Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

i just wonder when we're gonna get some Ramza and Delita up in this bitch.
-kicks alyss- Rawr Squall doesnt suck at all!

if anything hes more of a threat now that his moves are updated, once I get a PS3 i shall fight you alyss and show you how powerful squall truely is!!

Also 18 mins left till my vids up D=
I would be inclined to agree with you all if you couldn't see Squall's moves coming from a mile away. In every fight I've ever been in with a Squall mainer, I've never lost. Everything is so easy to dodge to the point where it's almost pathetic for them to keep trying.

The updates only mean I can't be so careless about it. Now that they draw you in, I'll actually have to dodge rather than take 2 steps back and wait outside the circle. Other than that, it's still simple to get around his moves.

Squall sucks. :mokken:
I would be inclined to agree with you all if you couldn't see Squall's moves coming from a mile away. In every fight I've ever been in with a Squall mainer, I've never lost. Everything is so easy to dodge to the point where it's almost pathetic for them to keep trying.

The updates only mean I can't be so careless about it. Now that they draw you in, I'll actually have to dodge rather than take 2 steps back and wait outside the circle. Other than that, it's still simple to get around his moves.

Squall sucks. :mokken:


Allthough I do have to agree somewhat with you. Squalls moves are like looking at a Tarantula on a Small white wall. Its just....SO damn easy to see.
It doesn't really help that I hate Squall as a protagonist, does it? :wacky:

I'm not saying that it's impossible to be good with him, but the analogy that you used hits it on the head. It's actually harder for me to be hit by him than it is to move out of the way. Which is why I'm of the opinion that he rather... sucks. It's like you're about to be hit by a car, that's 500 yards away, driving at 2 MPH, and you're on speed. If you get hit, you're seriously lacking in motor skills. :gasp:
how was the data install... it meant to take like over an hour...... great i got fun on friday XD
I havent done the Data install yet Im waiting till i go to sleep,that way I dont have to sit and wait -.-;

but It was rough using her at first but I think she'll be my 2nd main since her attacks seem awesome =p
hmmmm you may like prishe.... I really like her she has some great bravery attacks :) and her wave like hp attack reminds me of dark pulse XD

have you noticed.... Prishe changes her in battle words sometimes XD
i just wonder when we're gonna get some Ramza and Delita up in this bitch.

I really don't see them getting into this series anytime soon. Dissidia seems to be focusing on the "main" FF games. While I love FFT to death and Ramza and Delita, it seems doubtful to see them :/

Plus with Vaan and Gabranth in the game, the Ivalice world is getting some rep :hmmm:
Sooo, guess S-E lies after all.
Y'know how Europe is supposed to get Prologus on Wednesday, one day before Duodecim comes out? Yeah, well, I'm in Australia, it's Wednesday and Prologus is nowhere in sight. I suspect that Prologus isn't coming out until the main PSN update.
Which in Australia is Thursday.
The same day Duodecim comes out. The demo comes out on the SAME DAY as the actual game. The same. @%*#^ing. Day.

The rage. It returns.
Sooo, guess S-E lies after all.
Y'know how Europe is supposed to get Prologus on Wednesday, one day before Duodecim comes out? Yeah, well, I'm in Australia, it's Wednesday and Prologus is nowhere in sight. I suspect that Prologus isn't coming out until the main PSN update.
Which in Australia is Thursday.
The same day Duodecim comes out. The demo comes out on the SAME DAY as the actual game. The same. @%*#^ing. Day.

The rage. It returns.

To keep it even. i expect they will Bump the release date for Duodecim back.

Thats sad.. Very very sad.
errrr Thursday is still the day before....

and hold your horses.. it only like 1AM it took them to like 1 in the afternoon for the us release last week
They haven't. Release date is still tomorrow. I know - I've pre-ordered the collector's edition from EB Games and they've told me the release date is tomorrow.

*sigh* D'you think that this warrants an official complaint to Square-Enix? This seems the sort of thing that is warranted for rage that's actually heard.
hmmmmm... why does the uk get everything last XD

we still have a chance... hold on i'll fire up my psp now :D.....

nope nothing :rage: murder square XD
I'm really not enjoying how the Story Mode is forcing me to use characters that I can't stand. It also doesn't help that I have no idea how to play with these characters. Rather annoying, in my opinion.
I don't enjoy it and find it annoying too... Especially since so far I had to be Lightning twice. The only one I enjoyed playing as was Yuna and maybe Vaan.

They shouldn't have forced you to be select characters, it doesn't feel like Dissidia that way :/
I'm half tempted to just wait until a savefile pops up with everything unlocked. Story mode is pissing me off. One character I don't want to use after another, I'm tempted to just boot up God Eater: Burst again and continue that. I don't think Dissidia 012 was worth pirating at this point. Perhaps I should have waited. :hmmm:
Meh I dont care much for Laguna/Vaan's Story mode just finished Laguna,I dont think Story mode is really bad I think its just that your forced to play as so and so but it can be overlooked.

Questions now!

1.Mognet has been upgraded but where is it ~.~; and do I need a PS3 to share mail/quests to people who have my FC?

2.Does anyone know if the KH Cloud/Leon will become DLC yet =o

anywhos that aside I'll probably finish yuna's story and tifa's and hopefully The Labernyth mode will be unlocked ~.~

>-> oh one last thing how do i unlock Gilgy and Prishe?
right answer spammage

1. NO it should just be that you need an psn account

2. I heard that Squall DLC is only for europe :( and cloud is just for America :O no cloud 4 me

3. you have to complete the whole of 012 story.. then you get report 8 where you do a prishe cutscene to unlock her and a fight against gilgamesh to unlock him, then it either 300 or 1000 PP to unlock them

also.. after tifa's story... you get another chapter, but you can pick anybody to play it as (it in a party) XD also to annory ya more, after yuna's chapter, say hello to yet another chapter where ur forced to fight with lighting :rage:

EDIT: from twitter sources.... Prologus is up on the EU PSN XD i can't check right now i'm in college :)
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right answer spammage

1. NO it should just be that you need an psn account

2. I heard that Squall DLC is only for europe :( and cloud is just for America :O no cloud 4 me

3. you have to complete the whole of 012 story.. then you get report 8 where you do a prishe cutscene to unlock her and a fight against gilgamesh to unlock him, then it either 300 or 1000 PP to unlock them

also.. after tifa's story... you get another chapter, but you can pick anybody to play it as (it in a party) XD also to annory ya more, after yuna's chapter, say hello to yet another chapter where ur forced to fight with lighting :rage:

EDIT: from twitter sources.... Prologus is up on the EU PSN XD i can't check right now i'm in college :)

1.Awesome cant wait to unlock mogthingy now!

2.shame I was hopeing they'd make it DLC D= Id gladly pay 5 bucks for clouds sword just couldent get it reserved xD

3.Thanks now Im psyched xD

4.meh again I LIKES LIGHTNING So thats a good thing for me -spams her sexy attacks!-

and finally Im uploading 2 more Videos!!