Do you believe in God?

I believe in God. I don't know what God looks like, I don't believe that it's male or female. It could be one of them, though. I just refer to God as It.

I like other religions, and other explanations such as science. I don't think that creationism and evolution have to be mutually exclusive. I believe in the bible being a great book full of contradictions that say a lot about humans, but not as a completely literal way to live your life. I don't read the bible anymore, once was enough.

To me, it's just about finding comfort and living as best you can, as nice as you can. As positive as you can (even if it's really easy to be negative... trust me). If you want to believe there's something after you die, great! If you don't, great! I will listen to whatever you have to say on the matter, I won't debate it. I'll have a conversation, maybe question you but ultimately it doesn't matter because it's a personal matter. It would be wonderful if science proved something, or religion did, but it's just not a priority for me.

I also try not to think about God too often because honestly, I'd probably stop believing if I examined it constantly. I just want to believe we go somewhere after we die, and that God gave us free will and then fucked off to let you make your own decisions.
I belive in a higher power, but I refuse to belive in any religion. Man is not perfect, and to say that a few men can spread the word of a being that is infallible is damn near heresy. At this point, though, religion has had one thing pressed upon it that it has not ever before: accountability. Everything that a religion does that does not agree with the media's view of society will be broadcast throuout the world. This has never happened before.

I may still be young, but I can see the great questions that science has with life that religion seems to have had an answer for thousands of years. At the same time, religions only talk about their community, especially in the books of the bible, and ignore other countries and worlds, which you would think that a being as all powerful as God would have addressed when haveing the books of the bible written. Quite a clusterf**k.

I have long since quit caring.

Btw, anyone else hear about the new seven deadly sins of the catholic church? Pedophilia is one of them. Isn't that part of their credo?
I am Buddist and believe that there might be a God. There are evidence that there could not be but at the same time reality is only based on our perception. In the words of Itachi-"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "Reality." But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
Well, when I was little I understood very little about the options I had when it came to believing these types of things. My family is Christian, so I just went with that for the longest time.

However, I eventually stopped believing anything in the bible because there is no actual proof of any of that. I don't believe, but I don't not believe. -Meaning I do believe there's someone or something out there, but I don't think it's anything or anyone anybody could have thought up. I still do kind of believe in God a little though. Being raised Christian did that, but I won't want to change that small belief I have on "God" because it's comforting to think about.

Anyways, if someone brings something religious up, I never disagree and I never agree. I just nod my head and listen, but I don't believe.
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Well, obviously, about half the Bible was lost in translation. There is a god. He probably wanted to make a book like that. But he's probably mad now because his great book has been the most re-worked, edited, re-re-re-translated, and misunderstood book in all of history. Don't believe 75% of it.

Obviously, there's a greater world up there somewhere, with a god and a son and spiritual beings, etc. But we're just earth-dwellers, so we'll never really know until life is over.
The real question here you believe in life after love? (lol sorry)

I believe a lot of what science says because it makes sense. I tend to believe that people believe in God because they cannot explain why things happen otherwise.

But personally, I do believe there is a God, but I also do not believe he has such influence and power over our lives as everyone thinks. I also think the Catholic church is BS and I assume the Bible is too because it was written by a man.

Long story short, when my brother got cancer and almost died I prayed to God. When my mother god cancer and was sick I prayed to God. Do I believe God exists? Sure, only because I want to believe.
I don't believe there is a God. I think people used to lean on religion in darker times as a way of comfort, as they have done for thousands of years; and the tradition has just never stopped. I think if there ever was a creator he was there at the beginning and then left us to our own devices. Reading the bible, I can see that it has many good moral standards and teaches us a good way of life, but honestly most of it seems like crap. Besides, what makes the Christian God any more valid than Hindu gods? (etc).

So yeah, no I dont lol. I think the Catholic church is also far too controlling :v
First off, I'd like to say that I remain completely indifferent when it comes to religious debate. If some want to believe it, I wouldn't interfere with that, but if they were totally against it, I wouldn't fight with them either.

Being a scientific person, it's easy for me to believe evolution, as it has a very traceable past whereas God just created everything has very little evidence to back it. But even the fact that man evolved from monkey is still not very believable to me. I just prefer to think it was a really long time ago and nothing I can say or do will prove otherwise.

I also can't see how leading a bad life will have consequences. For some it does, but as I see it, the bad people almost always win. Do I think God punished my parents by giving them a handicapped daughter at birth? Absolutely not, with modern technology, my parents could know if my sister were to have Spina Bifida and initiative could have been taken to prevent her from being born this way. As a result, their next child (me) came out perfectly healthy. My parents always worked hard to make it to where they are today, why should my sister have a rare illness? It wasn't a God creation (or an attempt to prevent), it was simply a lack of proper nutrients on my mothers part.

Anyways, that's my take on the believing God deal. Good people don't live forever and bad people don't pay consequences when young.
The creation myth is bogus. I am not going to sit here and prove it to you it is simply my belief. I honestly think looking at the cosmos and everything else it becomes fairly clear that this is certain. I find the Christan religious system to be unfair i personally would never give into its fear based belief style. I think the bible was simply a guide for respect. For some they need religion to make them strong.

You can believe in nothing and still be a moral person. The only reason people wonder about god is because inside your having doubts. Trust me i have tried everything from Cthulhuism to Christianity... To me its all the same. I don't know why in our world we start every war over the same thing. Intolerence of religion. Your all wrong and missing the point of life. Isn't it better to wonder than ask for an anawser?
wow this is a big topic to discuss...let's say i believe in certain religious values and i believe god into a certain extent, but to believe he is the utter being of the whole fiber of existence baffles me.
I'm an agnostic in the "don't know, don't really care" bracket. I grew up in a non-religious household where my father would frown upon anyone bringing up the idea of an omnipotent creator, and once even physically removing a couple of Jehova's Witnesses from our doorstep. So I was never really introduced to the concept of religion before I had developed a healthy amount of skepticism.
I'm just gonna input my opinion. In some cases I'd agree as well as disagree with a lot of people (not in an argueing way, just as, "oh, yeah, I can see that, I guess")...

As for myself, I do believe in God. I just don't believe in the bible. I look outside, at the sky, at the universe, at all the little things like the wind and the fact that there are seasons and people can make such decisions... and wonder, how can there not be a God? Plus, I just feel him (which I believe it is) there and know he watches people and had to of created this earth.

And I may believe certian things in the bible, but not all of it. After all, the bible was written by different men, and some things just clash with other things... And I don't think God is that picky. I just think he wants us to find a purpose in life that is good and make what we can, and see if we can appreciate what he's given us. The bible
tells you too many things of what to do, and at times it can seem so wrong.

After all, it talks about servants, and honeslty, who this day has THAT kind of servants?

I guess this could of gone in the "What do YOU believe?" thread, but I thought it would
fit in either or other. So, as far as it goes, that's my belief....
I do. I'm a Bible-believing Christian, and it took me a long time to be convinced too. Eventually it was simply that I couldn't dismiss Jesus that won me over; I saw all kinds of contradictions before, and was unsettled by it, but I couldn't dismiss Him. So, believing in God, I asked Him to not let be fooled and asked if this was it. Then I decided to try Jesus out. Haven't looked back; the closer I rely on the Bible, the more reliable I find it. I don't see contradictions anymore, although I admit there are many things I don't understand.

Having said all that (and believe me, it is a very brief version of a long story), I get ticked off at the religious system that's become of the church Jesus built. People get so caught up in rules and regulations that they totally screw everything up. When you look at much of the Church today, you see so many things that Jesus Himself condemned and opposed. People don't love or give. They limit Him. They look down on others. They've forgotten that the point is that we need help, and none of us can make it on our own. Pukes.
I'd just be interested whether or not you believe in God, and why? I'm undecided 'cause I think there is little evidence for God beyond the bible, which is questionable. God can not be the ultimate creator. This flies in the face of creation itself. If God created everything, who created God?
You can ask who created God, but then you have to ask who created the creator of God. At some point we all must agree that something, or someone, always existed. I believe it's God that has always existed.
i would just like to say that i do believe in god and everything the bible says i cant really explain why i just feel its true and there is other evidence besides the bible as already has been said like documents in rome and the dead sea scrolls but i respect everyone and what the choose to believe/disbelieve
I wish I did believe in God, but I'm sorry to say that I don't.

I do believe however that if there was a God, he wouldn't want us to live our lives by a code or religious text. I also have a lot of trouble believing that an all loving, all powerful, all forgiving God would send you to hell if you don't believe in him, or if you made a few mistakes in life.

I'm all for faith, faith is great, like I say, I wish I had it. But organised religion is literally one of the very worst things on the planet.
No, I don't believe in a god. You can't demonstrate or prove that one exists. By using science and reasoned logic we can find out what is true about the universe, and I believe that's how we should proceed.

I used to pray and stuff. Then I realised, I was talking to the sky and no one was listening. Oh the power of prayer...
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Im proud to say im a strong believer in christianity, which is probz helped by the fact i'm pianist for my church's worship team

I used to not believe on God when i was a kid and it only the past year since going to that church that iv opened my eyes and heart to God. To me it as if the light switch has been turned on. And i know this sound stupid but, many times i'v felt the holy spirit. Call me crazy or strange but that just me :P
I believed once. But after going to High School, I had very little free time.
Thus I felt like life is such a suffering, so how comes God does nothing about it?
While the reason may sound stupid, it really had a great effect on me.
So I stopped believing in God, or at least in bible and the like.
I now only see it as a book with nice stories.
But I still think there is a "God", as we were created somehow, right?
But it is just not the same God mentioned in the bible (which can talk to people or becoming angry). Rather some kind of unknown material or something.

Anyway, rather than believing/not believing, I simply really don't care anymore.
I try to be as realistic as possible. When someone says he has special powers (like seeing the future for example), most people will laugh at him and won't believe him. While those same people believe in even more unbelievable things like Hell and Heaven. The reason I don't think it is true, is simply because I want to see evidence. Show me some evidence and I'll believe in it too.

While that said, God gives a very nice and simple explanation to how the world was created. But then again, who created the God?
Besides, it is more reasonable (at least for me) to believe that rather many than one Gods created the world, as the world is very complicated.

As for religions, I think it is a bad thing. At least when it comes to very extreme level. Many wars in this world were caused by religion or similar things which categorize people . So I think the world would be better without religion. But still, I don't have anything against religious people.
If I would have hate religious people, it'll be that same categorization which I mentioned above.
Well... yes. I do believe in God, but I don't think that you need to go to church or pray all of the time to worship him. He knows if you believe, and that's enough. You don't need to spend lots of time even thinking about him, as long as you do. I think that God doesn't mind if you skip church every once in a while, or don't go at all. If you believe, I think that should be enough.

This is all my opinion, mind you. I could be all off with this, but don't tell me that I need to go to church to believe. I don't need to.
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