Contest Prizes?

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there is something I am sure of it, with all the internet sickos and all, it does get a bit iffy if you hand out your adress to people you hardly know
That's why you pay people from UPS or whatever Delivery service to send you your shit. :wacky:
How about designing a Final Fantasy character. All the entries can be judged by the admin and the winner gets the prize.
prizes don't really need to be sent through the post, most people have Paypal now, or another option is to simply have a custom member group with enhanced privileges the winners can enjoy.
The contests can begin as soon as we figure out what the prizes will be and what the contests will be. This is still brainstorming session time!

Now back to some thunder and lightning!
The cheese factor with you is unbelievable, but you're snazzy xD

Idea for a contest...kinda XD

remember earlier in the year when BustaMo ran the FFF awards? How about you do it again now, and let people vote on the catagorys and make their own and stuff and then the winners can have a Star added to their profile or something...

Or if someone wins SOTW so many tiems they could get a little star added to their profile too, it might encourage more people to enter it too ^_^
I'm in full favour of this.

Has this been done before? And if so, what were the requirements?
I can assure you, it has not xD

One major factor with this idea is that the majority of the members here aren't over 18, or aren't of ... sound mind xD [although that applies to a significantly smaller number]. I can't imagine many parents being thrilled with the idea of approving their child to give away details because they've "won money on the internet," or they've won a prize and such like. Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn't be too thrilled about it myself. Everyone knows that FFF has been hacked on more than one occassion - now, I'm not sure of the extent to which the hackers have had access, but it seems a bit risky keeping everyone's details on the datebase.

Although I do admire the thought behind the gesture, I really can't see it going through.
Maybe you new admins can get people to participate in forum competitions.
People don't seem to want to join mine for squat. :monster:

I'm all in favor of extra profile perks. I saw a lot of really nice things mentioned in here.

By the way...we really need a cute symbol for those of us who are friends of FFF. =]
And I think you guys need a new paypal account for the site. ^.^
Has this been done before? And if so, what were the requirements?
I dont think it has been done before. But a drawing of the character and a characters stats and bio/story would be good enough I should think.
I like this idea and am taking note of it. What other contests would be interesting and fun?
Everyone knows that FFF has been hacked on more than one occassion - now, I'm not sure of the extent to which the hackers have had access, but it seems a bit risky keeping everyone's details on the datebase.
It's called e-mail.
Also, it's quite possible to delete received PMs once the intended party has taken written note of the required details.
And make the games a little more fun :monster:
Last time it was great for the first week, then it suddenly died cause of the server move. So no server moves during survivor.
also, if survivor is redone it would be best that the passwords to the huts were not left on show for any member to view

when I was not logged on I could have easily viewed the passwords and spoilt the game
Er, Survivor flopped last time due to these reasons;

-The hack

As ailments have now been cured, I say go for it.
I want to be on Steph's team again xD

And The Guv'na XD

But yeah, if you can get a nicer host...*has a person in mind* And the admins have the Time to create the subforums and move you all to the survivor group (which i think is still in the database) go for it =]

I wouldn't do it again though *shudders*
Haha i would ^_^
Ill be on team A again since you all know it was the better team :monster:
A survivor would be nice, and I wouldn't mind joining.

Also.... if your still on the idea of contest prizes.... maybe original copies of hard-to-find FF games?

Like the original FF1 for NES, etc.
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