Did you miss leveling?

I enjoyed the Sphere grid, it really helped, for example, having Yuna learn Black Magic as well as White, but I miss the levelling because I had trouble pinpointing exactly what my strengths are in my characters
i didnt relli miss leveling on 10 i mean all you had to class leveling as in ur sphere levels as ur levels relli its all good as im concerned, i think that all ff games should have a elemet of this on the games
I reckon that all the FF games in the series should be different in some way, so I embrace the fact that FFX deviated from the norm.
Yeah to be honest i did miss it.
There was nothing better than saying oh yes, im level so and so, what about you?

Was so much easier to compare with friends to be honest.
I missed leveling to be honest. the sphere grid was something new, but it made getting more powerful magic really difficult. i mean the levels that you get from battles made it easy to get around and stuff, but the fact that you needed a specific sphere to get an ability was irritating especially when it is one that you really need, EX: Curaga, Holy.

but as far as it being interesting, it definitely was.
Having recently played this Game I can say with some certainty I like the Sphere Grid is one of the better Leveling systems I played with in a contolled fassion it offers a greater development path for the characters
I really didn't care It is just another way to get massive power for me. So, no I didn't miss the leveling system
I think that leveling up is great and everything, but the sphere grid was just an awesome new way to develop your character. You could also sort of choose what path you wanted your character to take, as opposed to just a set path like most other games.
i loved the sphere grid i wish the license system was more like it i hope they merge the two that would be awesome no more mastering the license board less than half way through the game and all would be connected and it would just be too awesome for words
I prefer leveling over the Sphere Grid even though the grid was something different and everyone got to use all the spells and abilities at once. I just find leveling much more easy to handle with then having to fill up the whole grid for each character which was a bit time consuming.
I did miss it at first, but after i got used to the way the spheregrid works, so it was quite nice letting your characters learn whatever is possible.
I really enjoyed the sphere grid, now that I think of it. I like both systems, but the grid was a welcome change. It suited the game :)
if it was the same system for every game, then it would get kinda boring, thats why i think square enix mixed it up with the sphere grid..i personally like it..just as tough as leveling up..and you have to do it the same way really (with random battles) so in a way its just advanced leveling up.
I think that leveling was better and I did miss it in final fantasy X but it came back in the other games. The sphere grid is ok but leveling would have been better because we do not have to waste anything.
i did miss the leveling, but X was good for giving you more control over the development of your character.
I prefer being able to choose what stats my characters receive without feeling obligated to level everyone to 99. And thank heavens for no SOURCES to max stats. If anyone mentions morph materia I might cry. -.-
Not really, I'm quite happy with the idea of the Sphere Grid enough to forget the missing leveling experience. After all, the Sphere Grid could also provide a source of customization to the character.. In fact, it might be better than leveling to me.
I liked the sphere grid system better. I really didnt want to know there lvls personally because when i see someone on 89 and another character on say 56 I always think man i need to train them more i need to train them more. It just adds a burden to me cause I mean there were 7 characters so you couldn't even make complete three person parties so someone is always lacking and without lvls i don't have to see it which means i don't have to worry about them. lol its a win win if you ask me :highfive:
Yeah i kind of missed leveling up, i did enjoy being able to "raise" character stats by my own free will, but that would have been just as possible with a leveling up system, i always like to level up and to see how the characters evolve, what are their strong points and weak points, so in a way i prefer the regular leveling up system.
the leveling system was alright..besides maxing your luck by getting all the luck/fortune spheres from earth eater. besides that SE made it kind of interesting with the new s.lvl system instead of just seeing how much more exp you need for the next level.