Multiple Platforms Chrono Trigger

Actually, isn't that a S-Jump scan...? See the pirate dude? Also, are you so sure those are screens from the new DS version...? I wonder...if it is, why not show both screens?
But, yeah, Prince Vegeta's got the right of it graphics-wise...Akira Toriyama's art style translates beautifully into 3D (cell shading)...there's Dragon Quest VIII (& the upcoming DQIX), the DBZ Boudokai game series, and Blue Dragon.

Japan are still kinda huge on Toriyama's art style and since Chrono Trigger is very much linked to them I would imagine they'd still go with that style. Which can only be a good thing.

What these guys said :neomon: Toriyama may clone his own style over and over and get paid tons for it, but at least he never makes his characters emo. And yes, they translate wonderfully into cell-shaded graphics.

Actually, isn't that a S-Jump scan...? See the pirate dude? Also, are you so sure those are screens from the new DS version...? I wonder...if it is, why not show both screens?

Not to mention you can see WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP at the bottom. And yeah, those are SNES screens. I would be inclined to say the scene of Magus's castle was featuring the dual screen, only there's no line through it. Whoever translated it as Famitsu failed. And if it was talking about a new dungeon, I would think it only natural to show a picture of it.
Uh, the mention of the new dungeon doesn't come from the scan, but from the press release.

[url=]Press Release[/url] said:
A brand new dungeon and a Wireless Play mode adds exciting new dimensions to this timeless classic
Actually, isn't that a S-Jump scan...? See the pirate dude? Also, are you so sure those are screens from the new DS version...? I wonder...if it is, why not show both screens?

Whoops, it's S-Jump. A lot of those mags kinda blur together for me...:P
Uh, the mention of the new dungeon doesn't come from the scan, but from the press release.

Well that would explain it :wacky: I'll be interested to see what time period this dungeon is in. Personally I'd love if it was in the Dark Ages, or the future. I wonder if they might make new endings too? That would be kind of cool.

Whoops, it's S-Jump. A lot of those mags kinda blur together for me...:P

It's all moonspeak to me :elmo:

The countdown has finished and now there's a small vid up showing that it is indeed a port. No changes as of yet on the US site.

Many, many brix were shat. I can't believe it's coming out so soon O_O I wasn't expecting it to hit Japan this year, so I guess us Amerifags will be getting it in the summer of '09.

Anyone here know moonspeak? I can read what it said on the vid, but my vocabulary sucks.
From what I've heard it's going to hit both Japan & NA at the same time, but anyways...Here's the new bits of that "trailer" translated by or from Ichiro78 on GameFAQs...

Ichiro78 said:
After 13 years have passed...

..."time" once again is set in motion.




To the unforgettable past...

KAERU (Frog)

EIRA (Ayla)

... the distant future...


...and finally, the end of all time.

The curtain opens for a great adventure to save the planet's life, passing time and space again and again.


Translation of the "about" section:

After 13 years have passed "time" once again is set in motion.
The decade-surpassing, everlasting classic "Chrono Trigger" finally comes to the Nintendo DS!

This is a perfect port of the 1995 Super Famicom exclusive title "Chrono Trigger". It will go on sale in winter 2008 using the hardware's double screens and featuring a new system, as well as new, fun elements.


System: Nintendo DS
Genre: RPG
Players: 1 (1-4)
Release date: Winter 2008
Price: Not yet fixed
CERO age rating: Inspection pending

That "featuring a new system" bit sounds the most intriguing to me...I also found it interesting that they used only Toriyama art and none of the new character art from TOEI from the PSX release...
From what I've heard it's going to hit both Japan & NA at the same time, but anyways...Here's the new bits of that "trailer" translated by or from Ichiro78 on GameFAQs...

Woah, a simultaneous release? That's big news in and of itself. Thanks much for the translation too.

That "featuring a new system" bit sounds the most intriguing to me...I also found it interesting that they used only Toriyama art and none of the new character art from TOEI from the PSX release...

Yeah...I wonder how that system is gonna work. I liked CT's battle system alot, so I hope they don't screw it up. What's this other art you speak of, the stuff they used for the cutscenes? I thought that was done by Toriyama too. Or maybe it was someone else who duplicated his style, it's easy enough to do.

Why is it Marl instead of Marle, though?

Because they're Japanese xD
Woah, a simultaneous release? That's big news in and of itself. Thanks much for the translation too.

When you think about it shouldn't be too difficult if the game had been previously translated and released in the US. No mention of Europe is a bit of a worry, we better not be screwed over this again.

Yeah...I wonder how that system is gonna work. I liked CT's battle system alot, so I hope they don't screw it up.

The thing that comes to mind is something like the Pokemon games where you have one screen where the battle is taking place and the touch screen for inputting commands and having the party members status etc. I can't seeing them completely changing how the game worked.
Gods, I hope they don't throw that Woosley'd mess of a script back at us again...V_V

Prince Vegeta said:
What's this other art you speak of, the stuff they used for the cutscenes? I thought that was done by Toriyama too. Or maybe it was someone else who duplicated his style, it's easy enough to do.

Well, not only the anime cut scenes, but also the character art in the instruction booklet were done by the animation studio TOEI (they also handled a majority of the DBZ series that wasn't done by Toriyama himself, I believe).

But, yeah, it's Marl for the same reason that it's Chrono with an H. >_<

In the "trailer", you'll notice that the battle scenes don't show the menu...I'm guessing that's going to be in the other screen (it was always a nuesense anyways, getting in the way of the action)...But I don't think that's enough to warrent the phrase, "new system", really...
The thing that comes to mind is something like the Pokemon games where you have one screen where the battle is taking place and the touch screen for inputting commands and having the party members status etc. I can't seeing them completely changing how the game worked.

Ah, I actually wouldn't mind that.

Well, not only the anime cut scenes, but also the character art in the instruction booklet were done by the animation studio TOEI (they also handled a majority of the DBZ series that wasn't done by Toriyama himself, I believe).

Ohhh, that art. Okay, if it's TOEI that did then it's no wonder I thought it Toriyama himself.

In the "trailer", you'll notice that the battle scenes don't show the menu...I'm guessing that's going to be in the other screen (it was always a nuesense anyways, getting in the way of the action)...But I don't think that's enough to warrent the phrase, "new system", really...

Lawds, that was annoying. I was constantly moving the battle menu up and down, and both were terrible. The bottom blocked your characters most of the time, and the top would block your enemies -__-
In the "trailer", you'll notice that the battle scenes don't show the menu...I'm guessing that's going to be in the other screen (it was always a nuesense anyways, getting in the way of the action)...But I don't think that's enough to warrent the phrase, "new system", really...

I noticed that as well. I think that techically it can be called a new system since it's different to how it was done before. It would only really be wrong it it labelled it as an original system.
Why is it Marl instead of Marle, though?

Ah, I just caught this & remembered why...In the original version her formal name isn't "Nadia", but Marledia (or some equivalent spelling)...When she tells Crono her name, she's basically catching her slip up because she almost tells him her real name, when she's trying to actually pass off as a commoner.

If anyone's interested in translation differences, you can find them HERE.
Ah, I just caught this & remembered why...In the original version her formal name isn't "Nadia", but Marledia (or some equivalent spelling)...When she tells Crono her name, she's basically catching her slip up because she almost tells him her real name, when she's trying to actually pass off as a commoner.

If anyone's interested in translation differences, you can find them HERE.
But if it's supposed to be Marl, why didn't they keep it as Marl in the fan re-translation? I looked at the script on the site and Marle's dialogue in the Japanese script said "マル” or Marl next to it.
They're going to charge us £30 for this aren't they? if so, I'm getting the ROM.
Being one of those people who never got to play the series, I'm definitely looking forward to giving it a try.
This sounds uber cool, finally a reason to go get my DS from my cuz. I also hope they dont change any to crazy. And of course it would be cool to get some added content, maybe a new destenation to go to? Anyway sounds awesome and cant wait for it.:cool: