Did you miss leveling?

I rather enjoyed the grid system. You could choose to have Lulu as your fighter and Wakka as your healer. I love the way you choose how your char's stats progress.
Levelling up thing IMO wasn't that crucial for my gaming experience. Sure it felt nice seeing a 99 beside your level, but it's equally, if not much more statisfying to try and achieve 255 for all your stats. That IMO is super tedious and much more difficult, given the complexity of the sphere grid. So I'm not really missing the levelling up, not really.
Eh I loved how it was on FFX with the sphere grid it was actually fun to play around with atleast how I did it.The level's was just boring all you did was get exp and lvl not much fun.
X was the first FF game I played so the only experience I had had with levelling was with pokemon ( >_>) although I do remember not understanding the sphere grid at all at first and forgetting about it for a while. A little ways into the game I was just sitting there like 'why aren't any of you getting any stronger????!?!?'...finally I figured it out.

After going back and playing it again (after I had played some other FF games) I think I missed it a bit but not so much that I really thought about it. Ijust saw the sphere grid as another customization facility. If you think about VII or VIII those characters would have been pretty weak without materia or the junctioning system (although the levelling system in VIII was funky too). I just like that most of the games give you a lot of opportunities to customize the characters which X did so the lack of actual levels was not that much of a loss.
I definitely missed the leveling in this game. I love leveling up my characters to see just how high i could get them. Though in Final Fantasy X, i didn't matter much because it was really similar other then not having a number. But the leveling system always gave me a way to judge how close my characters strengths were to each other. But in Final Fantasy X, it seemed that the characters were always of the same strength, which i really liked.
No i actually liked the sphere grid. When u complete it, it looks like art :gasp: lol But yeh all ffs were about the levels but i guess square enix just wanted to make a change ^^
The sphere grid are really one of the most fun ways to level up, being able to have full control over your characters.
To me, I think the Sphere Grid system was a bit easier for my mind to manage. You got to choose which things to give to a certain character and it stayed with the character for good. Unlike the Materia system in FFVII and the Draw system in FFVIII, those only lasted so long. The materia would have the working attack/spell on your list until you removed the materia. The draw system displayed the magic spells you had until they ran out, making you go find more draw points. The Sphere Grid makes it a done deal once you activate it. That way, you won't regret removing that certain materia you wished you had attached for a certain major boss battle or wished you had used that draw point or forgot to switch over the draw spells from one of the inactive party members to one of the active party members for a boss battle.
I agree with Ravencroft: It was nice to be able to customize your characters, but to have said customization follow characters across time. In a sense though, it is a bit still like leveling: You find monsters who give good experience/ap, and you fight them to increase your sphere level. And you still can max out the sphere grid, it would just take forever
FFX still had a way to gauge that kind of thing, go onto the sphere grid and just estimate how much of the grid your character has completed.

If you've got 60% of the grid done then you can assume that your character is 60% of the way to level 99.

Unless you're counting all the empty nodes you can fill up, then you may want to subtract some levels from your estimate. >_<
That is one of the reasons I don't play Final Fantasy X much. It sucks not being able to get proper leveling. Secondly the graphic is poorly made.
No way. I mean, I understand where you're coming from. I loved getting that powerful feel everytime I saw that high number beside my characters' names, but I liked this change a little better. Because this time, I had the power over what they learned, how much strength they gained, etc. I loved the sphere grid, it was so different but it was actually quite fun. Instead of giving yourself the goal to level up to 99, you give yourself the goal to complete that whole sphere grid. It's colourful, shiny etc and just plain fun to look at too, so that's a plus (for me anyway lol)
I didn't really miss it, the Sphere Grid was something new and thankfully I thought it worked well. My biggest disppoint with FFX was that the expert grid was so huge that it meant you were very unlikely to ever go all the way around. I think the firthest I got around was about 7/8 with Auron, but by that time I had already finished all of the side quests in the game and had no reason to carry on levelling up. Of course I still preferred this many times over to FFIX and the fact that it was far too easy to do max damage early in the game. Still, many of the other games seemed far more balaned in their methods of levelling up.
Well... I personally loved the Sphere Grid. Without leveling, there was no place for it to stop and with that you could beef your chars until you filled EVERY grid y'know?
i actually had fun with the grid system. its good once in a while for a game to have a different type of leveling system. so it was unique and made it more interesting. it was something very different and having all games with just regular level up system can get a little boring so that add something new to the game
Loved the sphere grid. It made the game more addicting, was always keen to head into battles so can head into the sphere grid and collect all of those awesome strength modes and HP modes. Kind of liked the sphere grid instead of leveling up. In leveling up, there is too much frustrating pressure to get into the next level, and the next, and the next- with the sphere grid you can just improve your character stats freely with no pressure and it's more fun, it doesn't feel like it's a necessary work-chore.

Yeah think that the sphere grid was a great idea, and hope that they re-bring it or do a similar design in a future Final Fantasy game.
I liked the sphere grid. It made a pleasent change from levelling and in many ways, I actually preferred it. It was just more fun. As I said, it's a nice change but I wouldn't use it all the time.
Funny thing here: I didn´t even read about the sphere Grid tutorial, so I first thought the points were a level xD I was really ashamed when I understood these were points and should be used. :P
Still, I enjoyed this actually. It´s a bit of relax when you don´t need to go around and powerlevel ^^'
If I had to choose between this and leveling however, I would choose leveling.