Do you believe in God?

What created you? What are you exactly?

Such simple questions that you can only vaguely answer yourself.
People are allowed to be vague with this topic. There isn't a rush to find a definitive answer to them - in the scheme of things we are what we make ourselves out to be regardless if a person thinks a god compels them or not. I see no problem with saying 'who knows?' when it poses such little relevance to how I live. On the same note a believer would not bother with them because according to their faith everything is in their god's will.
But is it not much easier for a man to believe in something without bothering with whether or not it is true? I'm sure that's why some people believe in god. A man is often disturbed by uncertainty.

I prefer to admit honestly to not knowing anything; besides, knowledge is overrated. How a man arrives at his knowledge is more important than the knowledge itself.

And I now leave you with this simple quote from Socrates (which I probably have at some time, but don't remember if I did, so here it is again if I did actually post it earlier):

Socrates said:
I know that I do not know.
I don't claim to know. I know what I've experienced. I know there is a God, from my experiences. I can't communicate that to you efficiently, and I apologize. I'd say take my word for it, but really you don't know me and I'm a faceless person on the internet. So, carry on gents.
Odds are that even if we did know you, we wouldn't take your word for it. Even if we were best of friends we just couldn't. We look at it this way, we believe what we want to, and you can believe what you want to.

At the end of the day, we're living life to the fullest, so we don't really care. :mokken:
It's really hard to explain whether God exists or not. Like the poster above me has mentioned, we can all believe what we want to.

I like to stay in the middle. I'd tell people what I believe in. If they don't want to believe, it's fine with me. I don't have to hound them till the ends of this world. Atheists and other people who don't believe in God or any other deity have their reasons for not believing, like lack of proof of God's existence. Most of the time, Christians believe in God simply out of faith.

I can't really show proof of God's existence. One of my teachers, in the middle of a non-educational conversation, mentioned that there is a possibility that the people of ancient times "invented" religion to keep people in line. That would make sense, but perhaps we'll never know.

No one can say who is right and who is wrong, so I think it's best if we all just believe what we want to believe.
From my own opinion, I've come to the conclusion that the Christian God (Which seems to be what this topic alludes to) does not exist. Mostly though, my qualms with religion in general are raised by the followers of them. I don't believe priests and pastors are any different to normal people, and due to this I'm wary to believe when any of them claim to speak for a deity.

For one religion to be true, the rest must be untrue, as they all have differing beliefs and ideas as to what their chosen deity wishes for them. In my opinion, this means that the majority of those who claim to speak for a god are 1) misguided, 2) delusional, or 3) liars. Again, there is no method to determine which group, if any, in fact speaks for God--not even those doing the speaking can know for certain. As such, most religions are based on the irresponsible and immoral practice of people claiming they know what God wants, and other people delegating that authority to those individuals, without good reason.

Religion is based generally on faith and lack thereof, in addition to a series of double standards. For example--If I tell you I have a unicorn in my basement, what would you do? Most likely laugh and call me insane. If you tell me God speaks to you and I call you insane, I am being religiously oppressive.

What's the difference? There is none, but that's what double standards are all about.

tl;dr - I don't believe in God because my own experiences with people along with research on the subjects lead me to believe that it is false.
Rexi, reading your post caught my attention. And I just got to say something about it.

It just infuriates me that other people's bad example leads people away. I'm just guessing here, but did they go after you non-stop because you didn't believe? Did they condemn your beliefs? Did they tell you you'll end up in hell unless you go to their church? So many "religious" people are ignorant. And I used to be when I first learned about it. Believe me, I'm NOT proud of that. I certainly respect your decisions, and I won't condemn you and about them.

Here's how some of them see it: God's angels rejoice when someone becomes a follower. In a way, they want to keep God happy by any means. They won't care about the lengths they'll have to go. They won't look at themselves because trying to keep God happy is enough for them.

I probably shouldn't have to, but I feel like I got to apologize because so many people believe Christians are bad news because of SO many bad examples out there. I'd probably snicker at the thought of a unicorn in your basement, but that's because I've always thought unicorns were silly. I'd believe you, though.

So ignore the ones who claim to be Christians when in reality they're showing a bad example.They're just doing whatever it is they're doing for themselves.
You are pretty much on the ball there. I personally submit myself to a mixture of beliefs, but most are those which are displayed in Wicca, so that is the religion I "follow". However, you don't need to apologise--I don't address Christianity solely in my post, as I've noticed the same "elitism" from all of the big religions I've encountered. Although my viewpoint is somewhat poisoned as I used to be a confirmed Christian, but I turned from it because of the very things I explained above.

From what I've seen though, religion is quite a grating subject, in that it has been the cause of many conflicts over the years. Granted, many other things also do that, but I've found religion is often the most "petty" of causes for problems. The way I view it, so what if our religions are different? As long as you're not a morally deficit fool we'll get along fine, as long as you don't get pushy. ¬.¬

Though I get enough crap for other life choices I've made without adding religion to it XD Oh the joys of living in a highly Christian town.
I'm glad you see it that way. I'm a Catholic, and in my opinion Catholics cause less problems. Just look at Mexico. About 90% or so are Catholic, but I don't hear them preach on TV or cause riots on the news (Mexican news, of course)

But enough of that. Two, maybe three friends of mine used to be Wiccan. I say "used to" because two of them passed away not so long ago. They were nice. Being a Christian (overall) makes me wonder where they are. Despite their beliefs, I believe they could be in heaven because they were kind and did not know much about Christianity.

Which brings me to my point. Whatever you are, there's no reason for us to be bitter enemies. I rarely ask my friends what they are, because they usually are nice to me.
I don't claim to know. I know what I've experienced. I know there is a God, from my experiences. I can't communicate that to you efficiently, and I apologize. I'd say take my word for it, but really you don't know me and I'm a faceless person on the internet. So, carry on gents.
Didn't mean any harm, mate. Just wanted to defend the undecided's position. My experiences with religion and deities are also different from yours, so even if I knew of your past the chances of me changing my mind are slim at best.
I believe there is/was a God, but I do not believe in religion, if that makes sense.

Everything in this universe, has a cause and effect. There is nothing that exists that didn't have something "cause" it. However, this is contradictory, since this cannot go on forever. There has to be something that started everything- an unmovable being, something that did not need a cause to come into existence. That "unmovable being" is God. If this unmovable being is a magical invisible pink bunny, then that being is God. If its a flying spaghetti monster, then that being is God.

That said, the reason for my non-belief in religion should be obvious. Religions tend to contradict. What makes a Christian's God > a Muslim's God? Or a Catholic's God? Or a Jewish God? Not to mention, religions are created because a group of people say it is true. The bible, the old testament, etc. imo those were created with the intention of maintaining order and maintaining the morals of the people, along with fitting the views of whomever created them.

Also, going back to the "religions contradict one another" concept, I find some things ridiculous, and question why some things are considered evil. Such as eating shellfish is evil, or something like that. Personally, I find good and evil to be completely arbitrary matters anyway (though few would agree with me). I think Shakespeare said it best with "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

I have no idea whether God exists as of now, but I do fully believe that a Deity of some sort existed at one point and created everything. I do not believe that God exists to impose moral and ethical standards upon living humans.
i dont think it would be a good idea for me to hang around in this forum, given my feelings on this matter.

Categorically speaking I dont believe in a god or any such thing, when you know what I know its hard to believe in a single creator Deity, responsible for all the creation in the universe.

Thats all I have to say on the matter, I wont be able to hold my tongue if I continue.....
This is a hard question for me to answer. It's not so much that I don't believe in God, it's that I don't like the idea of faith. To love and to pray to something that may or may not exist. There's no proof that a God exist but that's not to say that if there is a God, he/she isn't keeping the proof from humanity in order to test their resolve. Maybe he/she doesn't give absolute knowledge on the matter in a way of testing us, to see who will hold on to their beliefs and who will rebel and go against the crowd. But that kind of makes God sound like a dick; taking her/his creation and pinning them against one another (atleast that's how it comes off to me). But I'm getting off topic. My thought is that there could be a God. I don't exactly believe, but I'm completely open to the idea that we have a "creator" and that we serve a purpose. I just don't really like to think about it. I prefer to consider myself a being of my own world where I subconsciously set the rules and play the game with myself as the pawn. That probably sounded a little strange but that's because I haven't... been... sleeping... much.
I do belive in God, however i have respect for other religions. In my own personal opinion i believe that God created the universe the earth and all things living and not.

All five of the Major religions in the world and ones smaller than those all teach the same thing. Love your neighbor and live in peace, to put it in simple words.

I think that this is a Delicate matter so i will leave it at that.
I'm going try to keep this very short and pos. Not for one second in my intire Christian up bringing have i ever belived in god. In my younger years up till now with my love of history (as well as the history of religion its self) cant find any truth in such man made fables to make since of an unknown world. We humans have grown so much in the thousands of years it's been since the creation of such ways of thinking, that it is no longer needed. In the great words of Fridrich Niche "God is Dead".
As for myself i am a non believer of all religions. Looking back at the thoughts of our human ancestors is not going to put us closer to the truth of what is out there, from the people who them selves knew very little. We can only now look at the world that we know to be true (reality) to push forward to gain the best under standing of our Cosmos and our Wow i suck! doesnt really stick to anything direct, but if anybody has questions just ask.
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I consider myself agnostic. If there really is a higher power and it has been proven as fact (not because the bible or other religious texts say so), then I'll believe it. Until it's proven, I'll just go about my merry way and live my life like normal, the way I want to.

However, I for one do not like organized religion. I do not want to be told what to believe, when to believe, how to believe, and how I should live my life. On top of that, I'm really not too keen on the Judaism > Christianity > Islam trifecta.

I had a class on religion in college, and I can definitely say that after having sat through that class, I have a lot more respect for Buddhism and Hinduism. They don't tell you what you HAVE to believe in.

My biggest problem with religion (particularly Christianity since that's the one you here about most often here) is how they want to force everyone to follow their laws. That's a big problem here in the States IMO, at least it had been. I don't mind if a religious person wants to run for President, but please don't push your religious agenda upon the rest of us.

And even then, there are some things I just don't understand. Take these two scenarios:

1) Some guy who brutally raped and murdered 100 found God while in prison. 2) A gay person who has been an upstanding, law-abiding citizen their entire life, who believes in God and goes to church every Sunday.

How is it possible that the guy in scenario 1 will be forgiven, but the guy in scenario 2 won't be?

If you agree with my opinions or views, then awesome! If you don't, that's fine, I completely respect your opinion, but you won't change my mind.
I don't know the answer to that, of course; I'm still searching. But here's a theory.

I think that a cosmic mind may exist. It seems to be a rather attractive way to explain the intricacies of the universe. However, I don't think that it does personal favors to people of a particular faith because they believe in certain dogmatic notions. This cosmic mind (monad, god, gods, aeons or whatever...) seems to function through the infinite patterns that bring about being -- along with all realities at all levels, both macrocosmic and microcosmic. And, in my current opinion, for us to be able to able to detect and tap into the emanating signals of this cosmic mind -- or what Aldous Huxley called, the Mind at Large -- we might need to harness the abilities of our central nervous system.

Here's a sweet little vignette that could be taken as an allegory to the aforementioned theory.

Nasruddin was galloping in Baghdad one day on his donkey -- searching for something. He went up every street and alley in his rather frantic search. Everybody got curious and asked, "Nasruddin! What are you looking for?" And he said, "I'm looking for my donkey."
is more absolute than people seem to think. A pure agnostic believes that there is no way of knowing for certain if a higher deity exists. Being confused on the subject does not make you an agnostic, it just means you don't know.

By this, I am not trying to play jeopardy with words. I just want to introduce this so that people may consider it rather than face a likely false reality that the universe came from nowhere.

I believe that a higher power exists. To me it seems a mathematical truth. Nothing just springs out of nothing, at least not according to the physicists that brought on speculation of the universe.

My only speculation is how divine that power is. Maybe they are mortal, just as we are, but mastered time and space- and all the forces of nature, to a point where they can create universes.
The scary thing is- that to, mathematically, is possible after a civilization strives for millions of years. What are we on? 6000? 10000? hmm..
I do believe in one supreme God, mainly because I have always lived in a religous area but also because there is no true explaination for the creation of the world and the origin of life. I simply refuse to believe in theories such as the Big Bang theory, for I find that it makes no sense whatsoever. How can an explosion possibly explain the creation of the universe and life? For me to belive what science has to say, there will have to be sufficient evidence to prove their theories, and I don't think that's going to happen. I also enjoy participating in religous events and the worshipping of God.