Multiple Platforms Chrono Trigger

You never played it before? o_O So what made you buy it then?

I had birthday money to spend, and I've heard nothing but good stuff about Chrono Trigger. So, it made sense to buy it xD

I'm certainly glad I did though, it's a very very fun game, and the storyline is really quite good for a 14(?) year old game.
That's right, and you chat with the devs. It's a great game, but way too easy to beat. And when you go new game + the monsters are ever easier!
I think that Chrono Trigger should stay on the SNES, they already made FF3 (if im not mistaken) for the DS. It's just one of those games that needs to stay on the platform it was originally designed for.
Yeah, there's no reason to try to introduce it to a new generation or region or try to make it portable or give it a more accurate translation...OH WAIT A MINUTE~!! lol
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