Fan Fiction [Discussion] Bleach; The End of Everything

Ahahaha yaoi :wacky:

I liked the bit about the dream, it made me giggle, good stuff Vikki, Im really enjoying this so far
Addle's had a lot of input into his character's reactions this chapter. I wanted to get him right.

Because you should know Adri. If a LT is around, the captain is typically not far behind.
Yaoi fantasies, eh?
That made me laugh ^^

Im looking forward to things that will come.
Not to mention myself as the time comes ^^
Not long until you appear Fox ^^

Chapter Four: It's All Red

Characters: Damon, Danny, Julius and Fox ^_^

It was just Damon, Danny and Julius. But Fox has slipped into the chapter quite nicely. ;))
Yay, a story where I'm actually mentioned! :gasp:

But yeah, seems pretty good thus far. I get that it's mainly a lot of intro stuff going on first, but I wanna read more >.<
chapter five is where it's less intro stuff and more getting into some action.

I just wanted to introduce a few of the non-captains before the Captain meeting. From chapter five, characters will still be introduced alot, but it'll involve more action and story. =3
Not long until you appear Fox ^^

Chapter Four: It's All Red

Characters: Damon, Danny, Julius and Fox ^_^

It was just Damon, Danny and Julius. But Fox has slipped into the chapter quite nicely. ;))

Been looking forward to it, also, "slipping into it quite nicely" eh ^^
Kinkeh thoughts ^^

Well, I look forward to reading it, if Im in the chapters or not.
Since it seems you do a better character usage then the anime itself. I never read hte manga so I cannot say, but hte anime either told too much, or focused on the story, thus telling nothing.
It was at least something I found myself to nag about.

Ill give it a few more chapters before I can say for sure, but I like it so far ^^
Very nice reads Vic, this is the first time I had time to get around to it. It is very entertaining, especially how you involved quite a bit of the crew here at FFF. Keep up the good work =).
Ahahaha, Yaoi? xDDD

I finally found the time to read chapter 2 and 3 though you never told me you posted them D;

I like it so far. >_>
I just gotta comment on this. You did a fantastic job, I kid you not. Your eye for imagery details is very good - that really helps the setting. The story and characters really pulls you in and I can really grasp the suspense tone in your writing. There's even a bit of humor in it with Adri's part, so that's quite refreshing to see amidst the very intense introduction. As ever, Virgil can be quite so intimidating, but that's just the nature of his character, I suppose. It really works. The story is coming along great so far and I can't wait to read the rest. :) An entertaining read that's for sure!

And I really don't mind the shortness of your posts - I actually think that's very effective so that you don't lose the readers and there's more room for suspense. It'll also give us time to go back and read through everything a second or third time if we're a little lost since it wouldn't require too much reading on our part. So I like your breakdown and I hope you keep it that way.

Hey Guys! Thanks a lot for you comments. Chapter Four shouldn't be too long before it's posted, I've just been working on the Information Thread so you all get some details on what's going on.

Ok so just an update on the Information thread ^^

First Post: This has all the Protagonists in. They're all listed now but only the names in white have their bio (I'm sticking to this style I swear -__-) completed. Just click their name to see the image.

Second Post: Antagonists. I've only put up the pictures of the ones that I know I'm including for sure. Others might get added, but until the story gets to their involvement, no details will be given. =]

Third Post: Chapter List. I've put up a chapter list so you can see what chapters are complete as well as what chapters are currently in progress and upcoming, titled chapters! There's also a Song List here which I will update to include links to the songs on YouTube. Story is for songs that will accompany a chapter, Battle Themes are the battle themes of characters and Character Themes are the songs that fit the character as a personality song. =]

Fourth Post: Kidou. I've done this one so you can understand what kidou is if you haven't watched or read Bleach.

I'll be including others such as information on the sections under Skills. As well as a detailed run down of Zanpakutous etc!

So stay tuned! =]

EDIT:: Chapter Four: It's All Red is done and posted. =3
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OMG! Rofl xDDD hahaha.

Damon and Danny are fucking hilarious especially in the last bit xDDD

Juli sounds cool there >_>

Good to see Fox in there :monster:
You made me lol irl Viks xD

I can already feel the sexual tension between Damon and Danny hahahahaha :wacky:

That 'surprise assault' on Juli tickled me no end

Spiffing stuff, you certainly have a knack for detail, can't wait to meet me :ryan:

And I really don't mind the shortness of your posts - I actually think that's very effective so that you don't lose the readers and there's more room for suspense. It'll also give us time to go back and read through everything a second or third time if we're a little lost since it wouldn't require too much reading on our part. So I like your breakdown and I hope you keep it that way.

Oh god I laughed, Im still smiling.
Not only do I like my char, but I love the comic tragedy that is Danny and Damon ^^
Well, perhaps not tragedy per se, but they do see sort of tragic in my eyes ^^

Keep up the great work ^^
Hahahah chapter 4 made me lol like hell. Damon and Danny Xd. Oh and Vikki your info thread is:awesome: Times 1000000. I love it but we need more tags to see what the characters look like. Great job once again.
Ohgawd, great chappie 4 Vik. My little mutter is CLEARLY true :gasp: and I loved that bit where me and Danny tried to jump Julius, we'd SO do that xD Keep it up :D
Been meaning to post this for about 3 hours now.

Anyway, good times. Those two are totally gay fer eachudda. :wacky:

*waits for Ch. 5*

*drums fingers impatiently*

*checks watch*

Great chapter. I lol'd at the fight between julius and Danny. :wacky: Can't wait until chapter 5.