[CX] The Facility

Have you finshed it already or are you still playing it?

I'm still playing Heavy Rain. I have a feeling that I'm near the end though, but I'm not entirely sure since there are quite a few ways for the game to end.
Argor251 said:
I was wondering... Has anyone downloaded the new DLC for UC2 and played the new online maps that are taken from locations from the first game?
I was thinking about downloading them.

Same. I think there's 4 new maps, correct? I forgot how much they are. I was asking Ryan yesterday that if let's say he buys the map and invites players to co-op using that map, will that map apply to everyone else as well? But he doesn't seem to think so.
Same. I think there's 4 new maps, correct? I forgot how much they are. I was asking Ryan yesterday that if let's say he buys the map and invites players to co-op using that map, will that map apply to everyone else as well? But he doesn't seem to think so.

I don't think it will either. I don't think the game gave me an update when I went on it yesterday, so it isn't something that everyone now has and needs to be unlocked to play through buying it on the PS Store.

I think in this case it needs to be bought and downloaded from the store and then it will install it into the game. Before this the game isn't likely to know of the existence of these maps, and it might just error or kick everyone out of the party if we try and follow Ryan into a game on them.

EDIT - Actually.. Now that I think about it... While I didn't have an update, when it logged me in to Uncharted 2 online it did message me telling me I didn't have the new maps, so perhaps the game DOES know they exist.

EDIT 2 - I'm not sure how many new maps there are. I know there are at least two, but I'm not completely sure what else is included in that pack.

EDIT 3! - I almost forgot! There are character skins as well... Including Drake and Elena in their Uncharted 1 clothes, Eddy Raja, Roman and Navarro.
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I was thinking about Downloading the DLC too :hmmm: My friend Richard said that he would buy them... for me so I can't agure with that xD

I think there's two new locations the least because earlier when I was playing with Mits it said that I needed to download the DLC before I could play :hmmm: so, i'm assuming that it'll let everyone view it that's in your party though im not quite sure >_> I say that because why else would the locations appear when Mits was in my party?

I did play with Mits on elimination and i kicked her arse :wacky: like outta 5 or 6 games? I won all of them but one. but she cheated xD I am crowned winner until otherwise xD

l don like to brag but

I W-O-N :D
Ok ALOT of people can't get on PSN right now


Me being one of them, if anyone else has this problem post.

I read about on how if other games are put in the trophy data gets wiped out.

I was hoping to play today too =/

I realized that you posted this AFTER i made the thread sorry nick =/ but anywho, yeah, i've been mad about that as well. I was looking forward to kicking some more arse on UC2. I also finally recieved my mic too :mokken: Go figure.
Hey i'm sorry we didn't play, if you want i promise for sure when this gets fixed i'll invite you kaylee.

I swear ^^

But yeah this is really disappointing, i hope it gets fixed tomorrow.
I did play with Mits on elimination and i kicked her arse :wacky: like outta 5 or 6 games? I won all of them but one. but she cheated xD I am crowned winner until otherwise xD

l don like to brag but

I W-O-N :D

Hey now. 2 of those games were played by my husband. :wacky: That's why 'he' lost. But I managed to beat you myself, so ha! =] Considering I've only got the game last week, I don't think I did that bad.
Hey now. 2 of those games were played by my husband. :wacky: That's why 'he' lost. But I managed to beat you myself, so ha! =] Considering I've only got the game last week, I don't think I did that bad.
Ohh- my bad so now you blame your hubby eh? xD Haha yeah you did really good actually i'm so proud of you xD. You've been progressing quite fastly.
You'll get there soon, Mits XD

...:wacky: Just messin'.

Omaigawd gaiz, I got Borderlands, SCIV, and Fallout 3 today. Haven't tried any of them yet though. Mits and Nick have kept me up all night playing UC2. =[
I'm sorry. :( I actually spelt it and thought it was wrong and I was gonna look it up and edit it if it was wrong, but it totally blew my mind. It won't happen again, promise. :ryan:

2 out of 3 of those games I own, unlike Uncharted 2 and RE5, now we're talkin'! I haven't played SCIV in probably a year or more, so I'm a bit rusty on that, but I'll play if you wanna. And I think you'll really like Borderlands. I'm at like level 23 or something now, and it didn't take me long to get there. And to boot, there are 4 different people you can use, so you can even try a different person and playthrough again. And if playing with others, it's basically co-op, working on the missions of the first player, which can either be really good or really bad depending on level. Hope you enjoy your new games! :ryan:
Ohh- my bad so now you blame your hubby eh? xD Haha yeah you did really good actually i'm so proud of you xD. You've been progressing quite fastly.
You'll get there soon, Mits XD

Why thank you. =]

And about the cheating part...that wasn't cheating, you dork. =P It's not my fault you chose to read and reply to my message while in the middle of war. :awesome: No such thing as 'time-outs'.
I'm sorry. :( I actually spelt it and thought it was wrong and I was gonna look it up and edit it if it was wrong, but it totally blew my mind. It won't happen again, promise. :ryan:

2 out of 3 of those games I own, unlike Uncharted 2 and RE5, now we're talkin'! I haven't played SCIV in probably a year or more, so I'm a bit rusty on that, but I'll play if you wanna. And I think you'll really like Borderlands. I'm at like level 23 or something now, and it didn't take me long to get there. And to boot, there are 4 different people you can use, so you can even try a different person and playthrough again. And if playing with others, it's basically co-op, working on the missions of the first player, which can either be really good or really bad depending on level. Hope you enjoy your new games! :ryan:


Since we're both Eastern time, it'll work out nicely. :ryan:

Borderlands seems really good, even though I only leveled up once and got about 2 missions in... I think. Problem being that I'm so used to Uncharted, I just go in and use melee, and then my health drops severely.

I'm pretty sure Nick has Borderlands too so hopefully he wants to co-op sometime as well.
I don't sadly, i only know what i know about the game due to talking about it with a friend of mine. I still can't get on PSN or play my games, i am growing impatient by the hour. Not only that, i found out i can't play my digital games either such as FF7, FF8, etc.

I'm so pissed, i swear if any of my downloaded content is gone i am going to keeping calling sony for compensation,this is utter bullshit =/


About the DLC for Uncharted 2, no you can't play the same maps with another person that has them. YOU have to buy the DLC yourself to participate with the person that has it. All the patch did for the game was add more trophies that is it.
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Damn. I hope the massive PSN problem is fixed soon...
I want to turn the console on and back-up my data on a memory stick but I feel I'm going to have to avoid turning on my console and see if I can avoid it... That said it appears to be as much of a console problem as a PSN one so I don't know if that will even save me.

It's a good job I saved all my data recently onto a memory stick, but I'd lose Heavy Rain and a few other games if everything goes down... And with trophies being lost this is quite a huge cock-up...

I think though if I don't try to load anything up, and therefore don't lose any trophies, then I can use my trophy data as proof to Sony of the games I had purchased / downloaded (if all memory of my purchases is wiped), and then hopefully they can recover them or maybe even give them me for free. It won't save everything, but it would be a start.

This really sucks... I was looking forward to playing through Heavy Rain for a second time and make different choices.
Will any competition type things be starting anytime soon?
The PSN isn't working. Oh dear...

What have we learned?

Xbox LIVE (y)

As for other things, is anyone up for some Halo or CoD on XBL later on today? I'll be online from about 4 p.m. (GMT) onwards if anyone is interested.
I guess every console is entitled to have a few cock-ups. Even the mighty PS3. :D

It's annoying now though, but I trust they will get it fixed. They HAVE to get it fixed anyway.
I'd say it was about 10 hours long (maybe less, maybe more), so like a really long movie. But since there are multiple choices and different endings you can replay it a lot of times and essentially play a slightly / very different game.