[CX] The Facility

What model do you have Dan, of the playstation 3 i mean. There are some that haven't been affected by this outage. Though it is a very small few amount of people, don't know if it's been said but. Even if your PS3 hasn't been online or turned on its still affected. Last i was on mine was 2am today, i then turned it on at 4pm my time, then that happened.

So i don't think it matters whether its been on recently or not. I read that it has to do with the programing of the date and time.
I have one of the 'fat' models. I can't remember exactly... I think it is the 80GB model.

I've read in the thread about it that they are getting a fix out there soon, and that all is not lost and the trophy and save data will be magically restored... :hmmm:
Soon could be later today or sometime next week, i'll tell you one thing though. I sure as hell am not getting a new slim PS3, that and i'm definately not beating all my games again. I had long hours put into them after many long, grueling, frustrating times. I'm not going through that again, my time will be cut short when school starts and that is not too far off now.

Honestly, they should've thoroughly checked its programming before releasing the system. But they didn't as everyone else does with anything new that comes out when it comes to electronics.
I've heard a fix is meant to be scheduled for "the morning"... Not quite sure what time zone it was referring to there though...

They have said that you won't lose your game data though, or your trophies. They are going to release something that fixes the problem and retrieves all of that data.
I've been refreshing the twitter page since it happened, it wasn't mentioned what time it will get fixed. So wherever that info is from can't be credible, all the news sites i went to didn't mention when exactly it would get resolved.
Why thank you. =]

And about the cheating part...that wasn't cheating, you dork. =P It's not my fault you chose to read and reply to my message while in the middle of war. :awesome: No such thing as 'time-outs'.
Your oh so welcome :ryan:

And it's cheating if I say so :mokken:

Sadly though, your right XD

I'll get you back Mits. Don't you worry about that =P

@ Nick
Yeah, i don't think i'll get the slim either tbh =/ it'll just be a waste of money when I already have a PS3.
I think it sucks for you because you just got yours working again not that long ago.

As for the save data and trophy things, I do hope that it is right >_<
Yeah tell me about it, first time it was people that were playing stupid games with getting me a router. Now again its people, only this time with faulty programing. I mean i'm not saying i'm smart or anything but fuck i sure feel smart with all this stupidness going on.

Ugh if there's anything that pisses me off is the fact that some people laugh at others misfortunes. Stupid idiots, yet some people tell me to grow up.
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PS3 fail is epic, epic fail.

Problem is, if it's a software error, if the PS3 has a massive fuck up now they can't do anything since it won't allow you onto the net to update. I'm not turning mine on. :wacky:

And if it breaks, GAME are refusing to trade in for the Slim. Arseholes, I'll force them trade if need be >_>
Sony will go bust from this if it can't be fixed.

That's a good point there actually Ryan... They say that they are looking for a way to fix the issues, but if we can't even connect to PSN then how are we going to get the fix? :ness:

They'll have to set up a service to fix MILLIONS of PS3's... That alone might destroy the company.

I'm counting on it being fixed by some magic I don't and never will understand, but that's me putting my faith in them really.
Apparently it's something to do with the clock that may sort itself out by midnight


Please note that I am now out of the office until 10AM tomorrow morning.

I'm concerned that some of you are considering removing the internal battery from your PlayStation 3 system. Please do not do this -you risk damaging your console and voiding your warranty, both of which really are not worth it for the sake of a few hours.

Our previous advice still stands: We hope to have the problem solved within 24 hours (about 21 now, if you've been counting
) and you should avoid using your console until then.

I have given my phone number out to everyone who will be "in the know" about further updates on this issue. Our teams across SCE are working flat-out to fix the problem for you. Should anything come through, either myself or one of the moderators on shift tonight will post the update for you.

I'll also be jumping on and checking PSN tonight from midnight with my own console, just in case
I'll let you know the results.

As an aside - thank you all for your patience today. I appreciate that it has been frustrating and I am thankful to all of you for keeping the forum tidy and insult free!

Much love to all - MB
I feel sorry for you guys. =[ Now that I recall, when I first turned on my PS3 yesterday it wouldn't let me connect online, and then I tried again. It connected me but it kicked me off like three times. I'm not sure if it was just my internet connection but eh, my online capabilities seems to be working just fine now.
If they think that the clocks with right themselves then that is fine. I don't mind waiting and not going on the PS3 for the day. If that doesn't happen though... We may be screwed. :ness:

I feel sorry for you guys. =[ Now that I recall, when I first turned on my PS3 yesterday it wouldn't let me connect online, and then I tried again. It connected me but it kicked me off like three times. I'm not sure if it was just my internet connection but eh, my online capabilities seems to be working just fine now.

Yeah they apparantly closed it down for maintenance as soon as the incident started, but then they re-opened it again.
It's annoying as hell, especially since it's a stupid issue. I could understand with software but...the clock!? Then we've got some idiot saying he'll turn his on at midnight. Well that's all fine and dandy for someone who works for Sony and gets the PS3 free. :jtc:
I was online last night until like 3 am, my time. It seems like I can't sign on now, but I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, even if the programming was off somewhat, if it was major, they wouldn't be able to repair it by simply shutting down the online network. But look at this way here, at least you won't lose your system to a major malfunction, a la 360 red ring. Better that they take down the network now and fix the problem then to have a malfunctioning system in the next year.
I do actually feel sorry for you guys.

And as for heavy compensation don't count on it, if Sony are anything like Microsoft (which they are) then you'll get squat.

Readying up for some Halo tonight with Mits and Tia :D
Ha ha ha. :D

Thanks for that Ryno.

That guy is officially awesome. I might even subscribe... :hmmm:

It is a bit unfortunate that they are suddenly calling the original PS3s 'fat'. :wacky:
Readying up for some Halo tonight with Mits and Tia :D

I'm pretty sure Tyler's gonna play with us since I already told him earlier on MSN. xD I'm turning XBox on so I can send him a message real quick though.