[CX] The Facility

I feel so left out not having played Uncharted 2 and not owning it. :(

For PS3, I've been working on Borderlands, which I just bought on Monday. I'm having fun with it so far. :ryan: I'm at Sledge's Safehouse looking for a Mine Key. I kept running out of ammo when I was trying it last night. I think my luck will be a little better this time around.
But but killing zombies is fun Ryan.... 8(

Ah well least you like UC2, you better not get rid of it >_>

No, Uncharted 2 is win :ryan:

It's up there with my all time favourite games: Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy XIII when I get them. And Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time and Dragon Age which are both win!
I was gonna pre order ff13 and get heavy rain today but my mother's sick -__-

I'll have to figure out another way to get there, somehow :hmmm:
So apparantly you all have played a lot more PS3 than I have. :mokken: I suppose I could run through and get a bunch of trophies for the GH's, but I'm not in a GH mood. And the Unreal trophies are mostly done on insane and many many battles online. I grew impatient with doing insane difficulty campaign and I never did online play for this game.

I was hoping there would be a Collectors Edition of FFXIII, which I would have then pre-ordered because they would be limited, but the only thing you get for pre-ordering (in the states), is a mini playthrough guide, which I don't care about because I'm buying that awesome hard covered sexiness of a full strategy guide. :ryan:

I pre-ordered FFXII a few years ago on Amazon, but I got it maybe like 2 or 3 days after the game came out, so I just figure I'll buy in the day it comes out. :ryan:
Usually when i get a game i try to get everything on it, that is why i am on alot. Though i end up quitting halfway or so depending on what the prerequisites are for the game to get the specified trophy.

I still need to complete Batman and a few others for the plat trophies. :hmmm:
which I don't care about because I'm buying that awesome hard covered sexiness of a full strategy guide. :ryan:
Win, that guide is well sexy. I ordered mine on Amazon the other day :ryan:

I have a few platinums I could get, too. There's Dragon Age which I'll slowly progress through to get the full epicness of it, God of War II and Final Fantasy XIII when it comes out :hmmm:
Win, that guide is well sexy. I ordered mine on Amazon the other day :ryan:

I have a few platinums I could get, too. There's Dragon Age which I'll slowly progress through to get the full epicness of it, God of War II and Final Fantasy XIII when it comes out :hmmm:

Has the price for Dragon Age dropped Ryan? I've been meaning to get it but there is other stuff i want first. I'll get that if the price went down a bit first though. Always wanted to get a WRPG to see if i like it.

Stang, how is borderlands? 8(
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I'll be up for some UC2 gaming tomorrow, depending on the time.

I mean we all live in different time zones, so it will depend on what I can do it.

I can potentially be available any time after 2 or 3pm GMT, until early evening (I might be going out).
Awesome then, I'm available tomorrow so we should set up a time to do Plunder or Deathmatch or whatever. (Even though I suck at those). Hopefully my mic arrives tomorrow.

I'm itching to play right now actually. :awesome: UC2 is so addicting.
Stang, how is borderlands? 8(
It's pretty damn fun so far. It seems like the possibilities for guns and combinations are infinite, that's what seems most interesting to me. But it's awesome for sure. It's all mission based, so it's like a constantly moving GTA game with first person shooting. Not to mention the leveling up of ability unlocking and such. If you like DMC, then I can pretty much guarantee you'll like this game as well. :ryan:
It's pretty damn fun so far. It seems like the possibilities for guns and combinations are infinite, that's what seems most interesting to me.

Go figure. :mokken:

It seems I missed a lot. There's already like four pages in here. :gasp:

So are we playing UC2 tomorrow?
I'll probably not be using a headset if we play.

I do own one, but I might not plug it in. :hmmm:

In fact I haven't used it yet at all.
Played some co-op objective with Ariana and some random guy - we kicked ass until the end. Too many snipers. :sad3:

And then with Kaylee...it was just the two of us. We got pretty far for just us, but again, snipers were everywhere. xD I think I'm doing better now, although I'm still typically at the bottom of the leaderboard. >.>
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I just ranked up to Brigadier General III (level 56) I got the new sniper and its good. Also I might be staying home tommorow. Im kinda bored of MW2 well just because of campers. I aim to play with you guys during the break. Like Suki we should play some sciv and try to connect :hmmm:
Gonna have to prod my brother into getting UC2 and RE5 on his PS3 (It's technically not mine even though I have an account) so that I can play with the majority of you guys.

So Xbox huh, if guys are PS3ing on Friday maybe you'd be up for Xbox on Saturday or Sunday? Any time during the day, I'm not going anywhere this weekend, so I'm up for any variety of online play or campaigns depending on who wants to do what :D
Fucking hell, i shouldn't have taken that nap earlier. I'm sleeping early tonight, i'm taking that nyquil since i couldn't sleep last night. I talked to Ariana about tomorrow, she doesn't want to be Nathan so i'll be party leader. I'll send invites so keep an eye out on your inboxes people.


UGH people, can you confirm that you are playing tomorrow? Ari's getting all broody saying that none of you will show up on time, etc etc
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