Multiple Platforms Chrono Trigger

Loved this game! My favorite character was Frog... but it totally bugged me when he talked.

It's not that I don't like Early Modern English... I love it! And Frog's grammar was totally off.

Grr... ya don't just add -eth to every freakin' word to make it Elizabethan...
i just downloaded Chrono trigger.....looks nice but i think its not good for kids :lol:
I sincerely believe that this is the best game of all time. I have been playing it for 12 years. I play it now about once a year. I've gotten everything possible, but still can't stop enjoying this game!
i still listen to the music regularly, especially while working inside the computer labs. it is simply beautiful.

though, i`ll admit i barely even remember this game, which is a shame.
makes me want to try out the pc simulator.
i really enjoyed it but it wasnt the best rpg ever as some people said. anyone think they should make a remake of it on ps2 with upgraded graphics of course or maybe a sequel....?

Remake? With upgraded graphics? On PS2? I'd say no. It's beautiful enough as it is. Learn to love its 2D glory. Besides, do you know how many petitions there are to port this thing to the GBA?
Has anyone played it? For me personally; it was one of my favourite games (and RPG's) ever! The way you could go back in time and alter the future. Really awesome. The storyline was great, the gameplay was great...I could recommend it to anyone to try it!
I loved this game! I loved the characters (Toad was cool!) and the battle system was easy to understand. Id like to see this remade with 3D cel-shading graphics (to keep that anime look). What do you think the odds of that are?
I loved this game! I loved the characters (Toad was cool!) and the battle system was easy to understand. Id like to see this remade with 3D cel-shading graphics (to keep that anime look). What do you think the odds of that are?

MMmmm... I'm afraid that won't happen even though I would love to see that happen. This game wasn't that much of a hit, I think.At least I don't know a lot of people who have played it. I know of a sequel on PSX though: Chrono Cross, but I never managed to get it. I wonder if it was as great as Chrono trigger.
Chrono Trigger is one of my favorites! I've seen about three of the endings and I still want to take some time to see the rest of them.

I've played and beaten Chrono Cross and I think it was a good game, in my opinion, but not as good as Chrono Trigger. A lot of people don't like Chrono Cross, though.
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I'd like to actually finish the game sometime soon. I've heard many good reviews about it, and I'm very well aware of the fact that it's one of the best RPG's out there. But like I stated before, I only played it on an emulator and never finished it. I'd like to buy the game for the PS version.
I absolutely love Chrono Trigger! One of my absolute favorite games I played, and beaten. As well, it's one of the few "Silent Hero" games I played.

The characters and storyline are really good, and the game play is pretty good too.

If you can find this game (FF Chronicles) definitely get it.

An oldie, but a goodie :)
I'm in love with this game. I seriously cannot think of as much as one thing I don't like about it. The graphics were just stunning, and compared to many other RPG's, they still hold up very well to this day. Same goes for the gameplay and storyline.

Pure brilliance.
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPG's ever made, and considering it was made in 1995 during the end of the 16 bit era its no wonder that the game pushed the console to its limits.
The storyline was great and the fact that there were so many different ways (times) to complete the game and multiple endings all added bonuses. IMO this is the greatest of
all the 16 bit RPG's.
I'm playing in right now. I bought it for my SNES a couple months ago and just now got around to actually starting a file on it. It's really good. =D
This game wasn't that much of a hit, I think.At least I don't know a lot of people who have played it. I know of a sequel on PSX though: Chrono Cross, but I never managed to get it. I wonder if it was as great as Chrono trigger.

Yeah, totally not much of a hit...only one of the (if not THE) most popular, well-known RPGs of the 16-Bit era. Constantly on every one of the "Top Games That Need a Sequel" lists...even though it's technically already had two...:cool:

Anyways...I can imagine a 3D CT DS game...Matrix Software's already done good w/Final Fantasy III DS & the upcoming NA release of Final Fantasy IV DS...I can't imagine Square-Enix not doing more oldschool 3D DS remakes (their Enix half also did Dragon Quest IV DS, though developed by ArtePiazza)...and thus, hope for 3D CT DS!


EDIT: Oh yeah, Chrono Trigger also happens to be the Wikipedia Featured Article of the day today! Chickity CHECK it out! Before you rickity WRECK yoself!
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Chrono Cross is by far a superior game. In fact, Chrono Cross is one of the best RPGs ever created. Trigger was fun and was my favorite Old School game. But I've never had more fun with a game then with Chrono Cross.
i was in 4th grade when this game was released in the usa...ive probably beaten it...well alot of times considering it is not very long, but ive gotten all stars stats for every character in every do so u do have to beat the game around 7 times and get keep ur stats and correct the rite accessories, any other advice email me

oh yea the point of this post! in my top 5 rpgs of all time, FFVI and FFVII being tied at first
frostybanana said:
Chrono Cross is by far a superior game. In fact, Chrono Cross is one of the best RPGs ever created. Trigger was fun and was my favorite Old School game. But I've never had more fun with a game then with Chrono Cross.

Well, while I do love Cross as got to admit that Trigger just plain had TONS more Character Development in it's pinky finger than Cross had in it's whole body...That's the main thing that made me sad when playing Cross...

I've said it a lot, least Crono had a fuggin surprised sprite! lol
Well, while I do love Cross as got to admit that Trigger just plain had TONS more Character Development in it's pinky finger than Cross had in it's whole body...That's the main thing that made me sad when playing Cross...

I've said it a lot, least Crono had a fuggin surprised sprite! lol


i still liked cross a lot more. the main characters had a good bit of development but there were a LOT of supporting characters so there was no way they could develop all the characters thoroughly.