[CX] The Facility

How many people are you playing with online Stang? Thats a major factor for lag in the game. IIRC, if its more than 4 people playing the game lags really badly. It gets worse if the maximum number of players are on playing, which is ten if i remember right.
None, I've been flying solo. I haven't played online with anyone for Borderlands yet. For now I want to get in the groove with the game before playing with others. Besides, if I play with others, they'd have to be of similar level as me, and I don't know anyone in my level range for the time being.
Huh, first time i heard of lag in single player. I mean Fallout 3 has it points were it lags and sometimes freezes but i never heard of that happening on borderlands.
I'm sorry for saying this ahead of time, but this is a message for Ari:



I've been wanting to say that for the past hour since she kept calling me 'bitch' whenever I kill her or she kills me in UC2. xD Just wait until I get my mic.

Now that it's out of my system, Ryan and I pwned those two in Deathmatch lol. Ryan is extremely good. I just act as a little decoy while he does the dirty job, but I managed to kill Ari and Nick several times, especially during that last match. =]
Fuck you. :wacky:

We owned you two in the match before, so we're even. Assholes.

You guys and snipers, I swear! :hmph:
Whatever, we still won one match. I owned both of you then :wacky:


I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!!!!!!! :wacky:

FUCK YOU! :wacky:

You guys did gang up on me. One in the front, one in the back. (Don't take that the wrong way) :hmph:
I hate you all. Having fun while I'm (semi)working. :mokken:

j/k :8F:

But I don't think I'll be able to play tonight. I really need to finish up this homework and get it out of the way. Then I'll be available to play all weekend. :awesome:
@Nick - I'll accept you but just don't send me any messages (only invites) xD

Lol it's soooo funny hearing Ari get mad - she takes it so seriously and whining about getting killed. :wacky: "Omigod they're killing me! Argh!"

Down kitty cat.
You two won't be so lucky next time....


But anyway, it was fun haha. You guys up for it tomorrow?
:sad2: You're all having so much fun!

One day I'll join you all. I'll make sure of it. :hmmm:

I think as I came off Heavy Rain I saw some of you on UC2 as if you were playing together. I should have requested to join then, but I was on my way off the PS3. :brooding:

It's great to read about it though. :D
Yeah typically when I see you on Dan, you're playing Heavy Rain and I would love to co-op with you but I don't wanna seem like I'm disturbing your game. :wacky: So if you see me playing UC2, just invite me to co-op if you're up to it. =]


I'm gonna play RE5 and kick ass by myself tomorrow. Ryan you owe me a co-op run :wacky:
Ryan, under Cinema we can view the videos of the match. How can we upload that to youtube...?
Hhahaah I see Ariana is an angry gamer :wacky: Oh girl when I play you you better not start telling me to F*** off or something >_> Oh and UC2 does look good and the lowest score it got is 9.6 :awesome: I shall get it after XIII. I guess UC2 might be just to play with you loves <3
Its called machnima mode, i have no idea how it works though. But thats how you record gameplay to upload. I don't know more than that, i'll look it up later.