Did anybody use Tecknicks?

I use technicks. I like to use soul eater, shades of black, poach, steal (quick money) and maybe a few others.
I used steal because money was hard to come by in that game and Libra only after I stepped on a trap and remembered I had it x.x. Everything else I don't use.
the only one i ever used was steal so i could steal items to make weapons in the bazaar and the genji gear. oh and i used first aid in the beginning of the game. otherwise the rest were useless for me.
Ever since I got Lamia's Tiara from the rare monster I use Steal on every boss, rare monsters and hunts.
I did not use Tecknicks at all. I used my Magicks and the weapons and things. Tecknicks did not really appeal to me.

Only ones I used were Libra, Telekenisis, and Steal.
I'd take 3 chrs and use Infuse on the other 3, giving me ten times the HP!!!
I just used the generic ones, the steal the telekinesis and charge I would occasionally tank out penelo and use the revive one. I pretty much had one person as a thief and stole from everyone, also I just liked getting new ones so I had a large unnecessary list to choose from.
i'm the same as a lot of the others here, i have one person with steal (though in the more fiend populated areas i tend to turn it off). i have charge setup on all and telekenisis on the short range attackers. i had revive set on my healer for a while, but then with better magicks that became a bit redundant.
Techniques come in handy every now and then.
First aid was pretty handy for me, as well as Libra for harder enemies.

Charge is kind of tricky...if it doesn't work, it'll totally screw you over and delete all of your MP. =\
The only technick i use on a regular basis is Libra. I used Steal a bit at the beginning of the game, and I have never used any of the others.
I used Steal quite a few times during the early parts of the game, but grew tired of it. I never really bothered with techniques...just Steal, Libra and Charge, but don't really like using them anyway.

Telekinesis...jeez I would have loved to use that, but I could never really find its location. =/ Oh well.
i used technicks but only against flyers or if i wanted 2 feef summat
I used Libra on the main character of whatever group I was running around with to spot the traps. I had a gambit for steal but turned it off cause it was annoying. I had the gambit Foe:Hp =100 > Steal and all he would do is run to every mob on the screen and steal from him repeadly over and over till I hit it, then run to another one and keep doing it so I just stole from bosses and rare game.

I also used Telekenesis but I was pissed that I got it at the very end of the game in the Nalbera deadlands that place was a bitch to get through and was very long I was in there for 3 hours to find the hidden vendor at the very end. But once I got it it was smooth sailing with the Hunts that were flying type.

I also used Sight Unseeing a lot for the bosses that would cast darkness a lot. I liked them, and used them as often as possible. I liked having a huge gambit system set up and not having to do anything in battle. :)