Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

Ho,shit! Yuna kicking some ass! Gigly and Prische look epic too! and Aerith got her revenge on Sephy. What a onslaught of videos.

Oh and some people on Youtube think that when Jecht attacked Bahamut in the Yuna video. This caused Yuna to go into stagger. Do you belive that?

this is most prob from his jecht block.... it can block everything even hp attacks soo he prob used that when yuna used mega flare :)
I have a feeling Bahamut's Mega Flare is classed as a melee magic attack which is why it could cause Yuna to stagger on block.

Personally I can see Energy Ray being my preferred HP attack :wacky:
I Give you gilgamesh gameplay (with the player controlling him)

Carry on sir

EDIT: A battle video Yuna vs Prishe (You see to see all of yuna's victory pose)

I'm on a rol;e again today :wacky:
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Gilgamesh's EX Burst fail and victory... :rofl: I can see him being SO entertaining

Also Yuna randomly summons Ifrit? Why? :wacky: Or is it based on what Aeon was used to deal the finishing blow?
i think that she just summons a random aeon at the end... because she dealt the victory blow with ixion :D sorry i fail at spelling
Ah, must've forgot already what Aeon was used :monocle:

Unless the video sped it up though, Gilgamesh looks like he has a challenging EX Burst to pull off :hmmm:
it looks very hard :/ i don't think i'm gonna be able to pull it off :(
I guess it just adds to his 'high risk, high reward' style of fighting, since Excalibur deals 4 times the average damage, adding on the auto critical doubling that... It's pretty badass to have that against dealing 1 damage :hmmm:
It looks like it'll be down to luck mainly. I had a feeling that'd be the case.

I'm really looking forward to the character interaction, like with Zidane and Yuna in the last screenshot of that translated video proper got me all like :jess:. It's a well silly thing to get excited about, but eh. :lew:
gilgamesh is not really my type of fighter..... from ign... vann is meant to be very good to play as... and yuna is good for people that like to defend because it harder to get to yuna when attacking because the aeon is attacking rather than her :D
from what i seen and what i know... theres one from ffxiii, a XI Map (see the prishe gameplay video or second yuna video) XII, IX, aand a crystal one but apart from that i'm not tooo sure :)
I see all Ive seen so far is two new ones but I havent been watching much youtube so Ive only see the Prima Vista(FF9) and some odd room full of Black and Crimson colors where Laguna fought someone on a demo battle but Ive never seen that map so its probably from 13
yh the one ur thinking of is from 13.. if you go on the website (for the game) there are two new battle videos up... the second one shows the new map from Final Fantasy XI or the video is a page back... the battle is Yuna Vs Prishe... sadly the second one which is Gilgamesh Vs Bartz is in the castle map that was in dissidia
sadly still only a assist... u need a alternate costume that must mean the cpu can use her :) also she has her kingdom hearts look.... and her crisis core look :D

EDIT: Website had a big update today..... cuz gilgamesh + prishe have alternates up :)

also yuna has her thrid alternate up... and as said ages ago it's her wedding dress from when she's marrying seymour :D
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