[CX] The Facility


yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009
Cruxis' very own chit chat thread! Talk about your last game, or even about your day.

Please try and keep these posts at least two lines, as we still have post count here.
Cruxis, ftw. xDD

I've had a splitting headache for like three days so I haven't really played anything. I did talk to Mits about a co-op on UC2 though, hopefully tomorrow. Hopefully I can finally defeat that Nepal Warzone level. :mokken:
Awesome! I found my old bluetooth headset, and it works. I did a little talking to Mits, but it's kind of weird when she doesn't have a headset herself. :8F:

But you have one, right? That will be awesome.

The Nepal Warzone level is my favorite one. Once you do it over a few times, it gets fairly easy to complete.
Having a headset is so convenient. I'll have mine in a few days. Thanks for telling me to "climb up" when I had no clue what I was doing for a minute there. :wacky:

Although you keep taunting me whenever I try to help your ass and get killed in the process myself. :ahmed:
Aw, I wasn't taunting you. :wacky:

I was just laughing because I knew you were probably laughing at me for dying in the first place.
Cruxix is :awesome: Oh and Ari has a headset? I demand to hear her voice :gasp: I don't have a headset and I don't think I need one :hmmm: I ranked up to Brigadier General on MW2 (level 54) Tommorow I should be level 56 or so!
Crucix eh? I feel like i'm in a cult or something :wacky:

I'm playing with Ryan tomorrow, gonna ask Dan if he wants to join.
I feel like i'm talking to myself when others can't communicate back to me. XD

Talking about Uncharted 2, maybe after some RE5 if Ryan still feels like playing :mokken:
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Xbox Live: I just got to 56 on MW2, loving the new sniper rifle got something like 17 kills with it in the first game i used it in...

Erm also looking forward to FFXIII on my Xbox sooo much now, and yesterday I ordered my shiny special edition hardback guide from Play.com who have a reputation for sending products out early. If I get the guide before the game the temptation may be quite hard to resist...

PSN: Nothing to say here. Although I think I will play a bit of LBP and Assassin's Creed 2 to get a few trophies then I will post up my PS3 Trophy card in the other thread :D
Adri, the mic only works on PS3. So you're gonna have to buy Uncharted 2 to hear me. :mokken:

/evil laugh

I think I'm gonna play with Tia, Ryan and Mits on Friday, so I'll be online a lot... if anyone else wants to play that'd be super.
If you guys want me in i'll play too, if not well...

Whatever, i'll just take off and go party or something :wacky:
Yeah, that'd be awesome.

I'm only doing co-op and survival, though, because I stink at deathmatch. :ahmed:
No I dont have to buy Uncharted 2. You can just send me a voice message cant you? like voice chat but I wont have a mic >_> Im just seeing if you can send me a voice message. If 360 can im sure ps3 can too :gasp:
Shit. I was trying to fool you into buying it.

I guess I can... :ness:

I'll do it once I get home from school. >=[
Ariana I told you im buying all games that I want AFTER Final Fantasy XIII. I promise you That! But ill be on XIII for quite a while xD. Im sure you will too anyway xD. Also dont try and fool me into buying it to hear your voice xD. I know you can just voice me :ryan:
Talking about Uncharted 2, maybe after some RE5 if Ryan still feels like playing :mokken:
I'm cool with that, I'll need to install it or w/e you need to do with it since I deleted everything to do with RE5 once I finished it :wacky: Uncharted 2 is win, especially on survival. I wonder if my mic works. :hmmm:
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I'm cool with that, I'll need to install it or w/e you need to do with it since I deleted everything to do with RE5 once I finished it :wacky: Uncharted 2 is win, especially on survival. I wonder if my mic works. :hmmm:

Get the DLC while you're at it, the new mercs mode is ace :wacky:

The other DLC comes out march 3rd :awesome:
Yeah, well, if you don't buy it then I'm not talking to you. :grin:

Your mic had better work, Ryan. :ahmed:
Oh you are so mean! You heard my voice already! I want to hear yours now you twat xD. I know I will like it :ryan: Also Ari just send me a voice clip or whatever when you get on :gasp: No need to buy the game just to hear you >_<
Call me a twat again and see what happens. :mokken:

What the fuck am I supposed to say? >_>
Just say Hai. I didnt know what the hell to say to you at first So I just said anything to you lol. Also ill call you a twat if you dont voice me :mokken: Is it too hard to just say hai? Anyway im gonna be off for 2-3 hours and then ill be back :ryan: