Multiple Platforms Chrono Trigger

Yeah, they should have just had a smaller, core cast of Serge (White), Kid (Red), Harle (Black), Leena (Blue), Glenn (Green), Karsh (also Green) & Norris (Yellow)...maybe Guile (Black) or they could just actually HAVE Magus...MAYBE Riddel for another White...but I think she could just as easily have been a good NPC...MAYBE Zoah & Marcy for another Yellow & Blue...maybe Grobyc, since he fills that Robo void...but anyways, w/a smaller cast they could have fleshed out those characters significantly better...As is I think they only really did a good job w/Kid...and maybe Harle a lil bit...kinda...*shrugs* There just wasn't enough unique dialog or anything for anyone else. It was all just cut&paste w/a different stupid accent....
Chrono Trigger on the DS

A new page on publisher Square Enix's Japanese web site reveals that the company is planning to port its acclaimed SNES RPG Chrono Trigger to the Nintendo DS.

Pointing to a directory marked "ctds", the page (pictured left) shows the Nintendo DS logo juxtaposed with the series' iconic clock image. While the page itself is titled "Countdown Clock", there is no indication on the page when the countdown is scheduled to end.

Further evidence of an upcoming port comes from the pages of this week's issue of Japanese gaming magazine Jump, as relayed by users of gaming forum NeoGAF. No translation of the report was immediately available.
Initially released on the Super Nintendo in 1995, Chrono Trigger was later brought to the original PlayStation, complete with animated cutscenes. A sequel, entitled Chrono Cross, hit the PlayStation in 1999.

While the port is only currently set for a Japanese debut, Square Enix has localized nearly all of its recent Nintendo DS offerings. Combined with the title's status as a fan-favorite, an eventual North American release is quite likely.

Chalk up yet another worthwhile game for the DS. It's about time they put this game on a current system too, getting it for the PSone is pretty hard these days unless you shop online (and alot kids' parents are too paranoid for that).

Now if only they'd get around to making a sequel. It's a shame they shut down that fan project to remake Chrono Trigger in 3D.
So it hasn't been stated weather its gonna be a port or a remake has it?
Sadly, I'm not big into the hand held consoles.
BUT I do hope...that if this sells well, Square will see how big the fan base is for this franchise and create a new one for the next gen consoles.

That's the countdown page. I shit a brick when I saw it.

From what I've heard Square planned on making another Chrono game, but never did. Was gonna be called Chrono Shift or something like that.
That's the countdown page. I shit a brick when I saw it.
It's showing me what time it is at the moment :wacky:

Anyway, I guess this is great news for the people who have played the Chrono series or didn't get a chance to. I can't really say I'm hyped because I'm not...mainly because I haven't played them. But based on the reviews of the current Chrono games if this gets good reviews then it might be worth the investment.
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From what I've heard Square planned on making another Chrono game, but never did. Was gonna be called Chrono Shift or something like that.

Chrono Break actually, they had the name trademarked several years back. Nothing has come out of it yet of course, but Yasunori Mitsuda (composer for CT and CC) has been talking about wanting to compose a soundtrack for a new Chrono game. Tokita (the director) would love to do a sequel as well, but he wants the original team back together if they were to do one, which is why it's taking so long.

Hopefully though, this Chrono Trigger port will show SE that the series is still popular and they might give the old Chrono team a break and let them work on a sequel.
I really hope this is a remake and not just a port. Unlike with Tetsuya Nomura and his FFVII compendium nonsense, I'm pretty trusting of Tokita to be able to make a remake without significantly changing the original heart of the game. The fact that he's adamant to gather the old team in order to make a new installment is a testament to his design conservatism.

I logged on to my iGoogle and saw the news on and thought, "That's's pretty late for an April Fool's joke, isn't it?"...then I scrolled down and saw the same news on and thought, "wait-a-minute...could they both be reporting some site's sick idea of a joke...?"...then I scrolled down and saw "The Clock Ticks on Chrono Trigger DS" on my IGN DS news feed and just about dorkgasmed! >_>

Hooray! A...ticking clock? wtf...Yeah, thanks for finally doing what I've been saying should happen since I saw FFIII DS, but what a fucking tease! "Oh yeah, it's only been 8 years since the last installment, I'm sure they'll be completely satisfied with this..."...V_V

Anyways, I hope it's an awesome remake ala FFIII DS, FFIV DS, and the DQIV-VI remakes...
I played the game briefly on a ROM, so yeah, this is very good news if it comes out over here. I'd snap it up in an instance.
Fantastic news! And here I was contemplating the other day whether I should get Chrono Trigger for the PSX. I've played a little bit of CT on ROM, and I thought it was pretty neat. But I would really like to play it on an actual system now. I've heard great reviews for it, so I'm definitely getting this.
Chrono Break actually, they had the name trademarked several years back. Nothing has come out of it yet of course, but Yasunori Mitsuda (composer for CT and CC) has been talking about wanting to compose a soundtrack for a new Chrono game. Tokita (the director) would love to do a sequel as well, but he wants the original team back together if they were to do one, which is why it's taking so long.

Hopefully though, this Chrono Trigger port will show SE that the series is still popular and they might give the old Chrono team a break and let them work on a sequel.

That's the one. I remember hearing about it a few years back, but I'd pretty much given up hope on it a long time ago. Who knows though, this could change thing.

As for those of you who've never played Chrono Trigger.....coooome oooooon. You should be forced to play that game before you're allowed to play any other rpg.
Ooh, that's pretty cool. I've always wanted to play Chrono Trigger, but never got around to downloading / playing any ROMs of it or anything, so if it's ported to the DS I can finally play on it ^^
Ok this is my favorite video game of all time so I am definently excited. :D

Though I would have rather seen a remake for the Wii I'll definently take a DS remake :)

And I won't even mind the chibi graphics that the Wii will probably give us because

realistic looking Chrono Trigger graphics = FAIL XD
As for those of you who've never played Chrono Trigger.....coooome oooooon. You should be forced to play that game before you're allowed to play any other rpg.

I've played the game twice and I still fail to see why people fap furiously to this game. It's definitely an RPG that should be played, but I just don't see what makes it so insanely great. Supposedly it's the characters, and I've seen better...supposedly it's the story as well, and let's be honest, it's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. It's hard to make a very in-depth storyline when you have 13 or so endings.

But don't misunderstand me, it is a good RPG and anyone who hasn't played it should. I just think it's a bit over-hyped.

realistic looking Chrono Trigger graphics = FAIL XD

They'd just look like Dragon Quest, and the last time I checked, Dragon Quest had nice cell-shaded graphics. How exactly would they fail?
I've played the game twice and I still fail to see why people fap furiously to this game. It's definitely an RPG that should be played, but I just don't see what makes it so insanely great. Supposedly it's the characters, and I've seen better...supposedly it's the story as well, and let's be honest, it's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. It's hard to make a very in-depth storyline when you have 13 or so endings.

I've played games I've liked better than Chrono Trigger, but I still think it's a must play. Maybe I only think like that because it was one of the first rpg's I ever played though. It kind of set the standard for me. In any case, I think it blows most current and recent rpg's out of the water. (Notice that I said most. I can think of a few out now that rival or trump it. Persona 3 not the least of them.) I think Chrono Trigger's best quality is it's replay value. I love games you can play over and over without ever getting bored of it. Probably why I'm such a big Cave Story fanboy. I played Chrono Trigger on the snes when it first came out, and I still play through it every now and then.
I was just thinking the other day about how they should've make chrono trigger for GBA, even better for DS. I kind of hope they dont completely redo the graphics, because I enjoy the linear-ism of the 2D graphics. When I play FFIII for the DS i say to myself wow this is taking way to long. But CT's creators hopefully would do a better job remaking it than FFIII's did with that game. But this is all saying that it is even going to be a remake, I would be perfectly fine with a port with something cool maybe the menu or a map or bigger battle screens on the opposite screen.
One of Chrono's original main draws was indeed the characters because it was really one of the first RPG that used sidequests to further develop the characters. Even in a lot of current popular titles they forget to do this.

But, yeah, Prince Vegeta's got the right of it graphics-wise...Akira Toriyama's art style translates beautifully into 3D (cell shading)...there's Dragon Quest VIII (& the upcoming DQIX), the DBZ Boudokai game series, and Blue Dragon.
Cause considering the current craze in Japan, they'd all look emo ;)

Japan are still kinda huge on Toriyama's art style and since Chrono Trigger is very much linked to them I would imagine they'd still go with that style. Which can only be a good thing.

I thought it was announced to be a port with added content and the ever-present double screen/stylus controls chucked in and not a full remake, has that not been 100% confirmed yet?

I'd prefer a perfect port over a remake personally.