Do you believe in God?

Yes I do. its only been since recently that I've been extremely serious about it though. I believe in the Judeo-Christian God, Jesus the saviour, and the teachings of the Holy Bible.
I also honestly believe that Jew, Christians, and Muslims all worship that same God but we all do it differently.

Well... yes. I do believe in God, but I don't think that you need to go to church or pray all of the time to worship him. He knows if you believe, and that's enough. You don't need to spend lots of time even thinking about him, as long as you do. I think that God doesn't mind if you skip church every once in a while, or don't go at all. If you believe, I think that should be enough.

This is all my opinion, mind you. I could be all off with this, but don't tell me that I need to go to church to believe. I don't need to.

no you're absolutely right!
God loves all of his children and never says once "GO TO CHURCH EVVERY SUNDAY"
but church, prayer, and stuff like that are all excellent to help you grow spiritually.
I like to go to church (the vineyard specifically) because I like to be around people who believe the same way I do and I love to join in in mass prayer and worship. Sunday and thursday are my rejuvenating days were I can recharge my self from the stresses of work and school were I always seem to be called out on my beliefs... :smokin:
Well... yes. I do believe in God, but I don't think that you need to go to church or pray all of the time to worship him. He knows if you believe, and that's enough. You don't need to spend lots of time even thinking about him, as long as you do. I think that God doesn't mind if you skip church every once in a while, or don't go at all. If you believe, I think that should be enough.

This is all my opinion, mind you. I could be all off with this, but don't tell me that I need to go to church to believe. I don't need to.

Exactly I agree with you, as long as you have your faith. I was pretty much raised a catholic, but I'm not a religious fanatic. All I have is my faith.
I dont, im really on the side of Scientology, I dont believe humans just CAME
i mean if god did exist, and Adam and Eve also existed, they probably would of looked like Neanderthals or primates
I find it incredably difficult to believe in the idea of God. Theres as much proof that Odin exists as there is "God" exists. Furthermore the hypocrisy of the catholic church in particular makes it a very hard pill to swallow.

Catholic priests can condemn us with hellfire and brimstone, while at the same time they bugger wee boys and ruin lives. Get tae fuck.
Saying you believe in God and you might as well say you believe in the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas. It's superstition for adults afraid of the dark and dying.

Okay, God is supposed to be:

Omnipotent: Limitless power
Omniscient: All knowing, He posseses all knowledge, is incapable of error, ergo He is infaliable
Omniversal: Able to occupy all time and all space simultaneously at once.

If God is omniscient, why did He not know where Adam and Eve were when they hid from Him? This also defeats the omniversal side of His power, but it also calls into question the whole predetermination thing. Why create a tree of Knowledge? Did He honestly not know if they would be tempted? If that is the case then He is not omniscient. And why deny us knowledge anyways? Knowledge is one of the most beautiful things in the world, or would God have prefered us to be ignorant and stupid and devoid of free will?

Also take His Omnipotent power, its a paradox. If He is limitless in power, surely He can create a rock that nothing in existence is able to lift? Ahh, but then does that mean He couldn't lift it? Because, if He couldn't lift it then He isn't all powerful, but if He could lift it...well then He can't create a rock that is impossible to lift, again He can't be all powerful. See where im going with this now...?

And how can anyone accept the teachings of the Bible as literal factl? Or do some of you really believe the world to be 10,000 years old? its 6 BILLION years old and we have scientific evidence to support that.

My take on religion is that it was created by men in dark caves that were afraid of death, afraid of the dark and afraid of the unknown. So they created an afterlife, which cheers everyone up. Then these men create a God and they stumble onto something..."what if we tell people that this God can do anything, and anything the people do we wont like...well, we'll tell them that God will be very wrathful, wont that be a great way of controling people?" and so religion was created.

We live in the 21st Century people. The reason places like the Middle East are warzones with broken economies and archaic belief is because they are still living in the Dark Ages. We are at the start of a great scientific and technological age. We're in for a tough century with looking for ways to look for alternative fuel and energy, reduce our water and food consumption, preparing against the worst of climate change to name but a few. Im sorry but faith alone will not overcome that. Hard work and technology will. It even looks as if the Space Race is back on with the current media buzz around Neil Armstrong and talk of space exploration and putting a man on Mars. All the Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Nordic religions died out and they were no more less credible than the big three today. Within 500 years, with a bit of luck, they will have died out as well.
I am Atheist. I do not feel that I am in need of the guidance from a superior being. I make my own morality decisions. I will never kill a man, not because God or the Law will punish me but because I find it wrong.

That being said, I by no means disrespect those who do believe.
No, I tend to look at things in reality rather than emotion.

The human, the desired, philosophic, and cosmic creature in an otherwise cold world causes great distress, to look and see the silent world around him, he has a voice, he has goals, the idea for a greater cause, in a world that otherwise doesn't. So, he creates them. He convinces himself of them, looking up at the sun, his need for meaning causing a perception that magnifies meaning, giving the soul. This feeling, so very convincing, must be true.
Saying you believe in God and you might as well say you believe in the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas. It's superstition for adults afraid of the dark and dying.
Except that no mentally capable adult seriously believes in the Tooth Fairy or Father Christmas, whereas many mentally capable adults profess a belief in God. Of course, you may, as Professor Dawkins does, insist that they are not mentally capable precisely because they believe in God, but this is really just arguing in a circle, trying to smudge over the plethora of evidence that these persons are mentally capable with rhetorical conflation of categories. The fact is, many people perceive their belief in God to be in a wholly different category from believing in the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas, and insulting their intelligence by ignoring the distinction they make will win no one to your cause.

If God is omniscient, why did He not know where Adam and Eve were when they hid from Him?
Some Christians (Open Theists) submit this as evidence that God is not actually omniscient, but the conflict was resolved centuries ago by theologians far more capable. The question, "Where are you?" did not spring from a lack of knowledge, but from a desire to test Adam to prove whether he would own up to his disobedience. I say "to prove" and not "to see" because the object of the test is not to obtain knowledge, but to establish undeniably before the throne of God's justice what mettle Adam is made of. There are a variety of uses to which this proof can be submitted; for instance, to silence Satan's accusations, or to silence Adam's attempts at self-justification.

Also take His Omnipotent power, its a paradox. If He is limitless in power, surely He can create a rock that nothing in existence is able to lift? Ahh, but then does that mean He couldn't lift it? Because, if He couldn't lift it then He isn't all powerful, but if He could lift it...well then He can't create a rock that is impossible to lift, again He can't be all powerful. See where im going with this now...?
This argument presumes a God that Christians do not actually believe in. The Christian God is only omnipotent insofar as He can do anything that is consistent with His nature. To create such a rock as you describe would violate that nature.

The reason places like the Middle East are warzones with broken economies and archaic belief is because they are still living in the Dark Ages.
The reason why they are still living in the Dark Ages is because the Islamic conception of God is not particularly conducive to science and economic advancement. Let me give you an example. Basically, the Islamic concept of God's Providence is that if I am firing artillery shells at infidels 5 miles from my present location, then if God wills the infidels' destructions, He should be able to guide my shells to their target irrespective of my efforts. The Christian concept, on the other hand, is (barring a debate over when and upon whom a Christian is morally justified in participating in war) that God can guide the artillery shell by means of my efforts at learning the fine art of angling my shots so that the mathematical consistency of God's law of gravitation will drop the shell exactly where it ought to go. Islam has only ever generated the motivation for engaging the world (through economics and science) among its heretics.
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Flagg: You forgot omnipresent, meaning He's everywhere at once. I'd like to see your take on that area as well, considering the depth you took the time to elaborate upon.

God... The reason for everything, apparently. If He exists, he's the reason why I typed this, and why you're reading it at this moment! O! What a destiny to befall thee! Not so mucheth. Lawlz. 8F (I just lurve dis smileh! It's just so accurate!) But yeah, if God exists, he's the reason for all the windfalls and downfalls alike that've happened in my life. In my opinion, the current ends don't justify the means, so whatever's going on in his immortal, everpresent, infinite head, his said design better be really, really grand. :amg: I've prayed, and with precision timing, things have happened, seemingly because of the prayers. Some of them are for objects, some for events, but for some macrocosmic reason, I've gotten everything I've prayed for, in not really that much time after having prayed. I'm not going to make this post into a series of testimonies, but there's evidence in my life that not even a snake tongued prosecuting lawyer could deny of this Godhead figure's influence over my life.

However, I am aware of the possibilities, if you think about the logical, scientific sides of the coin. Randomly placed instances of perfectly synchronized and well-timed events that happen to fall into the "in my favor" category could be replaced with the words "answered prayers." I know that some spiraling clouds that form tornadoes just don't touch down sometimes. I know that the days it flooded in Dayton, Tx could've just been a random hunch my brother had when he told my dad "Hey, dad, we need to get outta here. God told me it's gonna flood." even though it was a clear sky, sunshiny day. That was very, very peculiar, cuz we got flooded out so badly, we were on the freakin' news. And our city doesn't have an in-town channel for the city itself.

Just basically saying, just cuz there's explanations for certain things doesn't mean God didn't catalyze them. :monster:
I'd just be interested whether or not you believe in God, and why? I'm undecided 'cause I think there is little evidence for God beyond the bible, which is questionable. God can not be the ultimate creator. This flies in the face of creation itself. If God created everything, who created God?
Ancient Greek philosophers like Aristoteles, the founders of modern philosophy, claimed that there's a non-created Start I'm really sorry for my bad english, I've never studied philosophy in any other language than Greek. If that helps, think of a first "father" theory that has no father. that just exists.)
So, the "who created god" question is answered by atheistic theories.

The thread's main issue is if we believe god exists isn't that right?
So, I do believe that something out there that can create life exists.
However, I don't believe in god if believing in it means that I have to entrust my hopes for he future in its hands.
Yeah I believe in him & the holy Trinity..

Didn't used too though and remember watching TV and a commercial was on selling christian based music and used to laugh at them raising their hands into the air thinking that they looked foolish. But now regret that and now believes in the bible and the Lord & his son..

Believe that he is real but even is getting mislead you get to learn great teachings and you learn how to become a better person. You feel forgiven inside for every mistake that you have done, you feel safe and you even don't feel alone because you believe that somebody is forgiving you and supporting you and loving you like a daughter or son..

Not to mention you become a less violent person less revengeful more respecting of others and more open to help others in need and treat the planet with more care and respect. You start to think before you throw that chewing gum paper on the ground. Though you can be like this without becoming Christian Jew Mormon Catholic.. [etc ] though believe that.. it helps... It helps you get through life and the struggles that it brings..

Remember watching the Documentary channel and one sciencest said

" This world is too beautiful to be created by chance.. "
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i think people are crazy for believing in a god and an afterlife , no offence by the way!! , what evidence have we that proves this "gods" existence the same applies to jesus , dont try to say the bible because it could have been wrote by absolutly anyone, religion to me is something to keep the working class in the belief that the "next life" is better, it really is a load of tripe , just sit and think about it!.
i don't personally believe in god
i think science is the route
i mean the bible is just so patronising and i just don't see how if one all mighty entity created the universe how it would be so ridden with conflict and death and nothing but questions
Hmm, I wasn't ever really religious and I was told about 'God' when I was little and whatnot. It's hard to say though.... i've always assumed there was but, now that im older I don't really know if there is or not =/ i'm so-so. undecided if you will. XD. I want to but then again... who knows?
i think people are crazy for believing in a god and an afterlife , no offence by the way!! , what evidence have we that proves this "gods" existence the same applies to jesus , dont try to say the bible because it could have been wrote by absolutly anyone, religion to me is something to keep the working class in the belief that the "next life" is better, it really is a load of tripe , just sit and think about it!.

I got just one answer for that and it's just because you're in America (or I assume you do). No offense, but lots of people in America are too fanatical about the Bible. Not that it's too much of a bad thing, but when it becomes too much it usually turns people away. I've seen how crazy it can get.

I can see why some of you would actually want proof. "If it's actually true, why can't we have any proof, or at least some visual contact?" I always wonder, myself.

To stay on topic, yes I do believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This world couldn't have been created by chance.

I understand why people just won't believe. Some Christians would just go after those people and either condemn them or try to convert them by any means necessary. Some people do it for the right reasons, some people do it for the wrong reasons. You know, those that do it for the wrong reasons just do it to heighten their chances to get to Heaven.

I learned to just accept the undecided and the ones who just don't want anything to do with God. It's better to be friends with them than to hound them day and night with conversion.

But I must ask about science. How do scientists know how long ago the dinosaurs have lived? how do they even know they lived around 65 million years ago? I don't really see how they do it. I don't want to challenge anything, I'm just asking how they do it.

Anyways, to all unbelievers and undecided. I really understand you. Heck, my sister's an Atheist. She has her reasons of doing this. As for you, I just ask that you give it a chance. Even if there's no living proof of God's existence, people still believe in Him because they do so out of faith. If they believed in Him because there was proof, there wouldn't be any faith at all. That's one reason there's no proof. Call it stupid, but it's the only thing I can say, really.
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To stay on topic, yes I do believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This world couldn't have been created by chance.

And why not? There are billions, and billions of planets, galaxies and solar systems out there.

I understand why people just won't believe. Some Christians would just go after those people and either condemn them or try to convert them by any means necessary. Some people do it for the right reasons, some people do it for the wrong reasons. You know, those that do it for the wrong reasons just do it to heighten their chances to get to Heaven.

To assume a man is an atheist as an overreaction to Christian fundamentalists is a flawed argument--some of us actually have given it some thought. And Christianity, regardless of who supports it or defiles it, just isn't convincing, either as a moral guide, or as fact.

But I must ask about science. How do scientists know how long ago the dinosaurs have lived? how do they even know they lived around 65 million years ago? I don't really see how they do it. I don't want to challenge anything, I'm just asking how they do it.

They didn't know; they discovered it through some evidence. If you want to know, look at some fossils. Go to a museum and do your own research on the fossils.

Anyways, to all unbelievers and undecided. I really understand you. Heck, my sister's an Atheist. She has her reasons of doing this. As for you, I just ask that you give it a chance. Even if there's no living proof of God's existence, people still believe in Him because they do so out of faith. If they believed in Him because there was proof, there wouldn't be any faith at all. That's one reason there's no proof. Call it stupid, but it's the only thing I can say, really.

Faith is not a particularly good reason to believe in god. To believe something in spite of evidence, or lack thereof is not logically sound.
I don't believe in any god, and certainly not the christian God referred to in the title. Christianity was originally a cult around the figure of Jesus Christ (who probably did exist, but without any divine powers) which has grown to be one of the worlds leading religions. If this Jesus person was a personal messenger from God, why didn't God send messengers to other places in the world which where at the time unknown to the people on the European continent?

Religion leaves to many gaps in their teachings and stories to be of any value to me for making more sense of the world. I can understand how other people can find comfort and answers in religious teachings of any kind, but I prefer to figure out how I feel about life myself instead of letting some sage/teacher from centuries ago telling me what to think in some old book or scripture.

On top of that, I've seen so many things in life that would make God a very cruel entity if he would actually let these things happen, and that is not something I'd like to worship.
And why not? There are billions, and billions of planets, galaxies and solar systems out there.

To assume a man is an atheist as an overreaction to Christian fundamentalists is a flawed argument--some of us actually have given it some thought. And Christianity, regardless of who supports it or defiles it, just isn't convincing, either as a moral guide, or as fact.

They didn't know; they discovered it through some evidence. If you want to know, look at some fossils. Go to a museum and do your own research on the fossils.

Faith is not a particularly good reason to believe in god. To believe something in spite of evidence, or lack thereof is not logically sound.

You make some excellent points. To be honest, I just wanted to post my thoughts here. And encourage the ones who choose not to believe. I tried, but it does not mean I will hound you till the ends of the earth. :)

So let's all believe what we want to believe. If I'm wrong, I may have to pay for it when I die. But that's how devout I am. Just like I can't change anyone's mind, no one can change mine. I have my personal reasons to believe as well, and I respect everyone else's beliefs. I can't really say anything else, since everyone's points seem to make sense.
I am not in the interest of making atheists of others; I am simply more curious to know how you arrived at your position, since it seems many people are lead to the same conclusion as you are, for perhaps similar reasons. And they're reasons that I wouldn't be convinced by. If they are different, I wouldn't mind if you shared them.
Like most people, I started believing once I picked up a Bible. But once I started reading about Catholicism, I actually felt way better than when I was just a born-again Christian. Catholics make the most sense, at least in my opinion, since it is believed Christ Himself found the Church. They date back to biblical times, while most Christian sects did not exist until Martin Luther's time.

Most people reach the same conclusions because they only have the Bible to help them. As for Catholics, they have other things aside from the Bible. I understood Christianity better because of Catholicism, and I bet most Christians would understand better if they go through the same path as I have. But that's just my opinion. After all, some fanatical groups are anti-Catholic.

I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else, but rather I just understand Christianity better. I've never seen Catholic preachers on TV, and I don't think there ever will be. Sorry if I just rambled on and on, but Catholicism is one of the reasons I'm hard to convince. Do I turn a blind eye from science? Of course not. I've been fascinated with prehistoric creatures like the dinosaurs and with astronomy ever since I read about them. I don't disagree with science at all, especially since there's fossil findings all over the planet.

So who's right and who's wrong? I don't think anyone is wrong unless they started something for the wrong reasons. Like founding a new religion just to make money. That would be wrong. If scientists really do their stuff for the right reasons, like letting the whole world know that it's full of fossils of ancient beings, or letting them know that there could be life outside of Earth, then no one should bother them. They could be on to something, if they weren't already.

I don't think some major religions are making their stuff up. Some could be wrong. Some could be right. No one really knows unless we have written proof, which is not the case with the religions I know. Maybe they do and I just don't know about them.

Sorry again if I just rambled on, but i needed to get this off my chest. I hope I answered your question, J.