Did FFXII meet your expectations?

Did FFXII meet your expectations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 27.5%

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Not a chance in hell.

After reading all the reviews about it. I could barely wait. I was prepared to get my PS2 chipped to import the game back in November but thought otherwise since the PS3 won't have that much backwards compatibility and I wouldn't want to reduce the life span of my machine.

By the time when it was getting released. I waited an hour for my reserved copy as I was told they were recieving copies 2 days early and couldn't wait to play it. 3 weeks later and not that impressed. Not saying that it is a bad game but with reviews like Famitsu giving it 40/40, PlayStation 2 Magazine awarding it 10/10, X-Play 5/5, and other very close scores. If only I had saw Gametrailers.com review first and I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

I don't think any Final Fantasy game has been giving this much love by the media yet titles like FFIX don't seem to get the recognition they deserve. (Speaking of which I am going to start again in since it is so great.)

What I didn't like about Final Fantasy XII was mainly the battle system. I appreciate that they tried to revolutionize the FF series with a new battle system but I think it is a bit of a lazy system. I know I will probably get bombarded with comments like "You don't have to use Gambits" but the system is too fast pace that you will be stopping and going nearly all the time. Even if you don't have Gambits on if you just tell your characters to attack they will constantly attack. In previous Final Fantasy games I would normally struggle first time round, especially with the last boss but frankly this seemed fairly easy. I know there is the Yiazmat with 50M+ HP but as I know of it, there is a safe crystal near by and all you have to do is save every once in awhile as long as he doesn't have Regen on. I'm not doubting that he will be strong but that just sounds like more of a endurance test rather than actual battle strategy. Someone said on another forum that it took him over 5 ingame hours to kill him. I don't know if it is just me but I would rather have an absolute kick ass boss rather than a boss with incredibly large help but no problem cause save crystal near by. I probably shouldn't go into much detail about that since I haven't actually faced him but I'm just going by what I have read.

Some of the characters are poor, like Vaan. If it wasn't compulsory to control (And by that I mean in cities, towns etc when you have to be Vaan.) then you wouldn't notice him. He basically just lurks in the shadows of most of the other characters until he says a cringeworthy comment which reminds you why he doesn't talk most of the time. The only thing that even connected him with the story was his brother's death at the hands of Gabranth and even that wasn't that big of a deal throughout the game. Same can be said to Penelo. I think crap also came out of her mouth whenever she opened it, I don't know because I can barely remember her. I don't think Balthier had that big of a connection until you find about him being a judge which I thought ruined his bad ass sky pirate gimmick. After that he just didn't seem the same Balthier anymore. Obviously Fran was there because she was his sidekick.

The story was very dull. According to reviews the story would have many twists and turns to keep me playing the game but as far as I know. The twists in turns in the game were: You find out that it wasn't actually Basch but his twin brother. I don't think it actually tells you who his twin brother is until near the end but it was very obvious after seeing Gabranth without his helmet early on in the game and I recall Emperor Gramis mention about his brother in one scene. Anyway, wasn't that much of a suprise. Dr. Cid turning out to be Balthiers father which really wasn't made into a big deal. Vayne just briefly mentions near the end and that was it. Balthier used to be a judge, which I thought ruined his kick ass sky pirate gimmick. The last I can remember was Vossler turning against you which I thought it would have been decent if they had actually left it for awhile atleast. It didn't last long and you kill him basically when you find out.

Too much walking. I liked it better in old FF titles when you can just get in your airship and land were you want but the same as last you can only go to certain destinations with either an aerodrome or a teleport crystal. Speaking of crystals. I don't like the fact that they heal you, it makes it too easy.

By the sounds of it, it would seem as though I hate this game but there are things I liked about it like the License Board. I remember reading that this was suppose to be confusing (aswell as gambits) but I actually found it straight forward and enjoyable. I liked the music. I know some people didn't but I quite enjoyed some of the music. Some of the characters I do like. Balthier, Fran, Basch, Vossler, Vayne, Reddas, Dr. Cid, Al-Cid and all the Judges. I would say the voice acting for these characters are great. After playing it, I would say that I was pretty much disappointed in the game. Here's hoping the next title will be better.
I'm just gonna say no! I didn't like it much. I much rathered the old battle system from FF9 and others like that!
i actually really really like this game. it has succeded in taking the place of FFIX in my top 3 FF games of all time. ill admit i HATED it at first - but after playing on it all week this week its really grown on me ^_^ so yes FFXII has met my expectations and i hope XIII does just as good :)
Not really.. there wasn't very much romance in it, if at all. I kind of gave up on it halfway through. I liked the liscenses and the battles but the story line didn't keep me very much. The graphics were amazing, though.
Daz, you earned major respect points for me when you mentioned what characters you like. <3. The music too, do you any favourites? :D

Retribution, maybe you would be inclined to play RW when it comes out? ;)

There's been a hint of VaanxPennelo in it lol.

tbh, overall, I see this as one of the first FF's which didn't need to feature any love plot, as it wouldn't have contributed to anything significant storyline wise. It was a refreshing change for me anyway.
I really like the ending theme Kiss Me Goodbye and the theme in the Pharos. Unsure what the Pharos one is called (Beginning of the End?). My main source for FF music hasn't quite updated FFXII (squareenixmusic.com) but I'll download the album and try and remind myself of some of the rest of the songs.

Since my brother has a DS, I will probably still play RW as I did enjoy FFXII (Although my last post can be percieved as very negative. ;) )