Did you miss leveling?

Well, come right down to it, I fell in love with the SG immediately.
Here was this totally revolutionary way of building up characters (even more-so on ESG) and then on top of that, you could eventually customize it further, filling in
sections as you pleased.
Honestly, I'd really like to see something similar in most RPG games from here on out, but I'd bet you anything that Squaresoft/Square Enix has some sort of rights to it, surely.

Otherwise, oh god, what an excellent system -- It made building up your characters a flowing, constant process, instead of this rigid system where you could build a walk-through around it. The way it breaks from the mold is exceptional.
At first I was so confused, due to my habit of not being able to read instructions (-,-") But once I got the hang of it I actually really liked it. It was like shopping for abilities to me xD Like I always felt so satisfied after someone got a strong spell/strength increase etc, as strange as that may seem.
I just hate the way "Level 55 Cloud" sounds.

Makes it sound like a Pokémon.

I liked the sphere grid system, with all of it's customizable goodness.
Yes I really did miss leveling when I realized that the Sphere grid apsect would be taking over. It is a really good and unique way of leveling you're characters and it does work good, and I honestly don't mind it. But I felt true FF was in actually leveling you're characters like in the previous ones. Also I hated that you needed Luck spheres and all kind of different types of spears to move or get to points on the grid that was bullshit.
I like the sphere grid. It was a pleasant change. But essentially it's sort of the same as levelling up, only instead of hours spent on farming EXP, you spend hours farming AP. :wacky:
I did miss leveling. But who's to say I can't just go to an older FF game and level up there? ;) Lol. Anyways, I did like the sphere grip system though. It lets you customize your character's powers and such. You can make Auron like a white mage, or Yuna a physical powerhouse. ;)
I really didn't miss it in the game, because the system allowed for you to exceed normal strengths and levels with the infinite Levels gained. Sure you could only hit 99,999 for health, and 255 for strength and other stats, but that Health HP and MP possibilities for your characters was far beyond that of any other FF game to-date still.
You know, the fact that you couldn't see actual levels never really crossed my mind until now XD; So I guess that pretty much explains how I feel. I was fine with not knowing, and just having the Sphere Grid as proof of how much work I put into them. And to be honest, I got just as much gratification out of seeing the Sphere Grid fill up as I did seeing the level counter go up.
Well, I personally enjoyed the sphere grids and started forgetting about the whole 'get this much exp to level' thing. Knowing that I could make a strong attacker heal him/herself with curative magic was great. And you could make all unique characters with unique different abilities.
I thought the speher grid was a great idea......it made building your characters a constant, smooth flowing process thatn never really got old for me...it was actually quite refreshing....the only thing i didnt like was when you started filling up the entire thing with every character and they all had the same abilities....but since that isnt until you have spent a lot of time playing it was an awesome,well designed system. i hope to see something simiar in later games
I prefer leveling up, while the sphere grid system isn't bad. It just doesn't seem right that you can make Lulu into a warrior if you choose to have her take Auron's path..
i prefer the sphere grid to leveling actually. because normally, the hightest level you can get to is 99, and once you do, fighting because pointless. the sphere grid is massive it'll take absolutely ages to complete it and i think you see where i'm going with this..
Yeah, I missed it a little bit, but I kind of like the customization that you have over your characters. I think for this game, the Sphere Grid works better, but it probably wouldn't work as well in another game.
Naa, I didn't miss it. I gre accustomed to the Sphere Grid and quite enjoyed it. I loved building up my SP and activating loads of nodes at a time.
well i think the sphere grid is a great idea, if you play on simple grid, its takes a hell of a lot of grinding to fill it, and takes a great deal of time to finish it, and the expert grid gives you that freedom, everyone says is the great thing about ffxii, so why dont people like that you can have the freedom on ffx, having yuna learn "aga" magic can be very useful ;)
To be quite honest. Leveling irritates the shit out of me :P

I prefered FFX's leveling system out of all the FF's put together haha. Well maybe except FFVIII coz it was easy to level in that :D
I actually preferred the Sphere grid system to traditional leveling. I found it to be more interesting and interactive, I really liked being able to choose what my characters could learn, it made the game far more interesting than just waiting to get to the next level.
Im against the Sphere Grid, for a simple reason, Maxing out all the stats (Players who beat Penance know what im talking about) Its a pain, trying to get Luck above 120, especially because most attacks miss if you have 20 luck or so. Im not sure but i think even with 255 Acc you can miss.

Not just that, to get HP, MP and all the others spheres you have to battle hundreds of times. and Usually it takes more than 150H to get decent HP enough to beat Dark Yojimbo. Not to mention Dark Anima and Dark Magus Sisters. I agree its a good thing having the Sphere grid, but for maxing out all characters it takes too many hours...
umm yeh i did miss leveling ALOT, i mean it was a fresh change but after a while until about Mt Gagazet where it just got boring
anyone agree with me