Delete A Fantasy

FFVIII, i hate it. it has no right to be a FF Game, its so abnormally different from the rest of them, it doesn't even have MP and the characters suck.

Horrible game.

thats my mini rant over :P
X-2, just looking at it, ugh.
I mean, my uncle keeps egging me to get it, but meh, I know why.
X-2. It was okay, but highly unnecessary. But can't really complain since it has the 1,000 Words song in it.

I personally loved FFVIII. I might go play it in a few. hahah.

I would delete FFX-2 from the series. I just...can't believe they put that on the market. =/. They could've done much better with their first sequal.
If I had to delete one? I would choose to delete FFVIII. Far too underdeveloped for a game that was released on time...

X-2 is a close second, but I actually love the job system and the theme song.
hmmmm.... VIII bcoz it's really my least-liked. I won't complain anything about x-2 though since it's not part of the main series.
I'd just get rid of them all, so that I'd actually get work done... =)

But seriously, of the ones that I have played, I found FF:III for DS my least favorite gameplay wise. BUT I did love Refia... soo... I guess I'd just delete FF:I then? Although a classic, it doesn't really match the quality of the others... shoot, what I am saying, I love FF:I! Darn, I am just going to have to hit the "Post Quick Reply" button and add this spam to the discussion, since I wasted my time writing it. ;)
Dirge of Cerebrus was the one I disliked the most. I hated how they made it FPS and how you could'nt go outside of the Shin-ra mansion. X-2 comes in a close second for me, both of these games remind me why sequels never work.
I don't like VIII cuz I find it emo, I don't like VII because Cloud becomes Emo and because I see it everywhere and it's givin' me serious deja vu.
But to delete....X-2's so....Girly....
FFVII. Then the world will know normality at last 8D
Sure I have my least favorite game in the series which is FFVIII, but there is no way in hell I'd want it deleted as a FF game. I loved playing through it and uncovering the plot, but it just didn't compare to the other games for me. Good game, loved playing it, it's just my least favorite FF. It still deserves the FF title, no doubt; no FF games should be deleted.
probadly FFX-2 id want to see it done differently, although not deleted. Give it a better storyline one that is worthy of being a sequel to FFX
Out of all the one's I've played, it would be X-2.

Not that I'd want it deleted, since I did enjoy the game. Nothing drastic like that, but I would like to have seen it done just a little differently, especially in regards to Yuna's character.
Final Fantasy X-2. It was a waste of time for Square Enix to develop that game. Hey it's fun playing when your bored. It was unnecessary to make a sequel to FFX.