[CX] The Facility

Sorry for the double post but anyway heres some info for the mode

Taken from here http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=uncharteddf&thread.id=66236
TimeLord28 wrote:
How do you capture video for creating machinima if it is game code? I've never been one for making machinima (though I do like watching some, at times) but I this game might get me interested enough to do it myself. Does anyone know how you are supposed to export Uncharted 2 video? I read in a magazine that you need something to capture the video with. What is that? Can anyone help me with how you're supposed to capture your gameplay?​
1. You have to have an external capture device like a dazzle dvc 100 like i use
2. you can not export the videos to any certain site but you can send them to friends and maybe they'll edit them for you
3. the magazine probably mentioned something like a capture card
4. to capture gameplay, buy a 30 dollar dazzle dvc 100 on ebay
-have fun, heres a video i made in machinima http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxkrR6N6e5A
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Oh, I hope there is. :wacky:

Are there other ways to record your online sessions anyway? I know Dan (Stang) does it. :hmmm:
All of my videos are external capture. :ryan: Basically just a camcorder pointed to the TV, hence you hear my voice in the background. And if I did it that way, you wouldn't hear Arianna cussing up a storm, just me cussing up a storm. :lew:

The internal capture method would be done with a gamebridge, which will take the sound and video directly from the output (so you wouldn't hear me cussing, but Arianna you would because it would be in the game audio). :ryan:
We should go for that whoever gets the most trophies challenge, we should destroy them :ryan:

I agree. Especially if a few of us have Heavy Rain... That game has a lot of trophies! I got 10 last night!

Yeah typically when I see you on Dan, you're playing Heavy Rain and I would love to co-op with you but I don't wanna seem like I'm disturbing your game. :wacky: So if you see me playing UC2, just invite me to co-op if you're up to it. =]

No worries. I don't tend to notice who is coming online and going offline while I'm involved in a game, but I'll keep an eye out during loading screens etc and check who is on and what they are doing so that I can request to join if anyone is.
How many trophies does Heavy Rain have exactly Dan?

I'm installing the god of war 3 demo at the moment, its taking too damn long -__-

I mean Resident Evil 5 is bigger than this demo and it installs faster, i don't know why this demo is taking so long to install.
I've not sure as I haven't counted them. It does scroll down for quite a while. There's definately a lot of them, and probably different trophies for different choices you make.
Oh, i'm probably getting it tomorrow. My mother's feeling better, least she sounds like she is. Hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow, although it would be kind of fitting don't you think? Getting the game Heavy Rain, while there's heavy rain going on? :wacky:
If there is going to be a "Who can earn the most new trophies" I'll take part. I've only just started ACII and there are 30 or 40 easy ones I could get within... a day.

Also my brother has a few other games which I could play which I haven't even played on my account yet.
Dan and Mits, I actually can't play right now or even a little later. My family thought it would be a brilliant idea to say "Oh, yeah, we're going out tonight. Get ready." :ffs:

If you're up for it, maybe later tonight.
Hah, good game Dan and Ryan! xD Even though we died and shit. I had to get off since I've been playing for more than a couple hours now. I made some stupid careless moves that had probably been a nuisance for you guys. xD
Dan and Mits, I actually can't play right now or even a little later. My family thought it would be a brilliant idea to say "Oh, yeah, we're going out tonight. Get ready." :ffs:

If you're up for it, maybe later tonight.

No worries, some time in the future perhaps!

I won't be able to "tonight", as your "tonight" is likely to be my 5am. :sad2: But there will likely be a time like today when it is possible.

And cheers Mits and Ryan for the games. They were ace. :D

We had some pretty funny synchronised deaths in a few of the rounds.

And once again Ryan... I keep getting you with my double grenades. That happend last time we played (a month or so ago) and I apologise for that. :ness: Yet again it was because I hadn't noticed you were crouching next to the big GAU wielders until my grenades were already half way through their flight. :sad2:

I hadn't ever played the Sanctuary map before. It's quite a good one, though I made the mistake of jumping down to my death at one point as I assumed that the massive hole in the middle had something to grab underneath it. :brooding:
Ugh, I hate the Sanctuary map with a passion. That big hole sucks. I fell off a few times too. My favorite one so far is the Lost City. Nick, Ari, and I were THIS close to finishing up Round 10 but for some reason we all got disconnected. At least I can finally say I reached Round 10 on Survival...

Lol Nick and I had fun teasing Ariana in one of the sessions. He killed her, and she was in count down, so both he and I went up to her and taunted her using the action button, watching her die a painful death. :wacky: You hear her screaming in the background, "Nooo, don't let me die!!" Ah, I was laughing my ass off. It's fun to mess around once in awhile. We got into a few cat fights too, and then I hear her say, "Mits, look at me. No, look at me!!" So I looked. She blew me a kiss. I shot her in the face. My Chloe don't swing that way, Elena! =]

Dan, you're pretty good. We gotta play again sometime!
Double grenades are win, I think I did it to you to Dan so we're even. :wacky:

I like The Sanctuary though, the only problem is you're comfy on the highest platform but when you need ammo you get massacred when you jump down, or they climb down and choke you to death >.> I like the map on survival which is quite a long one but not very wide, I can't remember what it's called though :hmmm:
Woah. I wasn't sure if you could see other people taunting, as I haven't seen anyone use them yet other than me. I wish I'd known that sooner as I think I did it too often once.. The kiss taunt as Drake just looks so camp. :D

Dan, you're pretty good. We gotta play again sometime!

Cheers. I think we all did good together as a team. I haven't got that far in survival before I don't think.

And Ryno kicks ass on The Sanctuary... Over 70 kills! :O

I like The Sanctuary though, the only problem is you're comfy on the highest platform but when you need ammo you get massacred when you jump down, or they climb down and choke you to death >.>

Yeah. I tended to die whenever I jumped down to stock up on ammo. I could survive for a while, but as I'm trying to get back up there I tend to get shot in the back with a shotgun. It's a good place though.
I think if we get the rooftops covered we should be laughing. Have one person where you were sniping from, one person in the middle (I was able to shoot a lot of the shield carriers in the back from there which were on their way to be a nuisance), and one person on the other side.

Then when we are out of ammo, the other two cover the person as he/she jumps down to find it. We need some sort of signal for that when lacking headsets though... Perhaps just spam the kiss taunt until we get each others attention? :wacky:

I like the map on survival which is quite a long one but not very wide, I can't remember what it's called though :hmmm:
I'm not sure if I've played that one yet. :hmmm:
Hahaha, that's a good signal, Dan. xD Sometimes I wanna say something like "No stay up here!" or plan a coordinated tactical move that would end in 'win', but you definitely need a headset for that. That's why it's easy playing with Ariana and Nick - they typically will talk to each other about what they're planning on doing and I can get enough gist to try and cover one of them if need be.

Oh and I finally passed Gold Rush!! Well actually, my husband did, but I helped him plan it out since he's new to the whole online play game. But nonetheless, we finished Round 10 for gold rush! =] Next stop - Survival.
I got Heavy Rain today, I never ever felt so connected with the characters this much before in any game. I don't know why but i connect more with Ethan, other than that i'm liking it thus far. Though the whole choices thing with each scenario, i'm not good at them eheh.

Hey Mits and Ari, you guys want to play tomorrow? Hopefully we can beat survival completely then.
I was wondering... Has anyone downloaded the new DLC for UC2 and played the new online maps that are taken from locations from the first game?
I was thinking about downloading them. :hmmm:

I got Heavy Rain today, I never ever felt so connected with the characters this much before in any game. I don't know why but i connect more with Ethan, other than that i'm liking it thus far. Though the whole choices thing with each scenario, i'm not good at them eheh.

I'm connecting with all of them, though less so with Madison (as I am not a girl). I think the characters are great, and the way the story unfolds (whichever route it takes for you) is done really well. I can see me replaying this a lot.
Have you finshed it already or are you still playing it?