Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

That actually surprised me, I thought that she'd follow the trademark of sticking to the original victory poses (or close to in the case of Sephiroth and Cloud) :hmmm:

Not that it's a disappointment, just seemed strange, her opening pose was quite awesome though :awesome:
just found a video with aerith being used.... she owns sephiroth to the core :awesome:

Forgot to mention earlier but now we can quickmove from side to side? Unless I missed the feature in Dissidia somehow :hmmm:

Also Aerith's Holy looks quite ace :wacky:

And i'm rather glad they gave Tifa a 'strong' sounding VA in Japan, hopefully the West gets the same treatment, a break from Terra's orgasm pain and such :hmph: least Tifa sounds like she can take a hit and deal one xD
what was that electric summon used in the Bartz vs Gilgy vid? I don't recognise it O_O

I think it's Hydra from FFV. But on the topic of unrecognizable summons, the ones that appeared before (or was it after) escapes me though xD
I thought Hydra was a water type summon :gasp: must replay FF5 methinks

Also, returning to the subject of Aerith's Holy, is it just me or does it's charge time exceed Emperor's Starfall? It took it's time to cast :hmmm:
it did but it made it even more funny when sephiroth failed and got hit by it :wacky:... but unlike starfall that's only gonna be used in a assist situation so as long as you keep the person busy it will still hit ;)
yh once it got charged it hit almost instantly..... i'm sooooo glad i brought the demo :)
i was ok because it was on the front page when i got it cuz i got it just after 1st production.... :) anywaz on topic what did you guys think of gilgamesh and prishe.... i throught prishe rocked :)
Considering we got a better view of Prishe, she's impressed me more than Gilgamesh has, latter needs more gameplay time tbh :gonk:
yh he was only shown as a computer :( rathered the player played as gilgamesh rather than bartz :(
I do like what they've done with Bartz, he has better Cecil attacks, kinda funny seeing him summon Ifrit too :wacky: it's good Cecil has a decent Paladin HP attack now, was lacking in the first game
Yeah, the gameplay vid was from Bartz POV (whose such a fraud, stealing everyone's attacks :wacky:) , who just went against Gilgy :/

And I do have a better opinion of Prishe. She appears to be a harder hitter and a bit more stable. Tifa's still got the kick ass speed over Prishe though :hmmm:
what :O i'm gonna sound weaid but i was more impressed with prishe than what i was at first with tifa.. until i faced her in the demo... god dam it tifa is very hard to beat in the demo :)
This week's Famitsu info:

New game mode: Labyrinth (see below for details)

Gilgamesh info:

- "Missile" has good tracking.
- the weapon he uses depends on real (player) luck, won't be affected by the LUK stat.
- HP attack "Death Claw"'s hit box will stay on the field for long time.

Play Impression

- has projectile attacks, a close to mid range power fighter.
- when Excalibur is picked, you can expect some big damage. When Naginata is used, some comboes can be done due to the increased reach. When Chicken Knief is used, chicken's cry/sound could be heard, and its effect is, x1.12 damage for every 10% HP lost.

- Although he uses random weapon, his attacks are simple and easy to use.

- Excalibur: 2x damage, Excalipoor: 1 damage with a special sound effect too, Genji's Katana: EX gauge depletion, Zantetsuken: very low chance of Iai strike.

- EX mode: he randomly picks 8 weapons, and they won't change until the end of EX mode. There are 3 "pattern" or forms for his outcome.

a) all 8 arms hold the same weapon
b) holding 4 by 4 (not sure here, my guess is he holds 2 weapons, 4x each?)
c) each arm holds a random weapon
When holding 8 weapons, damage will increase, certain skills will have extended range. But won't be 4x damage.
- If you picked 8x Excalipoor in EX mode, you will be SAD. (lol)

- EX Burst "Strongest Blade": pick the Excalibur among 8 fast rotating swords, 7 of them are Excalipoor.

- Even in EX Burst, if you pick the fake weapon, all damage will become 1. Gilgamesh will throw his weapon for the final HP hit. (On fail) He will yell "That is not the strongest blade ?!?"

- You can play Gilgamesh with Gilgamesh summon. The summon Gilgamesh is supposed to be exist in a differnt timeline. Time Paradox.


- you can decrease your lv in customization.
- New abilities are added, eg. "Drop speed up", "Auto Assist"

New Summon

- Calcabrina: "Pupil (of eye)" effect: remove opponent's Break status and reset their Brv to 0. (Wow, double Break go!)
- FFXII's Ultima, the High Seraph: "Total Ultima" effect: for a period of time, you will get the Map Brave when your opponent Assist Break you or EX Break you. (Normally its them who get the Map Brave).

Labyrinth mode

- Colosseum's power up mode. XD
- choose a card to proceed in the Labyrinth.
- 3 cards + 1 exit. Picking 1, the other 2 cards will disappear too (just like the old game).
- Job and Partner cards will benefit you, eg, more treasures, recover HP. Max to stock
- Party Character card increase your party member, allowing you to use Assist.
- trading medals for items.
- Most items will be gone upon exiting Labyrinth. Only a few exceptions, those item will have a special icon. These special items could be used/equipped when entering another Labyrinth.
up 3 of them.
- Reports appear when progressing through the Story mode. Event and battle happens when choosing the Blue words.
thanks for the info :) the new mode sounds interesting also gilgamesh's ex mode sounds hard to get prefect :(
Ho,shit! Yuna kicking some ass! Gigly and Prische look epic too! and Aerith got her revenge on Sephy. What a onslaught of videos.

Oh and some people on Youtube think that when Jecht attacked Bahamut in the Yuna video. This caused Yuna to go into stagger. Do you belive that?
I'm very impressed with Prishe, though I expect that from a Monk, and Tifa looks ace too, but look excellent in their own ways, but I'll probably still play as Tifa cause she's my third favourite character in VII and is such a sweetheart, bless her.

Gilgamesh looks a right laugh though :lew: Thanks a lot for the videos, Yuna Lover (y)