Fan Fiction [Discussion] Bleach; The End of Everything

I love the way you ended the story so suddenly and left it on a cliffhanger. Can't wait till your next chapter; it's so brill! I can't believe I've never came across this before... :monster:
I'll have to look up who the Hollow are, but very nice approach at introducing "the shu" =). Glad my fic character just wasn't thrown in there at the beginning as a filler but now I'll have to read the other 5 chapters.

Keep up the hard work Vikk, very much appreciated around these parts =).
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Hehe =3

I'm dedicating today to writing (in theory) so it shouldn't be too long at all until I post chapter seven. ;D

Getting into the story now. =3
Great work! :gasp: I loved the tension between Kira and Kandy, and B's character was great. The battle was really well described, and the cliffhanger's leaving me wanting more. Get chapter seven up NAO!
I think I whimpered a bit during Turn back the pendulum 8F

Excellent chapter Viktoria. Hoping for Chapter 7 soon :awesome:
Awesome chapter Vikky! (yes i know i'm not on much, but this is the one of the things i check whenever i do come on, as this thing is totally worth checking!). I love how you had introduced people as shadowy figures! so...totally... awesome!

XD And if i happen to be the peep who disappeared in the shadows at the end, i'm going to be slightly upset because i can't tell who it is. And if i'm not, ah well.

Keep up the awesome work Vikki! And maybe sometime you can publish this as a book for fun! i'm pretty sure if you contacted the people who made bleach and showed them this once you finish it, they might let you publish it as a book. That would be awesome!

Excessive use of the word awesome terminates now. Anyways, we all be waiting for the next amazing chapter!

EDIT: damnit, forgot to read chapter 6! The stuff applies to the swinging back the pendulum 01, i'll probably post opinions on chapter 6 once i'm done reading it.
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Okay well slightly good news. I'm finally writing more to this so when i get my home connection back, expect a chapter or two up pretty quick. =P
Okay Vikki <3 I hope you do et your connection back and post 2 or 3 chapters cause I am diein to see hats going to happen next! Hopefully Ill be in chappy 7 like you said :gasp:
After a very long hiatus, Chapter Seven: Kill The Lights is finally done.

Sorry for the long wait guys, after leaving you on a cliffhanger of sorts. XDD
Loved the chapter Vikki, as I did with the other chapters you have written til now.

Keep up the good work Vikki and keep writing awesome chapters <3
Whew. Screamwire looks set to be a tough enemy. And with some of the group injured, what will happen now? Can't wait until chapter 8.
XD I just got into bleach a month ago! Haha! And I actually ubnderstand what's going on in the story for the most part. It's a mazin series :D
Just think, before this fic I was only familiar with the Anime cartoon series :wacky:

I actually enjoy reaching each new chapter and find myself looking forward to the next one with heated anticipation, definatley one of the greater fanfics I've ever sat and read and it just makes it even better that each character is based on an FF member making it far easier to relate to :yay:
Can't believe I didn't find this sooner. Nice one, it really had me at the edge of my seat. The introductions didn't drag on either which helped keep my attentions, and the emotion, the relationship between Sun Mei and Jesse...phwoar, you pulled of that ending so well. Well done Vikki. :8F: