[CX] The Facility

What time is it that people are planning?

It might have been mentioned here, but I haven't seen it.

I'll try and figure out if I can turn up or not.
I work tomorrow so I'll be getting off around 10PM. Should be available around 11. And yes, we should definitely play some Halo on Saturday or Sunday.
Tia doesn't get off work till 10pm her time i believe, so around then. I don't know if that will work for everyone else out of our time zone though. Since it'll be what...around 6am for you lot? (in the EU i mean)

Let me know if this is a good time for tomorrow people!
6am... For me that won't be good. I'll likely be fast asleep at that time, even on the worst of nights / mornings / sleepy times.

But I'll just turn up whenever I can at anything you organise. There's bound to be some times we overlap at some point, but it is a tricky issue to get around.
The only good possible day i can see all of us on is sunday, though i don't know what everyone's plans are that day. I'm not sure i'll be online myself, this time organizing is a pain *_*

As for the whole being party leader, talk with Ariana if you don't believe me. AND i know some of you don't >_>
I'm in all day on sunday. I'll be focusing on uni work, but I could go and play some games with people if I am told that people have planned it or are ok to play a game. That said... Contacting me might be a pain... My PS3 is downstairs, and I do my work upstairs... And if people were to contact me on FFF then that would mean that if I am on FFF to see it then I am dossing about and not doing any work anyway, and therefore will likely not be able to go on the PS3. :hmmm:

Unless I just check FFF every now and then... See if I have a PM... Or just check my e-mails, as it will likely e-mail me if I recieve one.
I'll message you via private message dan, to let you know when the others get online that day. That's if they get on i mean, but if they don't i might be on that day not sure yet now though.
Yeah, that'd be awesome.

I'm only doing co-op and survival, though, because I stink at deathmatch. :ahmed:
OMGZ High five Ari! I suck eggs at deathmmatch it's not even funny >_>

Well, today I played co-op with Mits! :D haha... we died and failed miserable xD I died from a sniper and Mits was in a headlock xD Mits improved her level quite a bit actually :monster:
though, just for the two of us we did good on UC2 xD

and the whole time thing is just a mess IMO D: I'll be on when i'm on xD If I recall Tia has the same time zone as me so, chyea :monster:

When will the competition between us and team A start anyways? :hmmm: I can't wait :awesome:

I should add Tia.... :hmmm:
OMG Me, Mits, and Ari owned tonight! WOOO!

Though what happened on round 5 of survival was ass, i went to go heal ari and that stupid ninja wannabe guy groped me to death >_>
Holy shit, I'm still laughing at Mits not knowing how to cross that bridge.

"No! Don't shoot me!"

I love you, really, Mits. :wacky:

We did pretty well, I think I went up a level or two. And, we unlocked hard mode! Wewt!
Lol I don't know about you guys but my head hurts. We were playing for a good couple hours there. It was weird listening to you guys carry on a convo though...just wait until I get my mic soon. -__-

Ari screaming "Nooo" in a high pitch and ticked off voice was epic. xD It had so much passion to it. I still sucked but at least I didn't die as much as Ari did...although I was still always on the bottom of the leaderboard. :sad3:

And then all that came out of Nick's voice were a string of curses that my daughter at one point went, "Oooh, mommy he said a bad word, that's not nice!" =P T'was funny though.

But it was an awesome game, guys! =]
I tried sooo hard not to curse, sorry about that Mits.

Its kinda hard not to, i'll try not to curse so much next time haha.
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Nick curses like a sailor when we play RE5. :mokken:

It's amusing though. :wacky:

We had fun playing RE5 tonight although that guy with the chainsaw was an asshat. And I managed to fail twice on that button mashing part. :ffs:

Friggin' motorcycle gang of zombies. -__-
When I played with Nick he seemed to act a lot like Emerson Cod (from Pushing Daisies) while playing Uncharted 2 co-op. "Oh HELL no!" :D

Damn. You all seem to be having a lot of fun, and I haven't played with anyone yet since this was set up. Then again, it has been only a few days, and the time zone I live in is a bit of a problem but that's not to say something can't be worked out. I mean we often overlap on the forums, and I can't imagine we're all up until silly hours of the morning whenever this occurs, so there might be reasonable times that people in different time zones can play.
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When will the competition between us and team A start anyways? :hmmm: I can't wait :awesome:

Team A is still working on a few kinks, as far as I know. They should be ready soon though.

I still need to talk things over with Amanda and work out how many people on each team have compatible games/consoles so we can have a competition. Although, I was thinking about having a trophy/achievement competition between teams, as that would be easier. Whoever gets the most amount of trophies/points in a set amount of time wins. I'll have to see if anyone's interested first, though.

Mits, Tia and I on UC2 co-op with mics is a scary thought. :wacky:

Kaylee, I heard you're getting a mic Saturday?! Nice.

Oh, btw, this weekend I should be getting RE5. Maybe Disgaea 3 if my grandma's feeling nice. xD
How many people can we play with on survival? I know on the co-op maps its only 3 people. If we can't play with more than 3 on survival i think we have to play team deathmatch or some other form of team game.

I know team games we can have up to 10 people at once, not sure about other modes.

EDIT Alright, if everyone wants to do Team deathmatch or any other Team game speak up, if not i guess we'll have to alternate people for the co-op maps. If anyone has any ideas on how this could work out ideas are wanted and welcomed.
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And Dan I, tell me how Heavy Rain is, I see you playing it 8F

Yeah, it arrived today. :D

I think it's great. It's a big laggy on my PS3... I'm not sure if that is because my PS3 is too clogged up with data, or if it is a game fault.

But so far it is looking pretty ace... Though I've already messed up that scene seen on one of the videos released of the
man with the gun in the store.. I ended up having to knock him unconscious :D

FBI Agent Norman Jayden's ARI system is really great... It was great in the demo, but it can do so much more in the game. It can act like a
full virtual simulation device
and he can
play with virtual balls
, and
create virtual environments to make his office look better

As for the story so far it is looking great, and very sad too.

It also has a lot of trophies. :hmmm:
I think it's great. It's a big laggy on my PS3... I'm not sure if that is because my PS3 is too clogged up with data, or if it is a game fault.
Not to take this completely off topic, but I noticed having some lag issues with Borderlands as well. I mean, it's not like the environment is coming from the internet and there was internet lag, so it's either the game or system. I found it odd though, whatever the culprit may be. I'd hate to blame it on the system because it's so powerful, but the game is brand new and shouldn't have even a little scratch on it. It's odd though.
How many people are you playing with online Stang? Thats a major factor for lag in the game. IIRC, if its more than 4 people playing the game lags really badly. It gets worse if the maximum number of players are on playing, which is ten if i remember right.