Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

I wouldn't go by the equipment to predict the character too much, remember numerous characters from Dissidia were able to equip knives, and some of which didn't even use aweapon.

At best, I'd say that equipment narrows it down to a (as said before) a thief, a ninja, a mage...pretty much any light equipment type of character.
I don't think it'll be Locke because there's a hammer/axe in there....

It could be another Mime character of some sort...

Yea, you're right. But it helps to narrow it down or find a possible list of characters.

Thanks for the scans!

*Saves them*
hmmmmm i hope it's a new ff6 or ff9 character we need a new one :D we can live in hope ;)
Lightning's quotes toward others is just hilarious.
Vs Onion Knight - Do you want me to train you?
Vs WoL - So, my opponent is a fairy-tale character.
Vs Terra - I won't forgive you if you hesitate.
Vs Kefka - The only joke here is your face.
Vs Sephiroth - You don't look like a hero to me.
Vs Kuja - Save your drama for someone else.
I don't like how she thinks she can train the mighty OK like he's useless or something >.<

And what she says to Kefka...poor Keffy :(
My ideal rep. for FFVI is Celes.. although Shadow+Interceptor might be cool.
For IX I'd like to see Vivi because he's just an unapologetic badass.
Here is a scan of Gilgamesh revealed on Jump magazine.


Here is the translated information from adriasang.

Info is slowly coming in on the Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's appearance for Final Fantasy V's Gilgamesh. Jump has a brief look at the character in its coming issue.

The big feature for Gilgamesh is that his weapon will change each time you attack. This presumably means that you won't know what weapon you'll get. But you're not alone, as Gilgamesh apparently doesn't know himself!
The magazine also shows Gilgamesh's Excalibur move and an event scene with fellow FFVer Bartz.

Separate from the Gilgamesh profile, Jump also confirms something that some have already figured out: the downloadable Squall outfit V Jump will give away in its next issue is a Kingdom Hearts Leon costume. V Jump hits news stands on the 21st.

Also here are some new scans of Squall new Alternative custom.



Here is a translation of some of the Exclusive Weapons from the Japanese Final Fantasy Wikia...

Darkness Dragon Spear
Holy Dragon Spear
Lance of Abel

Bizen Osafune

Premium Heart
Seventh Heaven

Machine Gun
Great Machine Gun (sounds like Laguna alright :P)
Machine Gun Ragnarok (This time Machine Gun is in Chinese characters instead of Katakana)

Yevon's Will
Yunalesca's Staff
Spira's Dream

Koenig Knuckles

Reks's Sword
Not sure but could be Dynast King's Sword from FFXII (forgot it's proper name)
Zodiak Blade

Blaze Edge
Magnum Blaze
Omega Weapon

Peil(?) Storm
Crescent Knife

Same as DDF(I think)

Desparado Chaos:
Too lazy to translate. He has four exclusives but I'm not sure if they are all weapons or it includes armor. If they are all weapons then it pretty much means that he is playable.

V.Jump with Squall's card


Here is a scan of Desperado Chaos surfaced.


There is a interview of Nomura in the Dengeki magazine.

He said that, the first line, "No next Dissidia."
This pattern of Dissidia is ending here. Since the JP and EN versions are out about the same time, there will be no UT version either. The next Dissidia will be in another different style. It will not be a fighting game. We want out staff to make different genre.

Nice thanks for the Images and Translations,It looks better and better the more I see.

I think they should have Removed Ex Death from the Sequel mostly since he's a aweful Character,and now that Gilgamesh is in I dont really see Ex Death Serving a purpose =/ other than being part of the story..

Another note I hope the Extra Costumes will be cheap because it looks like everyone is getting a 3rd costume I just hope I wont have to pay a extra 30-40$ just to get all the extras X.X
No dissidia 3 noooooo :( looks like my psp gonna have to last as long as possible :(
I heard from somebody Twitter that a aeon appers in yuna's victory pose :) that sounds ace :D
Terra said:
Vs Onion Knight - Do you want me to train you?
Vs WoL - So, my opponent is a fairy-tale character.
Vs Terra - I won't forgive you if you hesitate.
Vs Kefka - The only joke here is your face.
Vs Sephiroth - You don't look like a hero to me.
Vs Kuja - Save your drama for someone else.

Lol, I love the lines Lightning gets xD

Her OK line seems to referrence her interaction with Hope, which I think we all saw a mile off, considering how, similar to Hope, OK is the youngest. Her line for Terra seems very fitting, and I gotta say, she OWNS WoL, Kefka, Sephiroth, and Kuja :rofl: I actually smirked as I read them. Sephiroth and WoL need a rude awakening anyway. :rage:

So Dissidia III will be in a different style What are they gonna try pulling off then? Dissidia Tactics or something? o_O Tbh, I'm looking forward to see what they're gonna do, but for some reason, I can't see it being as successful :gonk:. I can see it just being a normal RPG styled game, mind.

Y'know though, they're saying about adding characters based on their styles, I'm REALLY suprised they haven't added Rikku, she's relatively popular and involved with the plot, and I feel her alchemy would very much distinct her from everyone else, no one else is an item user, and I really want to see how an Alchemist would be pulled off in Dissidia.

Also, I have a theory this Chaos POV could be Jecht. Or Jecht as he becomes a Warrior of Chaos, based off a scene SE has showed bits of where the Emperor is seen with an unconcious Jecht asking Chaos to recruit him.
Vs Onion Knight - Do you want me to train you?
Vs WoL - So, my opponent is a fairy-tale character.
Vs Terra - I won't forgive you if you hesitate.
Vs Kefka - The only joke here is your face.
Vs Sephiroth - You don't look like a hero to me.
Vs Kuja - Save your drama for someone else

haha epic lines i laugh at OK but doesnt she say that to hope....

WOL GET owned........ very epic

i don't see the reason terras :(

and Sephiroth, Kefka and KUJA just gets owned soo epicly... i love lighting and i glad she got in dissidia :D
Basically Terra is soft hearted, sweet, and all that jazz, and she would most likely hesitate if fighting an ally, so Lightning goes all "Bitch, if you hesitate I'll bitchslap the dumb out of you -__-"

It makes sense if you think about it, consider Terra's personality and Lightning's ruthlessness.
how that u say that.... i see the point :) terra is a very shy person.. sorry it just i never played FFVI :)
sheesh a 3rd Dissidia Im gonna have to get another PSP my old 1000 isent gonna be around that long ~.~; my x button and nub is already getting worn down lol...

Lightning sounds cocky I never got to play FF XIII so I never got to see/hear how she acted I figured she'd be a female Cloud >_>;
An interview of Tetsuya Nomura from Dengeki translated by Andriasang.

Nomura apparently tells the magazine that there's no next for Dissidia that is, Dissidia in its current form ends with Duodecim. He adds that there could be a completely different form of Dissidia, though. Regarding this area, he says that he feels they've done all they can with the combat base, but the game could appear in a new form. "I'd like to have the staff make a different genre."

There won't be a "Universal Tuning" type international re-release for Duodecim. The reason is that the overseas version is seeing near simultaneous release with the Japanese version this time.

Regarding a possible Kingom Hearts Birth by Sleep download release, Nomura says that this is difficult for a reason he can't say. The problem is separate from Square Enix, Disney or Utada Hikaru (who sings the theme songs). "I want to do something, but it will take time."

On Sony's new NGP system, producer Yoshinori Kitase was apparently in attendance at Sony's unveiling press conference. Kitase shared his opinions and ideas with Sony during the hardware's development (a recent Famitsu interview with Sony Computer Entertainment's president revealed that Sony did actively go around getting input from developers when developing the NGP). However, Nomura said that he could not yet talk about his (or possibly Square Enix's) plans for NGP titles.

Nomura also reveals that the voice actor for Gilgamesh is Kazuya Nakai.

Here is more information about the interview. 

◆ Gilgamesh
 Self-proclaimed legendary swordsman, FFV Between survived dimension plays a rival.

 Nakai Kazuya's voice actor.

 Anazafomu is just the first out dressed like a turban wrapped around the face, feel the muscles getting rid of visible corselet.
 The third form looks like wearing a full plate. Original pixel art.

Switch weapons at a time - hanging out the attack (random)
1 no questions asked - and when the damage Ekusukaripa
Possible attack from a distance - "Rocket Punch" to be a high-speed induction. EX mode, so the eight arms of Gilgamesh, also eight rocket punch out

 ◆ Other than CHARACTERS

 ● Third Form
 The bust on the whole, so do not know of a screen shot of Purisshu and Yuna is also a third form.

- Yuna's outfit was her wedding dress. Not wearing the veil
- Purisshu are wearing blue tops skimpy bikini top with no sleeves like arrangement of the swimsuit. Bottoms out, but the navel does not change, skirt leggings
Butts was based apparel - pixel art, but felt it was the already
- Take off with the motif Ekusudesu Ekusudesu the original Neoekusudesu

 Other characters introduced four pages, 4 page introduction in the game.

 ◆ Interview

 Mr. Takahashi Mitsunori director, Tetsuya Nomura interview creative producer.

The high FFV Gilgamesh Gilgamesh, and is a former Amano's illustrations. The objects of the Anazafomu FFVIII, a third form of pixel art FFV original story. Pixel art is precious and not published anywhere there are probably former material was drawn by Mr Nomura sketchbook. Seemed to hit it while watching the dots I had drawn tight. The unusual but beat the dots and say

Battle of Gilgamesh high concept "scrambled fighter." Fun to use its name in a very comical. The biggest feature is completely at random unpredictable and even his arms flow. Changes randomly each time the weapon attack, I do not know which one to use. Eight arms but this, their reach is long, damaging, EX has the characteristics of force and release Ishi Yasu, some Ekusukaripa. Damage which holds only one character, a gambling high. Serious character, but you can not really play break, Gilgamesh is also similar to the feeling when I was making sense of a character Kefuka those in the previous work in reverse. It was a really fun was making the staff to see the moving "I have been so" You have done a lot to brainstorm ideas and so on. The missiles and rockets were going to punch in the original, 3D has been incorporated a playful Ni当Tatte of motion as well. Do not block my ears 撃Ttara a missile, stuck to the ground and thrusts from the head after the jump. So comical characters such as a whole, by all means take a look at moving

Nakai Kazuya's high voice. Awesome. Characters had me gripped from the start. Thought it was hard to feel right at home. I thought it was perfect. Gilgamesh events really looking forward to because I want to miss. Made to see the events themselves, that is rarely laugh out loud. I have come up with the wonders of Nakai's acting, I want you to really look forward to

About 15 hours playing time in the high 12th. Just about 60 hours including the 13th story. Including a substantial volume and short stories

Gilgamesh and high Purisshu had been cleared to lift the ban, including up to 13 times after the beginning, there was to be released to finish 12th in the previous work, so many people playing. Do not write a strong enemy elements can be a challenge, but after clearing the 12th. After clearing the first 13 times recommended

The high official original quest, to make a joke and not seen in communication between the original characters, which plans to deliver complementary products

Up to 800MB high-data install it very slow and moderate, we recommend installing Sun bought it while still playing in bed

More categories of items such as high-guns and sticks, and various accessories and put his hand thinning. Without taking over because it seems too confusing to take over users

High material so you get enough fight fight, and I enjoy being collected

Third favorite form Uoriaoburaito high. EX class will change the mode.
Division President. Sandals Laguna equipment
But at what age group dressed in the original high, DDFF end 27 years of age in Laguna does not change

High Yuna summon the feeling of operation will be appeared as a special. I come from a different location and the technical character, technical performance standard was adjusted so that the special translation is likely to know Japan. The bane of planners, and said several times it will make you anxious
Had to summon to fight without getting wild
Nomura said he initially was high and try to do better Doresuchenji, it was still more original
Wild Yuna summon out and fight after all
I worried about what to do w too high workload, staff convened an emergency when they are ordered to seek w How do I can do, the results worked out on a trial and error. That something you try and w

High Yuna's attack looks gorgeous. Baka it comes out. Good to do

Baka Takashi Katsu out immediately behind the pose comes at random. Staff were working hard and want a motion made

Yuna was asked if the field is how to fight, "No, because Summoner" and w

I made a high free, after consultation with those pivotal points in the first could go smoothly. There was no other emergency call
From his field after he told about it this way had left early. Since the last base would have made fine

Wild only here, that will be another pillar of the EX mode only, first told about this. Later in the Summoner Yuna, summon the 2D and 3D is useless without'll hand those in w

Call you by name in the high Tiida heresy

Baka high systemic eight additional bodies. Shirudora FFV is also counteract the effects of such a special person Baka

The height adjustment is more likely to attack and HP, which is the basic thing of all upper and adjusted to shift toward more aggressive attack

The previous high character Furioniru was adjusted several times. TGS has been upgraded several times to hear the reputation of the trial. The lead is like a combo Shantotto

High Furioniru are so many opinions so pure power. Ties reviewed Shantotto felt combo

There could also go and raise the overall strength of the other person Kushitara high balance seen in the game doing a weekly staff

There is no field next work. Dissidia believe that this pattern ending at this time. UT version is also free. Since it is impossible to put out almost simultaneously, overseas edition. KHII time now had been considered but not plan to come out and say, come out when you come out and say exactly. UT version of this work does not appear. However, the emergence of a completely different form of Dissidia may be a future

Dishidiashirizu field as the new form of the future is something that might be likely to appear. , But I think this game based of what do not you exhausted
Feeling exhausted's doing more than everyone thinks is high. I think that you'd really crafted play about life
Field staff for several years, so I got to do things one on one matchup, we want to make things different genre now. I think Dissidia obvious pattern to do this. , And that the 3D characters in the past been so exciting revival, as Dissidia is like to do if given the chance I will carry something. However, in this Dissidia then I do not think

NGP field presentation of the day he was going Kitase venue. During the development of NGP you let out a few times my opinions and ideas

NGP field for the title story is not yet talking

Version of the DL field KHBbS want something, not because of tough talking. Square Enix and Disney, however, because the problem is Utada's another reason not to want to avoid misunderstandings. How to become available in the future but somehow we're going, the time is still needed

Take that in as a compilation packed with high. Making it as a place to have fun with any person Nowak, RPG genre but still love you like regardless of ACT, even for people who want to enjoy the character. FF I wanted to show how much of it by all means play the best game I was able to put out old characters were present. I want you to enjoy
Me was the fans who are playing quite a long time previous field, this is a play longer than making more. At least the "zero type" I want to play before getting tired, I want to play forever

There is a staff writer at the lower Pureiinpuresshon interviews, mostly positive. It seems everyone has played over 100 hours ...

The Buyer is evaluated at the end of "S" (excellent) Simple operation and refreshing action, even a beginner safe, abundant production strike a chord with fans of the original, play Gotae unrivaled. After you install a little long to load.

Gilgamesh info from this week's Dengeki:

"Rocket Punch" is a far range attack with high speed and tracking. During EX Mode, Gilgamesh will have 8 arms out, and Rocket Punch will hit 8 times (not sure hit at same time or 1 by 1 continuously).

Interview of Takahashi and Nomura
This Gilgamesh is the FFV one. 2p is from FFVIII. 3p is FFV's (something I dun understand, sorry)

His battle concept is Scamble fighter. As the name implies, he is comical and fun. His biggest characteristic is that even himself and the player couldn't predict what weapon will be used. He will pick a different weapon every time he attacks. He has 8 weapons, some has long range, some do big damage, some produce a lot of EX forces, Excalipoor does 1 damage. A "gamble" character.
"Missile" and "Rocket Punch" from his original game are here, now in 3D animation. He covers his ears when using "Missile", and will land with his head when using "Jump".

More weapon categories are added, eg. gun and stick/wand/club. A lot of accessories were added/modified too. It would confuse the players if they could be data transferred. That's why they won't.

There will be 8 new summons, including "Shirudora" (sorry dunno english name) from FFV, effect is to dispel opponent’s summon effect.

Yuna's 3p costume is wedding dress.
Prishe's 3p costume is bikini.

Here is a scan of Gilgamesh in EX Mode.


Edit: Here is a new scan of Gilgamesh with his 2nd and 3rd alternative customs.

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Thanks Spawn, As always for the nugget of informations ! :yay:

I'm glad that no international version of Duodecim is planned !
Gligamesh looks really cool ! I still hope Square-Enix will annouce other characters soon. (for VI and IX pleasssse)

Originally Posted by Terra
Vs Onion Knight - Do you want me to train you?
Vs WoL - So, my opponent is a fairy-tale character.
Vs Terra - I won't forgive you if you hesitate.
Vs Kefka - The only joke here is your face.
Vs Sephiroth - You don't look like a hero to me.
Vs Kuja - Save your drama for someone else.

My.... I know Lightning is not the friendly type, but she a bit hard whit her opponets !
I give you Gilgamesh Gameplay

I Give you Prishe Gameplay

I Give you Yuna Gameplay

Enjoy people :)

EDIT: I Give you world map gameplay :D i'm on a role today :)

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Firstly, Bartz just got even better than before :wacky:

Secondly, Gilgamesh uses magic now? Ace :awesome:

Thirdly, what was that electric summon used in the Bartz vs Gilgy vid? I don't recognise it O_O

Fourthly, faster HP attacks for CoD? Much love, now I won't have to rely on 0-Form to kill stuff :andry:

Fifthly, I think Yuna is going to be a chase specialist, her attacks don't look too easy to figure out :hmmm: also in EX, is it just me or do her Aeon attacks gain homing? i'm positive Bahamut's Mega Flare couldn't track Jecht till EX :hmmm:
Firstly, Bartz just got even better than before :wacky:

Secondly, Gilgamesh uses magic now? Ace :awesome:

Thirdly, what was that electric summon used in the Bartz vs Gilgy vid? I don't recognise it O_O

Fourthly, faster HP attacks for CoD? Much love, now I won't have to rely on 0-Form to kill stuff :andry:

Fifthly, I think Yuna is going to be a chase specialist, her attacks don't look too easy to figure out :hmmm: also in EX, is it just me or do her Aeon attacks gain homing? i'm positive Bahamut's Mega Flare couldn't track Jecht till EX :hmmm:

it looks like it the only bad thing i can about yuna is that she can still be hit when she is doing an hp attack so you are going to have to time her hp attacks just right... also prishe lookls like shes gonna be a lot of fun to play as i think she might become a main for me :D

thirdly it's a shame that the player didn't let gilgamesh do his overdrive :) would of have been nice to seen all three

finally i love yuna's victory pose :wacky: