[CX] The Facility

New ND game, The Last of Us

That girl reminds me of Ellen Page.
New ND game, The Last of Us

That girl reminds me of Ellen Page.

Yeah, there is a thread about it already I believe. It looks amazing, but Ellen Page will not be playing the girl from what I know, even if there is a huge resemblance xD.
The characters look very good.

I can't think much else about it yet. There are so, so many zombie apocalypse games / films / anything out there now. Most of them are very similar in their style. I hope it is more than just Naughty Dog Does Zombies, since Naughty Dog are a very capable company.

Sometimes I wish that people would try something else again.

That aside, it does look good. I'll probably not get it though due to not really liking the zombie genre as a whole anymore.

On closer inspection it isn't just plain zombies. It appears to be fungal-growth related, and so they are essentially mushroom zombies. That's a bit more interesting! :argor:
Ryan, we should get some Uncharted 3 going after :mokken: Oh, and not just co-op :jtc:
Ryancakes, you should blop with me soon!
I have many new tunes to sing to you down the mic.
Little Sister, Ari, play UC3 with Ryancakes so he finishes this thing and can then play blops with me
but then I will be ronery :(

I will be playing all weekend regardless, nothing for school to do :ohoho:
But it's my turn with Ryan now :mokken:

I am ronery too, everyone's moved to MW3 and I don't like it much D:
Ryan, I need your help on UC3 :rage: Ugh, do not go back to that shit game, please. I need your help. I got to the END END of Monastery on crushing yesterday with some pretty good randoms, and I carried them. They screwed up on the last set of rpg guys, though. I will be willing to help, but I want some help on the other ones if that is not too much to ask :( Why would you go back to Blops? :rage:
I do not mind helping with the other ones, but I'm doing Monastery before all the other ones :mokken:

Just for future reference to relive my great crushing victory.

This is very fine with me, Ryan :mokken: At least I get the hardest one done first! If Ari is going to join, tell her to use her explosives right, please :(
My sister's getting into co-op now. On Chateau she's standing in front of the zip line and goes "Look. I'm gonna ride down this and scare the shit out of those guys." :lew: :lew:

Also, my star looks so great! :grin:
I now have the UC3.

I'm playing singleplayer first though just in case there are spoilers.

Let me know if there aren't really any spoilers, but I noticed straight away that the assignment of characters to heroes and villains was a spoiler in itself. It certainly spoiled me back when I peeked out of curiosity on youtube. If that's all that can be spoiled, then I might play online before I complete single player. If more can be spoiled, well I think I'm well enough into the story to complete it soon'ish anyway.