Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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REALLY?! Wouldn't have figured that considering that the initial reason it's going multi-platform is due to the lack of sales (PS3) and the smack-down the 360 is laying down on the current gaming market. Wouldn't have guessed that at all.

Feel free to insert sarcasm <here>.

Obviously Square was out to make money, but they WERE above the influence of greed before merging with Enix. Once Enix moved in and they realized that they could make more money on what Square had already accomplished they decided to move in a strike. Square used to care what the fans thought.

On another note this isn't going to devastate PS3 sales as they're already poor, it's one less reason to purchase the console, but it's not the sole reason.
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Overall it's a good bit of business for Microsoft while a blow for Sony. It's a weird decision in some ways since JRPGs to my knowledge don't sell too well on the 360 but I'd imagine the Final Fantasy name should give it a better chance over the likes of Blue Dragon.

I'm all for it going multi-platform personally, gives more people a chance to get it.
Obviously Square was out to make money, but they WERE above the influence of greed before merging with Enix. Once Enix moved in and they realized that they could make more money on what Square had already accomplished they decided to move in a strike. Square used to care what the fans thought.

I think one of the reasons Enix decided to capitalize on Square's success was because of Final Fantasy's audience. Enix's flagship series, Dragon Quest, has always been more popular while FF has been more popular in America. It presented a great opportunity to rake in even more cash.

On another note this isn't going to devastate PS3 sales as they're already poor, it's one less reason to purchase the console, but it's not the sole reason.
Good point you make. I guess it'll just hurt their chances of recovering. I always hear Sony fanboys claiming that the PS3 will catch up to the 360 and eventually get a better library. They've been saying that for almost 2 years now and it hasn't happened yet. If it ever DOES happen, I'm betting it will be too late for them to make up their losses.

Lately their sales HAVE been doing better thanks to MGS4, but eventually that's going to die down, especially because word is getting around that it offers very little gameplay and has negated the need for any stealth. I don't think anyone but the most diehard fan is going to pay $500 for a game that can be completed in one day.
I was a bit disappointed, not many exclusives left on the PS3. I'm not that much of a Sony fanboy, who try to make wars and arguements between MS fanboys but I can't stand watching MS fanboys, go around in forums and acting like they were better, and do nothing.
I don't see why anyone's all that surprised. Square has always put their series on the strongest running consule. First it started on the Famicom, then the Super Famicom, then they switched to the PS1 and PS2, and now it's going on the 360 as well as the PS3. I mean, we all know that it's not the first time Square has switched. Did you think FF was only going to be on Sony consules forever? You know half the numbered series is on Nintendo consules.

And everyone is saying that SE is selling out because they are expanding their potential fanbase. I wonder how many people complaining about it are people who bought a PS3 thinking FFXIII would be exclusive only to now feel betrayed. :gasp:
First of all... the PS3 isn't doing as bad as everyone assumes, though the 360 has, in fact, sold more systems, if only becasue it came out a year earlier. People still think the PS3 is limping along, but thats not true, sicne the redesign and price drop, its sales of steadily grown, and its doing just fine. That said, the 360 is a total failure in Japan, where Nintendo and Sony dominate the market.

Second, the only reason they're doing this is becasue they want to broaden their sales in the West, where the 360 has sold the most of the next gen systems (you could call it greed, I call it good business). And take note of that... "in the West." FFXIII is still a PS3 exclusive in teh Japanese/Asian market.

And besides, between the multiple discs that will be required, and the inevitable compression of the game (which may result in loss of quality), the PS3 version is still sure to be better, for multiple reasons. I simply do not think this is as big of a deal as some here are making it out to be. Sure its huge for 360 fans, but for FF fans who bought a PS3 for FF... you still made a good choice, becasue FFvXIII was confirmed to be a PS3 exclusive worldwide at the SquareEnix press conference.

Anyway... here's hoping SquareEnix has some big announcments for us tomorrow.
First of all... the PS3 isn't doing as bad as everyone assumes, though the 360 has, in fact, sold more systems, if only becasue it came out a year earlier. People still think the PS3 is limping along, but thats not true, sicne the redesign and price drop, its sales of steadily grown, and its doing just fine. That said, the 360 is a total failure in Japan, where Nintendo and Sony dominate the market.

Second, the only reason they're doing this is becasue they want to broaden their sales in the West, where the 360 has sold the most of the next gen systems (you could call it greed, I call it good business). And take note of that... "in the West." FFXIII is still a PS3 exclusive in teh Japanese/Asian market.

And besides, between the multiple discs that will be required, and the inevitable compression of the game (which may result in loss of quality), the PS3 version is still sure to be better, for multiple reasons. I simply do not think this is as big of a deal as some here are making it out to be. Sure its huge for 360 fans, but for FF fans who bought a PS3 for FF... you still made a good choice, becasue FFvXIII was confirmed to be a PS3 exclusive worldwide at the SquareEnix press conference.

Anyway... here's hoping SquareEnix has some big announcments for us tomorrow.

Beautifully put though I still consider Square sellouts for their betrayal to SONY.
Betrayal? That's just exaggeration. It's not like they were ever pledged to Sony. Also, Square "sold out" long before this. Advent Children, anyone?

Overall this was a clever move by Square-Enix, I think.
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I don't see how they're sellouts. It's called running a business, and Square and Microsoft are doing a damn good job at it. Of course they want to make money, who doesn't!?

You maybe upset for getting a PS3 just for FFXIII but it's still coming out for the PS3, so why does it matter? I admit, I wish there were more appealing exclusive games for the PS3 but I can still get non-exclusive games on it. No offense, but just getting the PS3 for FFXIII isn't a smart move. I would have waited until Square Enix release FFXIII in Japan, then get a PS3. FF Versus XIII is still exclusive for the PS3 so far.

There's no use in thinking about that NOW when Sony should have thought about their impending doom when they decided to put a grand worth of electronics in their console. Sony set themselves up so they can't blame anyone but themselves. Casual gamers aren't going to go drop $600 on a game console. There's far better things that can be one with that amount of money. So just the price alone was what turned most gamers away initially now it's the lack of exclusive titles, and the lack of utilizing the features Sony promised us when the PS3 was first announced. I'm not bashing Sony, but they made a poor decision.

Exactly! Sony should have thought about this before creating the PS3, and the cost. Not everyone can afford a 500 hundred dollar console that has a small library of games. I do like Sony, and I do like the Playstation, but Microsoft was very, very smart this console war. They we're able to draw more Japanese developers to make games for the Xbox. I'm sure they paid them a good amount of money as well. As for Sony, seems like they're aren't aggressive like Microsoft. Gamers thought that the PS3 would do better this year but by the looks of it the PS3 is still in third place.

I'm all for it going multi-platform personally, gives more people a chance to get it.

Agreed. Some members even mentioned here that they can play it now on the Xbox.

I don't see why anyone's all that surprised. Square has always put their series on the strongest running consule. First it started on the Famicom, then the Super Famicom, then they switched to the PS1 and PS2, and now it's going on the 360 as well as the PS3. I mean, we all know that it's not the first time Square has switched. Did you think FF was only going to be on Sony consules forever? You know half the numbered series is on Nintendo consules.

Yes, VR mentioned that as well. Sony doesn't own Square Enix. It's just a business putting their stuff on something they know that they will make money on.
Beautifully put though I still consider Square sellouts for their betrayal to SONY.

Okay, I'm getting really tired of all you Sony loyalists crying about SE "betraying" Sony. Final Fantasy hasn't been Sony exclusive for A LONG time. Let me outline some games and their release dates so you won't be able to ignore it:

Final Fantasy VII for PC - 1998
Final Fantasy VIII for PC - 2000
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for GC - 2003
Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls for GBC - 2004
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for DoCoMo phones - 2004 (has since been ported to a couple other phone services)

Notice how none of those are Sony? Final Fantasy hasn't been exclusive to Sony for ten fucking years, get over it.
I forgot to mention. If you watch the E3 conference the president of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada mentions that the reason why he is releasing FFXIII to the Xbox is for North America and Europe fans have a chance to play XIII now. At least Square Enix is considering their non-Japanese fans, which I find very kind of them.
i don't like it

RPGs like the general FF games don't belong anywhere else then the PS

versus would've been acceptable, because it's an action-rpg, but that, apparently, remains a PS3 exclusive..

I forgot to mention. If you watch the E3 conference the president of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada mentions that the reason why he is releasing FFXIII to the Xbox is for North America and Europe fans have a chance to play XIII now. At least Square Enix is considering their non-Japanese fans, which I find very kind of them.

it's not to give them a chance, it's just to milk FF out more..

PS3's are being bought by NA and european RPG fans because it features most of the best RPGs

the reason it's being released on the xbox is money, not considering their non-japanese fans
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i don't like it

RPGs like the general FF games don't belong anywhere else then the PS

Awww, is someone upset that their favorite company doesn't have the leading RPG console anymore?

Please explain just WHY Final Fantasy games don't belong on anything but Sony platforms, because I'm dying to know. Did you also protest the release of older FFs on the GBA and the remakes on the DS?

it's not to give them a chance, it's just to milk FF out more..

Really? I didn't know you worked for SE. I'd be interested in learning more about them from you.

PS3's are being bought by NA and european RPG fans because it features most of the best RPGs

Excuse me, what "best" RPGs? The best RPG Sony has going for it right now is Morrowind, a series that started on the PC. The 360 has Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and is going to have Tales of Vesperia (exclusive), Star Ocean 4 (exclusive), The Last Remnant, Infinite Undisovery, Fallout 3, and now FF13.

the reason it's being released on the xbox is money, not considering their non-japanese fans

Again, I'd love to hear more inside secrets from SE since you work there. Oh wait, you don't.
So basically from the last 2 days we've learnt...

- FFXIII is no longer exclusive to the PS3 and has been shifted towards the Xbox360 as well.
- Japan is staying PS3 exclusive. (As it stands)
- They planned on having the same content on both consoles but the Blu-ray and DVD will be different.
- It is still undecided how many discs it will ship on.
- It might not be simultaneously released in the US and Europe because of the language difference.
- Crystal tools is being used for the PC base to set the game at a faster pace.
- No motion controls will be used in FFXIII.
- FFXIII Versus will not be going multi platform (PS3 exclusive).
- It was only recently decided to go multi platform because of SE recent relationship with Microsoft.
- They have to do market research before they can say the PS3 or 360 version will sell better.
- FFXIII won't be like XII.
- Xbox live is still undecided.
- Compared to FFXII, the atmosphere is difference. The tempo and the speed are different. The entire direction is different. It's flashier. (XIII)

There's a new trailer:
Kudos to Casanova and Addle for the link.
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So basically from the last 2 days we've learnt...

- No motion controls will be used in FFXIII.

- Xbox live is still undecided.

What does the first point mean?

And does the second point mean it might be online....somehow?

I well don't undersstand these things...and if might be multi disk for the 360 will that make it more expensive to buy....?
First half of the trailer was boring, got interesting once we got to Ifrit. Like Carbuncle's look.
I'll have to link to a video, I can't explain motion sensors without a visual aid xD
Motion sensors so basically, of you turn the control left or right etc. (literally) then the character or whatever turns left or right as well.

I dunno about online, there has always been minor rumours that XIII might have an online feature but it might just be that achievement thing they have going on which will be completely pointless for an FF game.
As for the discs/price...I have no idea. :wacky:
Im a 360 owner and this shocked me as well:O. I didnt even think that it was possible to port it to 360.

This is really similair to the time Square had to switch from Nintendo to Playstation so I think PS3 lovers should have seen this coming. I think that like last time Squares lack of loyalty to one console is in the best interests of the company and the franchise. It would have been difficult to sell this game and outside of Japan if they hadnt made this decision.

In saying that I dont think its a terrific idea to port it because Im a 360 owner and Im not going to buy the game unless it looks ideantical to, or better than the PS3 version. Also I like adventure games but what Ive seen in the trailers so far, particularly the chracters, isnt typically what would appeal to someone like me.

But Im still likely to buy this game because I am looking for RPG adventure type games for the 360 and there arent alot availible. Also Im more likely to get into the FF franchise now because now I can own every game without buying a PS3.
To everyone who is bitching about this decision saying that SquareEnix is just doing this for money... OF COURSE THEY'RE DOING IT FOR MONEY!!! They're a fucking business!!! If they weren't trying to make more money, they'd be pretty damn stupid, now wouldn't they? Sure tehy have a fanbase to be loyal to, but OBVIOUSLY not all fans are blind pure blood Sony supporters... in fact, most REAL die hard fans own many different systems becasue you would HAVE TO to own all the Final Fantasy games. FF is not, nor has ever been a Sony exclusive franchise... sure some games have been, but if you include PC versions, only Final Fantasy X and XII from the main series have been exclusive. BUT THATS ALL BESIDE THE POINT!!! Any company who isn't out to make a profit is worthless (literally)... so bitching about a company trying to make more money is the STUPIDEST FUCKING THING I've ever heard... and thats saying alot... I mean... seriously... I live in Utah.