Do you believe in God?

No I don't. I never have and never will. I have this problem with fallowing too many rules. This so called 'god' has to many rules I personally think. I mean come on now. No one can fallow those rules perfectly.

I personally think 'god' was created to put fear into people. People back then are how they are now. Some don't listen, some listen, and some only listen to certain rules. This is a scare tactic the churches tried to use way back in the day....Lets tell them they will suffer after they die if they don't listen to us. That should get them to listen to our laws then.

Anyways I don;t think there is anything after death but silence. So why believe in a 'god'?
^To each his own, i would say.

Well, in contrast, i do believe in God, and quite strongly too. Several times in desperate situations have i prayed sincerely. And salvation came in the form of some sort of help.
Truly, I probably wouldn't be here if there weren't God to save me back then.

And, in contrast again. I would think God's presence is to give hope to people, rather than to strike fear. They usually pray to Him, yes? In a sense, its like asking for hope, salvation... etc.

As to what there is after death? Well, i don't intend to find out so soon. Not now, at least.
But, why be close-minded about His existence?

I don't think we have tackled that particular question yet.

Why shun and/or fight every opinion that may suggest otherwise?

There isn't quite a problem with that, but the problem is if you believe in something without proving it or verifying it, you must admit there is some ignorance in the fact that you could be believing something that could quite possibly be false. Then, you also have to admit that it's not logical to believe in something as being 100% true even though you do not know that to be the case. If, after having made these considerations, you still choose to believe in such things, then that is a choice you may wish to make, but there are others who would not make such a choice, and you cannot call people close-minded for not choosing to believe in something that isn't verified.

However, there is nothing that can be said about unconfirmed possibilities. They are simply inconclusive, and it is left up to the individual to decide for themselves whether or not they want to believe it. I am of the opinion that it is most logical not to believe in things that are unconfirmed. So I choose not to believe.

Jackie said:
No I don't. I never have and never will. I have this problem with fallowing too many rules. This so called 'god' has to many rules I personally think. I mean come on now. No one can fallow those rules perfectly.

You can't follow a contradiction--it's logically impossible. And God contradicts himself a lot.
I used to attend church as a kid, but even then I always had the doubt in my mind that god existed. I'm a skeptic by nature. As stated, I also believe god was just created by man, in order to give people morals so they wouldn't just run around killing each other, that combined with the natural fear of death, they found comfort in making up some kind of paradise you go to if you live a good life after you die.
I believe that there is a more powerful life form some where or that there is more than one here one of my religeous theorys, and i am a very religeous.:

god is a child or an adult in a universe much bigger than ours and probably more advanced than our to. but they have a god too ( called god ) and our god doesn't know that we call him god and this will keep on going on and on and on, these alternate universes will all be different from each other and gods will be depicted differently from our and, well thats it realy.

to answer the origional question is yes i do believe in god
Not a Christian god no, or a singular god. I believe in a few god’s and goddesses, however there are people in my religion who don’t believe in any (even though they don’t believe in them they still hold troth as if they did), as my faith is more reliant on our existence here and what we see, touch and what we do (how we interact with people and the world around us). In fact there are many in my faith that disagree with the word religion to describe Asatru as its more of a world view.

I tend to agree with most atheists on thing like: religion shouldn’t have much of a role (if any) in school, government and such things and as a scientist I am completely against its involvement in science.
I don't really think there is a god, I just don't have time to think about it. But each to their own right? If people do believe in god then thats their belief, but I just don't think there is any proof that he exists.
If God doesn't exist, we wouldn't have stuff like this... and since we do, i can safely presume there is in fact a higher power looking out for us; other than Bill O'Reilly of course.
I come from a strong Catholic family so i have a strong belief in God.....To be honest, and i am not trying to bash anyone who doesnt believe in God, im just trying to make a point. But i find it silly that people can believe that there is not a higher being. I mean how was the universe created? Correcet me if im wrong, but isnt it a basic law of physics that you cant create matter from nothing? That being said, how was the first matter created in the first place? SOMETHING had to have created it, something that defys any of our physical laws. Being a Christian, i believe that God is infinte, and is not restricted to any physical law.
There is a higher being. There is other life on other planets. Dont be fooled, the aliens and the government are going to try to deceive us from what is right.
Nah, I can't really say I believe in a god/s or "God," but I can't turn around and declare that nothing of the sort really doesn't exist. I guess agnostic would be the best term for me. Although I was raised Seventh Day Adventist/Christian, I just came to the realization that I will never truly know the answer in this lifetime, and I'd rather not "waste my time" searching for something that is most likely unattainable.
Speaking of advent, why is the film "Advent Children" called "Advent children"?

I watched it but all i saw was two dudes with swords. The actual children just hopped around like it was some bad horror movie. D:
I come from a strong Catholic family so i have a strong belief in God.....To be honest, and i am not trying to bash anyone who doesnt believe in God, im just trying to make a point. But i find it silly that people can believe that there is not a higher being. I mean how was the universe created? Correcet me if im wrong, but isnt it a basic law of physics that you cant create matter from nothing? That being said, how was the first matter created in the first place? SOMETHING had to have created it, something that defys any of our physical laws. Being a Christian, i believe that God is infinte, and is not restricted to any physical law.

People have different reasons for not believing, just as there are people that believe for different reasons. Perhaps no one can agree on how the universe was created, much less, if it ever was created to begin with--which brings me to my next point. If you assume that there was a point in time in which matter didn't exist, then it's difficult to see how it's possible for God to not exist. However, because no one has proven or found evidence that there must exist a time in which matter does not exist, that may not be the case, and it is not ridiculous that people do not believe.

I'm not saying you're wrong to believe in Christianity though. I'm just saying it's not necessarily ridiculous to not believe.

But if you don't then er...shame on you. Bad person. D<

And why am I a bad person because I don't believe in a magical sky ninja?

If God DOES exist, I want to stay as far away from him as possible, he's a psychotic, homophobic, mysoginistic, malevolent, infanticidle, pestilential meglomaniacal, evil, ethnic cleansing bully.

I come from a strong Catholic family so i have a strong belief in God.....To be honest, and i am not trying to bash anyone who doesnt believe in God, im just trying to make a point. But i find it silly that people can believe that there is not a higher being. I mean how was the universe created? Correcet me if im wrong, but isnt it a basic law of physics that you cant create matter from nothing? That being said, how was the first matter created in the first place? SOMETHING had to have created it, something that defys any of our physical laws. Being a Christian, i believe that God is infinte, and is not restricted to any physical law.

I find it silly that people use God as a gap filler for the unknown, it is true that Science does know all of the answers, but when the answers are uncovered, they are far more beautiful and elegant than just saying 'God did it,' just using God as the reason for all existence in my opinion, belittles the reality of the universe and is deeply corrosive to Science.

Do you believe in faeries? Perhaps you believe in Unicorns or Hobgoblins?
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Do you believe in faeries? Perhaps you believe in Unicorns or Hobgoblins?

Raises hand and jumps up and down. I believe in unicorns! I really really do! No look! Seriously!

Kazanator said:
I come from a strong Catholic family so i have a strong belief in God.....To be honest, and i am not trying to bash anyone who doesnt believe in God, im just trying to make a point. But i find it silly that people can believe that there is not a higher being. I mean how was the universe created? Correcet me if im wrong, but isnt it a basic law of physics that you cant create matter from nothing? That being said, how was the first matter created in the first place? SOMETHING had to have created it, something that defys any of our physical laws. Being a Christian, i believe that God is infinte, and is not restricted to any physical law.

While I can respect the fact that you believe in "God", you question how the universe was created? Have you not read on the Big Bang theory my friend? Have you not recently heard that scientists are deep into the studies of how the big bang happened, how the universe was created by using a machine called the Large Haldron Collider or otherwise known as the LHC? I'm more inclined to believe science over myth.

Just because the Bible claims God created the universe, how can you be so sure? The Bible was man-written, not God written, so how do we know it's not just full of lies? Were you there to witness it? Haven't you stepped back and taken a look into science? What about evolution? How do you we just didn't evolve from smaller beings, or some other type of creature but we gained a higher intelligence? I mean there are many different theories on how human beings were created, but I won't go into them just now.

I'm not dissing on your religion nor your personal beliefs, but I just find it hard to believe that a giant man in the sky created our world and everything in it in the matter of 7 days. This is what Stephen Hawking and his gang of scientists are studying and trying to discover, how the universe was created. We all have our beliefs, and mine is science.

But if you don't then er...shame on you. Bad person. D<

Speaking of advent, why is the film "Advent Children" called "Advent children"?

I watched it but all i saw was two dudes with swords. The actual children just hopped around like it was some bad horror movie. D:

We the humans are the gods.There is no god.
Members are firmly reminded that this particular part of the forum is for serious discussing pertaining to religion and, by default, requires a higher level of input into all posts, additional to a certain degree of maturity.
I believe that there is a 'god'. Is that god the christian god? Quite possibly, but possibly not. Is that 'god' even sentient or sapient? Possibly. I truly believe in a higher power, but I do not know what that higher power is, and I doubt anyone else does or ever will. The reason I believe in a 'god' is because there is no way that matter and energy and time just randomly popped into existence. Something must have caused it. If people tell me about the Big Bang and how it started time and and dispersed energy and matter through the universe as it formed, time has to exist for anything to happen, and nothing can start without time. The Big Bang is an impossibility, but then again, every other 'birth of the universe' theory is equally impossible. I use that argument to justify my belief in a 'god'.
Religion, on the other hand, I'm kinda neutral about. Religion has had the most influence over the human race, both good and bad. People fighting over religion has caused many people to commit horrible atrocities, but on the other hand, we wouldn't have music as we know it today because music notation was thought up by a monk who wanted to preserve hymns. The purpose of religion is to make us feel secure about life and abolish any fears that we might have, but many religions have become hypocritical, with wars and discrimination. So I'm pretty much ambivalent as to whether I believe in religion or not. But I do believe in a god.
I don't believe in god, whether as a person or as simply just a force. The big bang theory makes more sense to me than God or Brahma creating a universe already populated with people. Clearly species have existed before us, it makes no sense that that was how life started. However, before the big bang there was something, but what created that? It's a question that can't be answered. It is if you like unknown, which is also what god is if a god did exist. And something unknown is not worthy of reverence.