aeris and one day, he'll cease to be in the Lifestream as his will is diffused into it.
You know, AC was only a money maker. It was a test to see how far their capabilities could go.
I wouldn't take it too literally. The movie had good graphics, but honestly, the game should have been left alone.
Poor Sephy. His life sure sucks.
He should rest in peace already. lol.