Multiple Platforms Chrono Trigger


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
This may be my favorite RPG of all time. It is definently my favorite game on the SNES. Did anyone else love this game? Have you gotten any of the alternate endings?
i loved this game also...i though wasnt lucky enough to play it on the SNES so the first time i played it was on an emulator before it came out for the PSX...but after that i fell in love...didnt like how chrono never talked though...he was always making funny jestures and im sure he would have a lot to for the endings

i have only beaten it once and me being the tedious person that i am played all the carnival games till i got the fake chrono...and got the good ending (without a guide)...i loved using chrono, frog and the blur headed girl...i changed her name so can't remember it
I've played this game to death. I was lucky enough to have played it on the SNES but saddly I had no idea what I was doing back then. So when it came out on the playstation I just had to pick it up. I manadged to unlock about 5 endings so far. The fast ending, good ending (where Chrono lives), the bad ending (where the world was distroied), the wierd ending (everyone was repties) and the interesting ending (lucca's mother can walk). I still have more endings to unlock but I'll get around to it later.
I've played the game on an emulator before, and I thought it was cool. But I didn't finish it...I wasn't even halfway through the game yet...however, from what I saw, I really enjoyed it. I blame my hectic schedules back then. I will buy the PS version soon though. :)
uh, on the wii? lol

i got all the endings, all the techniques, dual, triple, I think I did everything in the game. it was a lot of fun, hehe :P
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Chrono Trigger is definitely one of the best RPG's ever created...if not THE best RPG ever created. I loved the storyline and multiple endings. I had the remake for the PSone but I'm planning to get my hands on the SNES version.
Does anyone know if this game will becoming to the GBA or if it is already out? I would love to have it portable and play it during my breaks at school. :)

I wouldn't say that I love the game, but I do enjoy playing it. One of the better games for SNES, if you ask me. I got a number of the alternative endings, but I don't think the majority of them were really worth another playthrough.
I remember playing this game on the SNES. It was one of the greatest games Squaresoft made back in the SNES days. i remembered getting the perfect ending (where Chrono lives). I also played this on the Playstation and got the same ending as well. right now, i'm trying to get the endings on the PS version. This is the Greatest game ever!!!
S-E really need to re-release this game. Not for more money but to give us peopel who never got to play it a bit of love. Maybe they could release it on the Wii's VC or maybe make a DS remake? I really want to play it...
This is one of my most favorite games of all time. I played through it about 2-3 times and got a few of the endings. I was planning on getting all of the endings but I got side-tracked
i really enjoyed it but it wasnt the best rpg ever as some people said. anyone think they should make a remake of it on ps2 with upgraded graphics of course or maybe a sequel....?
This forum should have a Chrono Trigger/Cross subforum, like Kingdom Hearts has. Just my opinion, though. I love both games, and wish a third would have come together rather than abandoned by Square-Enix.
I love this game. This is probably one of the best game Square soft ever made. Time traveling was fun, I loved going through time and exploring. I loved all of the main characters. Ahh, my favorite part is when you go to Queen Zeal's castle. The soundtrack is great as well.

I beat the game with Chrono, Marle and Lucca. ;D
I'm playing it right now. I have to do those side-quests. My problem is I game really hard, get through a ton of the game, and then set it down and forget to pick it up for awhile. I wish Chrono, Magus, and Frog made a good team but they really don't. :/