Did FFXII meet your expectations?

Did FFXII meet your expectations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 27.5%

  • Total voters
ff12 met my expectations it was an exellent game it had good character designs and city designs the designs and the detail was so good it made the game feel realistic i liked the gameplay and the battle system (i liked the turn based system being replaced) including gambits they made the game feel more better and also added strategy to it the situation of the plot was good but the whole plot wasnt good since i played the game again and this time gave more time i realised how good it was
After X and its lack in story (as ive stated before just felt like disc 1 an 2 of a previous ff) i really wasnt expecting much, but got so much more, i seriously think this could be the best ff i've played.
It went above my expectations because I wasn't really expecting anything xD When I first saw screenshots of XII, I didn't like them. The characters looked 'funny' to me, and since it's a bit different than the last couple of FF's, I wasn't really excited about it.

Then I got to play it. And it blew my mind! xD I thought I'd be pissed about the random battle's being taken out, but the new battle system is fun! I like being able to avoid enemies when I need too.

The graphics were so pretty o.o Things in FFX were a bit too.....'bright' to me, and I don't mean in a good way, like some things were almost neon, and it just kinda got on my nerves. The cutscenes are gorgeous, and one of the things that disappointed me was that there wasn't more of them x3

The characters were such a step up from X, since (if you can't tell I don't like X very much), I didn't like most of the characters in X. Either I outright hated them, or just didn't give a shit what happened to them. Like with Lulu and Kimahri, I didn't care if they just wandered off somewhere, fell off a cliff or just laid down and died. Waka and Tidus are what really ruined the whole game for me xD I hated them both. Auron, Rikku & Yuna were what kept me playing.

I didn't full out love every single character in XII, but I can't find a character that I hated either. Not a single one. I don't think Vaan or Penelo were anything special, but neither gets on my nerves, nor do I hate them.

Only real gripe I have is the music. It bored me. I loved DoC's music to pieces and listen to it frequently, so I figured XII's would have the same effect. Nope. Just wasn't pleasing to the ears ^^;;
I voted no. It seemed to me that the makers are trying to modernise to attract your average gamer. I'm enjoying the game, but it just doesn't feel like a FF game, it's lost a lot of the things that make FF so good and made me a big fan.

If this was the first FF game i'd played there's no way i'd be a massive fan as i am now.
Even though this is completely offtopic, this topic is always really interesting I put my two cents in a long time ago but I really do like reading how this game was percieved by everyone. It's kind of like a long string of personal mini-reviews. I'd like to see more of these for each FF game.
I voted no. It seemed to me that the makers are trying to modernise to attract your average gamer. I'm enjoying the game, but it just doesn't feel like a FF game, it's lost a lot of the things that make FF so good and made me a big fan.

If this was the first FF game i'd played there's no way i'd be a massive fan as i am now.

They did that back with VII. VII was a modern game as was VIII.

XII took a step back, and it is still a Final Fantasy, in so many different ways. Now what is it that this game supposedly missed out in your eyes?
Even though this is completely offtopic, this topic is always really interesting I put my two cents in a long time ago but I really do like reading how this game was percieved by everyone. It's kind of like a long string of personal mini-reviews. I'd like to see more of these for each FF game.

You should make a topic for the other FF games on their forums. :)

I haven't played XII yet. I'll be on spring break this week so I'll probably start it sometime then. I'm trying to go in with no expectations. I went into X with very high expections and was disappointed. I'll post my thoughts on the game when I'm finished.
Ten was good, I noticed a decline with FFTA(It was good, but the quality was declining), eleven and ten two were just bad, so I wasn't expecting much in the way of twelve, I was expecting maybe an average eight out of ten game, and thats about what I got, I give this game a nine, it just seems to me as if final fantasy in general is just sortov slowly declining after ten. Makes me sad, good game overall though.
With the whole story thing I think that XII was a bit of a step down from previous Final Fantasy games. With VII, VIII, IX and X you had these extravegant storylines involving sorceresses, a man of an ancient race, a power hungry sorcerer and a giant powerful monster that curses a land for its sins. Things like that. They were very much about the sort of thing you'd expect from a FF title. With XII, I don't think people got that and instead got warring kingdoms. It's not really worthy of other FF storylines probably to most people (as I've heard many complaints) however, I think it's a refreshing change. It's probably not your traditional FF storyline, but I'm enjoying it all the same. Not only that but the way it's choreographed is great and the emotion you feel from the storyline is plentiful too. I think characters are far more believeable in this game and the story does protray desperate and emotional times very well. You become really hateful for some characters and start to really feel fond of others. I think it is a change, but a refreshing and enjoyable one.
They did that back with VII. VII was a modern game as was VIII.

XII took a step back, and it is still a Final Fantasy, in so many different ways. Now what is it that this game supposedly missed out in your eyes?

I think it's mainly the plot and characters, i just can't seem to fall in love with it as i have with the other games, i would have preferred the old battle system but i don't think that's a major issue, just something you have to adapt to.

I am only half-way through however so hopefully i'll be turned in a couple of days.
Hope that post didn't sound snappy >.> *points to my previous one*

Do you prefer the old system of random battles..or..the system where you could chose an attack without having fear of being struck? :)
I think X was my favourite battle system, the lack of the turn-based system in general is what i miss though, at times it feels like i'm playing a slash em up.
It still has the turn based stuffness, although I do get what you mean :)

Sometimes I didn't like the system..especially when I tried to flee from battles and couldn't >.>
I feel your pain, very frustrating when that happens.

I am enjoying the game, but it is my least favourite at the moment, maybe things will change after playing it more though.
I, for one, am kind of an amalgamation of most of the posts here, I can see where a lot of people come from, what with most FFs revolving around a common enemy, Sephiroth, Sin, Ultimecia, Kefka and so on, this story seems a lot less focused and more based on the movements of countries and races, which is odd, and not usually to my taste, but at the same time, I think it's a nicely weaved story, which involves all of the characters, rather than just one ( let's face it, FF7, although my absolute favourite FF of al time, should have been called Cloud and Co. , it was almost entirely about him)
I can only input so much opinion, as I have only got so far as Bhujerba, and the Lhusu Mines, but I am a fan of the new battle system, simply because I think FF12 is supposed to be a driven, fast moving game, and the fighting reflects that. If it was random battles and the like, then I can see that messing with the pace of the story. I think we are supposed to look at Ivalice as a living, breathing land, and the monstewrs being on the field reflect that bautifully, IMO.

The Licence Board is genius. There are no 2 ways to say it. I've found it to be extremely rewarding, and I've often found myself power levelling way beyond anything I've done in previous FFs, just to get that last licence before I go on with the story. It gets really addictive, and a natural progression from the Sphere Grid from FFX, which I also loved... However, I am dreading the time when I run out of Augments, because then I'll have to resort to licences that need external things to complement them.... tut tut...

The Gambits, I find good, but slightly underdeveloped... If i put 2 gambits on say Fran, one for Ally HP <60% Potion
and then another for Ally HP <40% Cure
then i've found that Fran can't tell the difference, and throws a constant stream of potions at HP critical characters, even though the Gambit says to cast Cure on chracters with HP less than 40%... So, I would say it was interesting and rewarding, but not very intuitive....

Now Vaan, I am not happy with. I think his voice is void of emotion, ( i did think the same of Fran incidentally, but now I love her to bits, she's my 3rd favourite good character after Basch and BALTHIER, who rocks) Hopefully, he'll grow on me in time, but I'm not impressed thus far.

And there is my contribution, END OF RANT.

(This is also my first post, and it is a long one... Go figure)

I love FFXII, it's a wonderful addition to the series, it takes a lot of elements from the online version and makes a great plotline to go with it, it's kinda like a remixed version of the online game for those who don't want to pay the monthly fees but want to know what it's like.... sorta.
when i read about the game first i was unsure about it from the start. i think its on of the poorer final games in recent times.

but its still a brilliant game worthy of the final series.
XII is very duplicitous in living up to expectations i.e. it did and it didnt, I was only dissapointed by the story as i felt it didnt develop like the others, in that respect VII VIII and IX Blew it out of the water, however it did make up for it with like 80% better gameplay so im gonna say yes. Shoulda just put that bit more effort into the story though, however I love it and am glad its in my FF Collection :-)
LIOS said:
"can only input so much opinion, as I have only got so far as Bhujerba, and the Lhusu Mines, but I am a fan of the new battle system, simply because I think FF12 is supposed to be a driven, fast moving game, and the fighting reflects that. If it was random battles and the like, then I can see that messing with the pace of the story. I think we are supposed to look at Ivalice as a living, breathing land, and the monstewrs being on the field reflect that bautifully, IMO.

The Licence Board is genius. There are no 2 ways to say it. I've found it to be extremely rewarding, and I've often found myself power levelling way beyond anything I've done in previous FFs, just to get that last licence before I go on with the story. It gets really addictive, and a natural progression from the Sphere Grid from FFX, which I also loved... However, I am dreading the time when I run out of Augments, because then I'll have to resort to licences that need external things to complement them.... tut tut..."

I agree with you to an extent, the license grid made me want to power level for a while, but thats when I realised that i was only power levelling so much because THAT is the game. Dungeon, fight, dungeon fight, 10 seconds of generic story aaaaand Dungeon.

Much has been said about this new battle system, but that is because everything in the game is built to service the battle system, rather than the battle system servicing the game as in previous FFs.

So, i'd rather take the old battle system, or FFXs, not because i fear getting struck, but because I want to be interested in the story and characters, and I think the new battle system is the reason we do not have this.

Though yes, it does give the impression of a living breathing land, it takes you out of the game (imo) to have to go... wow, theres a wolf, minding its own business, not attacking me, but damn i need the XP, lets kill it anyway. Thats computer game logic that takes you out of the story. I mean, how do you justify that these characters go out and kill harmless animals for kicks and xp?? At least the random battle system meant that they attacked you.