Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

I don't like his voice because it doesn't feel like Laguna...Laguna should have had a laid back voice but was still "mature", if you know what I mean. This voice went bad Surferdude >.>

I installed Xlink once, but it never really worked for me. I agree though, it does suck that you have to own a PS3 to go online. Not everyone has an endless wallet or have a money tree in the backyard :(
hmmm the only reason i use xlink is cuz of Adhoc to usb.... but you need CFW to do it D:

hmmm Terra Branford I like your theory about yuna tidus and dissidia......... I think this could be right you know XD while
he was dead
he was in dissidia XD
See, I thought Laguna's voice was actually pretty good, as have been his lines I've seen so far. As far as I recall, Laguna was always a goofball and a bit of a butt-monkey. Remember the scene he made in front of Julia in the bar? That was royally embarrasing for him. Remember just after the Esthar troops attacked in the mining facility? He tried to cheer everybody up by acting completely inappropriately.
That's just how Laguna is, in my mind. He's a person who puts his own dignity and respectability on the line to boost everybody's spirits. When needs be, he can fight damn well - he was a Galbadian soldier, for crying out loud - but outside of combat he's cunningly goofy.
I played Prologus the other day. Kain is crazy and they made Garland so much better (combat and attire wise).

Also, Lightning is not as hard as people say she is. I find her pretty easy to use.
the hard thing about lighting is learning to switch to her different pladium at the right time XD
Lady Yuna:
If its not...then Nomura/SE has some es-plainin' to do! Because she talks about his "leave" from their Journey together >.>


Goofy and cheery, yes. Basically an idiot that's being insulted left and right for being so? Not so much... >.>

He was goofy, fun and had problems with talking to beautiful girls. But in Dissidia, they paint him as a big ole idiot and it is annoying. Laguna is (or should I know use "was"?) a great character and as one of his biggest fans, I'm upset :(
Lightning is way easy to use I dont see why people complain at her,her attacks are pretty simple the P.Shift isent that hard I normally Stay in Commando or Ravager ((loves army of one!))

I still cant stand using kefka,Cloud is a bit faster now so he may be a little challenging to fight against but meh I just wanna fight a character who broke the 9999 hp limit *.*
People complain about Lightning? She is easy to use, but she is a powerhouse. :P

Really? I heard people say Cloud is faster (wow...his speed was the only thing other characters could use against him. Great...), but I played as him and fought him and didn't notice a change :(
on the Japanese version the other day I got my hp to like 95,000 XD was soooo epic

Yh I can't wait... gonna be a great test XD I think this game gonna be much harder on complete XD
Woooow I can't wait for the EU release :D I'm expecting great things from the new characters... Tifa and Kain mainly ;)

Do you know if EU and NA players can get Cloud's 4th outfit in some way? Bacause apparently it's the only outfit which can't be obtained outside of Japan. And it's not fair, because it's the best one ç_ç
I'm really not enjoying how the Story Mode is forcing me to use characters that I can't stand. It also doesn't help that I have no idea how to play with these characters. Rather annoying, in my opinion.
It might become downloadable content....

but right now..... no :( I want one winged angel cloud :P
I'm really not enjoying how the Story Mode is forcing me to use characters that I can't stand. It also doesn't help that I have no idea how to play with these characters. Rather annoying, in my opinion.

Duodecim didn't have a tuturial? D=

Well that sucks. Maybe S-E thought only people who played Dissidia before would grab Duodecim :hmmm:

I remember when I went through Dissidia way back, I kind of went back and forth between story mode and free mode with the current character to get a better hang of them (plus general leveling). Try that?

As for KH Cloud, Japan got him via BbS FM, and NA is suppose to get him as pre-order bonus from gamestop.

I've committed to importing EU's Legacy Edition, so I'm pouty about no KH Cloud, but I get KH Leon, which I wanted more xD

Although just hoping all the DLC get's thrown on PSN eventually :/
It does, actually... Somewhat. However, you don't have a choice in what characters you use in the story (so far). So it's kind of annoying playing as Lightning (that I don't like character or gameplay wise) then to follow it up with Vaan (whom I also don't like character wise, but is somewhat better gameplay wise). To make things worse, there are no signs of the characters that I do want to play as and that I do like.

However, playing battle mode (transferred my data over from Dissidia 1), I'm getting to play with Zidane (my main) and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. HE'S A DAMNED BEAST. Seriously, I'm owning the shit out of the AI with him.

Also, if you still manage to get hit by any of Squall's HP attacks, regardless of how they've been changed, you're still an idiot. :mokken:
hmmmm yh they been no changes for squall as well..... WOOWWWW he can cast fire o_O

but yh I preordered the legacy edition today sooo i'm getting squall KH and tifa.... I prefer them two anywaz cuz I don't use Cloud much

I wonder what's yuna DLC costume gonna be XD

and when the EU gets it... I'm soo getting that hood costume for zidane XD
@Alyss: Ah, for real? I guess that is annoying. Even in Dissdia you choose whose story you went through when you wanted to.

@Lady Yuna: There hasn't been any news about Yuna getting a DLC alt. costume, so it may not happen. There's been announcements for Cloud, Squall, Tifa, WoL, Cecil, and recently Vaan, but that's it :/

As for Hooded Zidane (and Pirate Kuja, lol), I assumed that was a costume already in the game, not DLC :hmmm:

Related note: my copy just got shipped, so I should be getting it in..!

...Mid-April *sighs*

EDIT: Well, well, well. Looks like North America can look forward to helmet-less WoL and Lightning Brea too.
So far im into the games story mode but I took a break and made a battle video with Tifa lol shame it takes forever to upload it I'll edit or post the video when its done LOL

anywho I think Squall got better hes got a homing fire skill and the Circle attacks suck in my foes *.* just lack my weapons now.... poor squall even though he's level 100 no good weapons = raped =(
hmm looks like i'm gonna be spamming the no weapon ruleset when i get it XD

Tidus is meant to have new aerial attacks

and I like zidanes new booster 8....

and from i seen Firion OMG he looks playable now XD
So far im into the games story mode but I took a break and made a battle video with Tifa lol shame it takes forever to upload it I'll edit or post the video when its done LOL

anywho I think Squall got better hes got a homing fire skill and the Circle attacks suck in my foes *.* just lack my weapons now.... poor squall even though he's level 100 no good weapons = raped =(

Even with his updates, his moves are still easy to dodge. It's sad really. Anyone who actually mains seriously with Squall is bound to get raped just like in the last game. :rofl:
if you know how to use him squall is a great character... he was the first character I managed to beat chaos with XD