Did FFXII meet your expectations?

Did FFXII meet your expectations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 27.5%

  • Total voters
The monsters attacked if they saw you first. These aren't harmless animals, most of them. Wild, feral creatures do attack you first - a lot of these creatures are nasties. If you turn your gambits off, your characters run straight by enemies - they'll often chase you however. You don't have to kill the neutral ones. So, don't do it if you don't want to.

Uh, what does the battle system have to do with the storyline? Wait, I get it XD. To each their own :)
I thought it would be a mediocre game, however, now I think this is possibly the best Final Fantasy yet.
i finished this game three times and totally played it for 170 hours this much time i have never spend on any other game and so yes it met my expectations
At first, I was extremely iffy about FFXII. But after giving it a chance, I grew to love this game a lot. Though they took me a while to adjust to, I really like the battle system and gambits. I almost find it hard somedays to go back and play the older FFs where battles popped up randomly without warning. *laugh* Not really, but it's a lovely change. In terms of characters, I have become attached to all of the main party members in different ways, especially Ashe and Balthier. No one really gets on my nerves, and it didn't take a year for them to burrow a hole in my heart (*cough* like the cast of VIII and X/X-2 did, but I still really like those games, though, don't get me wrong.) The graphics are absolutely gorgeous and I really like the fact that Square had decided to use voice actors with different accents this time around. (I usually don't like "prissy" type British accents, but I absolutely adore Balthier's.. It suits him a lot.) The difficulty of XII I think is considerably more hard than the previous installments, but not to the point of it being impossible.

My point? Final Fantasy XII had ultimately met my expectations and in the end, exceeded them.
At first when started I thought "man I got ripped off!!" But not much longer into it I fell in love with it. I haven't beat the game yet but it has already met my expectations and more. The battle system, Gambits, storyline, just about everything in this game makes me happy. Sure I could find a flaw here or there but minor problems I can live with.
Final fantasy XII's story line was average.
The battle system was good although it was not as original as some say it is.
Their wasnt much character development on a lot of characters.
The only real saving grace was the large amount of stuff you could do.

overall I would say 8.8 out of 10 :) .

also it did not meet my expectations although thats my own fault for beliving the hype.
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omg just beat ff12! what a fantastic game! truly the best one so far, and probably the best ever, cuz this one is hard to surpass! perfect. enjoyed every hour :D
I thought that the game was really addictive, but very challenging, yes i did see in reviews that it was quite a difficult Final Fantasy, but i was shocked as i got further in the game, but at the same time, very good, and really does deserve it's 10/10
^ You level up in all the Final Fantasys ...

I havent finished the game yet, but it wasnt what I was expecting. I think its due to all the hype Ive experinced for the past 3 years waiting for its release. I may change my mind later on in the game, but its not as great as I thought it would be.
So..rating so far for it? ;P just a tad curious lol
I'd say a 6 so far. Im about 10 hours in and Ashe has joined my party permantly. Im enjoying doing the hunting sidequests ^^
yea, it did meet my expectations.
It had good graphics, good controls and I loved the gameplay. I really like the way they chose to make the battle system as well, I'm not a big fan of having to babysit everyone on your team. The main story of the game was excellent.

I do wish they would have made a better story for the characters though, that was one of the few parts that were missing. I also found a few of the English voices annoying, don't know how to explain it, I just didn't like them.

Overall, a great game that has to be played if you're a FF fan. And even if you're not a FF fan, it's a game worth picking up.

EDIT: post nr 100 :cool:
<3 There's a certain one I'm waiting for..but I won't spoil it yet, all I will you is that the title of this hunt is The Mystery Man, something like that :D

voices are so much better then X's and X-2's <33333333333333333333

._. The judges in particular own~

As for the character story thing, I would have loved to have seen more on the judges :/
The voices....they definitely put more effort and drama into these voices then they did in FF10 and FF10-2, the breathing, the way the judges voice went when they talking with their masks on, it sounded really real.
I voted yes.

The voice acting and dialogue were top notch. I liked the gambit system and side quests. The world is open and immersive. The active dimension battle system was a great change. I certainly don't miss random encounters.

I was somewhat disappointed. The story didn't draw me in as much as other FFs and the music wasn't very memorable which made me miss Uematsu that much more. The license board system was a bit flawed. I wish it could've been something closer to the sphere grid in X where you still had freedom for advancement, but each character has their own starting point which helps establish more defined classes.

I believe the series needed a change and with FFXII it's a step in the right direction.