Chocobos or Moogles?

Gosh this is hard cause I love both so much. Chocobos seem more useful to me unless we are talking about moogle savepoints like in IX.
Honestly i'd go with the moogle. Just because moogles seem (To me)
to be more useful to me. I mean, you can only ride a chocobo. However
in Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, you could use a moogle to fight.
Moogles are pretty wise, however they're mischevious. They were
also save points (As RandomPokes said).
save points shmave points. in 12 crystals were save points but we arnt saying there important and cool.
..We pretty much get the idea that you like Chocobos the most..

You keep repeating yourself over and over, without adding much to the arguement :P
well if you want a arguement jus ask ill give u a great one. but until someone asks me to i dont see the point.
They made an appearance in FFVI, unless it was even before that. But Moogles I would have to go with. Also, they are in Secret of Mana which is my fav. video game of all time. So, that's why I like them. :D
well if you want a arguement jus ask ill give u a great one. but until someone asks me to i dont see the point.

Alright, i'll ask for an arguement. Why do you prefer Chocobos over
Moogles? Just so I can argue with you. XD Cause I know a couple of
other things about Chocobos as well. Other than being able to ride on
ok heres my arguement. While moogles are intelligent they act like animals because on the whit mousse hunt the moogle says "oh no! the creature stole my treat!" they are very inmature and they are always bouncing around like pitiful liite mushroom guys in mario. Chocobos are trained to fight in battle situations. (in the begining of 12) and are used to find many valuable treasures. such as a lot of the materia in 7. acutally they are used to get the best materia in the game. the knights of the round table and mime. they are also used for racing and you need them ina lot of key spots in 7. such as when u need to get to the other side of the swamp and you need to escape the snake. also when you first apear in the golden sauser. to get most rare items you have to race chocobos. and in 10 to get tidus's ultimate weapon you need to race a chocobo to get 0.00 seconds. and in 9 you must do the hot/cold thing. And to end this every one says that there cool that hey are save points but we dont say save crysatls are cool.
- Chocobos cannot have conversation with humans. Moogles can, and are very intelligent beings. To simply say they only bounce around is completely wrong.
- Moogles can work as mechanics on airships (FFXII)
- They can work in Clans
- They can use many different classes (FFTA)
- You can use a moogle as a secret character (FFVI)
- If Moogles weren't around in FFIX, the Chocobo Hot and Cold game would not be able to exist.
- Also in IX they have their own Mail system.
- I'm indifferent to them being save points in IX. If they weren't there to save our progress, we'd be a bit screwed. Name at least 5 people on this who have said that Moogles being a save point was cool.
- Though not directly a real Moogle, the Moogle costume in X-2 saved Yuna from being discovered by Logos.
- They are capable of running their own shops, just like any other race (TA)
- If that moogle wasn't there to hold the chalice for you in CC, the game might well have never started, because you would be poisoned in no time at all.
- Moogles can synthesise your weapons in KH and KHII. You can also do other stuff with them in the games, but I can't remember what exactly.
- In KH:CoM, you can buy packs of cards off them to aid boosting your deck.
- Not sure about the Moogles in XI if there is any.
- As for other FF's I haven't mentioned.

So yeah..I'm pretty much backed up my arguement there. You made some good points..but I made more =P
its not about whamo kes more points. its how there points are made. and as u saw i saide the crystals are save points in 12 but we dont think they are cool. you can do twice as many things with chocobos than moogles in many games.
ok heres my arguement. While moogles are intelligent they act like animals because on the whit mousse hunt the moogle says "oh no! the creature stole my treat!" they are very inmature and they are always bouncing around like pitiful liite mushroom guys in mario. Chocobos are trained to fight in battle situations. (in the begining of 12) and are used to find many valuable treasures. such as a lot of the materia in 7. acutally they are used to get the best materia in the game. the knights of the round table and mime. they are also used for racing and you need them ina lot of key spots in 7. such as when u need to get to the other side of the swamp and you need to escape the snake. also when you first apear in the golden sauser. to get most rare items you have to race chocobos. and in 10 to get tidus's ultimate weapon you need to race a chocobo to get 0.00 seconds. and in 9 you must do the hot/cold thing. And to end this every one says that there cool that hey are save points but we dont say save crysatls are cool.

You missed two things about Chocobos. In Final Fantasy IV, if you gave
the fat chocobo gashyl greens.. They would hold some of your items for
you. The Black Chocobo in IV was able to fly, and you could get to places
that you could not on airships in the game.
I'm sorry but:

1. Whamo kes? What the..?

2. Have you completely ignored my above post which proves that Moogles are surprisingly more advanced at everything?

You're list probably only goes up to half on the one I have to do with Moogles. Moogles, have been given so many different talents, Chocobos, well, not so vast amount.
In Final Fantasy XII, there was a Moogle that allowed for people to
ride on the Chocobo. For a fee of 500 gil. So I could say that that
moogle is pretty damn smart. It's making gil, and the Chocobo gets
absolutely nothing out of it. XD
Chocobos duh. Theres so much cuter & much more useful. You can ride them instead of just listening to them