Chocobos or Moogles?

This is a tough question...if ti's about cuteness, then a moogle definatly. If it's about usefulness, chocobos. If it's about reliability, I'd have to say both, for several reasons.
I've always loved chocobos and their designing concept. Moogles aren't very cute to me, not like chocobos. So I think chocobos are better.
Moolge use to be called Mogs up till FF9, They made there first appearce in FF3, I believe.

I like them both. So I really can't chose between them.
Definitely Chocobos!

Chocobos are one of the important aspects an FF fan look for in any upcoming Final Fantasy. Their theme are pretty popular, some people use that as their ringtone.
Some are cute, some are majestic, some can be a great friend.

Moogles? They're meh. :P
Chocobos. theyre cool and you can go faster on them. plus, moogles are very annoying
[ Moved to Final Fantasy Fun due to everything on topic not pertaining to the Chocobo Series and also due to spamming. ]
Yeah sure you can ride a chocobo but its a bird. Sooo if you can fry them and eat them, which i havn't been able to do yet I'd say the bird. mmm mmm finger lickin good!! Other than that i'd say moogles, they have truly helped me out and there cool too.
Oh, I do enjoy a casual ride on a Chocobo once in a while, but I feel as though the conversation is somewhat one-sided. That in hand, Moogles are by far superior.

FFXII proves as much. I just want to take one home with me.
Chocobos are adorable, but the moogles in FF12 are beyond darling. But what about moombas? They are just as doubley cute ^^
I would have to say Chocobo's, as Chocobo's are useful by riding on, and they also can fight, They can kill ultimate villians like Ultimecia, (I killed Ultimecia with choco fire).
- Chocobos cannot have conversation with humans. Moogles can, and are very intelligent beings. To simply say they only bounce around is completely wrong.
- Moogles can work as mechanics on airships (FFXII)
- They can work in Clans
- They can use many different classes (FFTA)
- You can use a moogle as a secret character (FFVI)
- If Moogles weren't around in FFIX, the Chocobo Hot and Cold game would not be able to exist.
- Also in IX they have their own Mail system.
- I'm indifferent to them being save points in IX. If they weren't there to save our progress, we'd be a bit screwed. Name at least 5 people on this who have said that Moogles being a save point was cool.
- Though not directly a real Moogle, the Moogle costume in X-2 saved Yuna from being discovered by Logos.
- They are capable of running their own shops, just like any other race (TA)
- If that moogle wasn't there to hold the chalice for you in CC, the game might well have never started, because you would be poisoned in no time at all.
- Moogles can synthesise your weapons in KH and KHII. You can also do other stuff with them in the games, but I can't remember what exactly.
- In KH:CoM, you can buy packs of cards off them to aid boosting your deck.
- Not sure about the Moogles in XI if there is any.
- As for other FF's I haven't mentioned.

So yeah..I'm pretty much backed up my arguement there. You made some good points..but I made more =P

Moogles in FFXI run Mog Houses. A place where you can store valuable items, weapons etc. They can change your job class, deliver money from items you have sold at the AH or items from a friend.

As far as I know, all you can do with a Chocobo is ride or breed but moogles look after you. There is simply too much items in FFXI that you have to use your Mog House.

Anyway, moogles get my vote.
You make an excellent point, Daz. However, even though I vote for the Moogles, I will say that both, Moogles and Chocobos play vital roles throughout the FF series...

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
This is a very good question. I love moogles, but I have to go with Chocobo's because they have been around forever. If I'm right, then Moogles first made an appearance in FF9. But yea, Chocobo FTW.