Playstation Do you have a ps3??

I've had mine for a few months now, Virtua Fighter 5 has kept me going for ages. I know it's not an exclusive but I'll be damned if I play a fighting game with a 360 pad, it's wrong I tell you.

Now that Guitar Hero 3 is here I've got another game to whither away my time, and I only had El Blaze at Master as well. :sad:
I'm happy with my Xbox 360, and I doubt I'd get a PS3 unless it's a gift or I get an ungodly amount of money anytime soon.

I went to BestBuy the night they launched and bought one to sell on eBay and I hardly made anything; maybe a $30 profit after having to ship it out to Beverly Hills, California while I live across the country in Pennsylvania.

Meh, I'm not impressed with their games, so I'll stick to my Xbox 360 and love for Live.
Mhm. I only have three games for mine though. Enchanted arms (never played it), Guitar Hero III, and Rock Band (sitting in my cloest).
Well I just got one on this sunday as a birthday present. Yay. XD

The only game I got for it so far is Resistance which came with the console.
i Have one, i only have tony hawk and ninja gaiden sigma...MGS 4 is comming out next year, along with FFXIII + versus (i hope), so itll get some extreme game time in.
Hell yea I got one. But I had to settle for a 40 gig. I really wanted the 80 but I couldnt afford it so I got stuck with the semi-crappy one.
Im getting an 80GB one for christmas and im getting assassins creed with it so im really pumped xD... I soon hope to be getting MGS4 and FFXIII
i waz gonna get one this christmas but i lost my ipod so i opted to get that instead.. im hopin to get one next christmas tho since that is when ff13 comes out.. hopefully by then there will have been another price drop as well
I wouldn't buy one now. You ONLY have backwards compatibility on the 80gig. The 60 gig has long discontinued, so have fun trying to find one. Plus, what other exclusives do you REALLY want on the PS3 anyways besides MGS4 and FFXIII? I would not spend 600, then another 60 on a game....Also tax... (Hell with 660 you can buy desktop PC with that money.) Best to wait until the price drops. Even so, I heard MGS4 might not be exclusive anymore...

From IGN:

A few weeks ago, rumors started floating around regarding the PlayStation 3's biggest gun: Metal Gear Solid 4. These rumors speculate Metal Gear Solid 4 will be losing its PS3 exclusivity as it will be heading to the Xbox 360. After Sony's rough launch with the PS3, it would be no surprise that Konami is looking at the 360 as another viable platform. Though the MGS series has seen great success on Sony platforms, the amount of people who will actually own a PS3 when the next Kojima opus is released may not be enough for Konami to turn a profit. This wouldn't be the first time something like this happened - just last year Assassin's Creed was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive, but months later, it was announced that it will be released on the 360 as well. If this is indeed the truth, this could potentially mean more than just another benchmark title for the 360, it may be a huge hit to Sony.
If MGS 4 is also released on the Xbox...Heh...Sony is in deep shit. Wii and the Xbox 360 are already dominating it in sales. =P

Who knows, if more PS3 games appeal to me in the future I might get a PS3. I don't care about Blu-ray, and I would want backwards compatibility as well. My PS2 won't be lasting any longer.
I wouldn't buy one now. You ONLY have backwards compatibility on the 80gig. The 60 gig has long discontinued, so have fun trying to find one. Plus, what other exclusives do you REALLY want on the PS3 anyways besides MGS4 and FFXIII? I would not spend 600, then another 60 on a game....Also tax... (Hell with 660 you can buy desktop PC with that money.) Best to wait until the price drops. Even so, I heard MGS4 might not be exclusive anymore...

You forgot Ratchet and Clank Future as an exclusive T__T

But no, I don't have a PS3. There's no point in even buying one, really. It only has a few big titles that aren't exclusive, and with the price and lack of backwards compatibility except on the 80 gig model (as if you need 80 gigs with the small amount of good games on the system) it's not worth the money.

If MGS 4 is also released on the Xbox...Heh...Sony is in deep shit. Wii and the Xbox 360 are already dominating it in sales. =P

It wouldn't surprise me if they put it on the 360. And it's not as if MGS has been a Sony exclusive either, they've had games on the Game Boy and GameCube before (not to mention Snake's appearance in SSB Brawl). I'm sure Konami doesn't want to see limited sales on one of their biggest franchises simply because not enough people have the console it's on, so in the end they might not make it an exclusive title. Hell, even if they do initially release it as an exclusive, they might still port it later on.
Don't need one yet...a PS2 is good enough for me. I'll get it once it is like 250 Gil ($ lol, I wanted to talk FF.) Cause I have to buyit with my own Gil, and I only have 360 Gil. And like 250 Gil out of that is like for a chocobo or something (car).
well my ps2 is f(cough) up!! my brother tripped and threw it across the room and it stopped playin dvds and now it barely plays games. my brother bought an xbox, so if i get a ps3, we'll have all the big systems covered! yay us!
I should be getting a PS3 on Tuesday, since my parents bought it for me, I'm not fussed on the big price tag. And I hope it's the 60GB model, I need backwards compatibility.

I'm going to consider it as an investment, buying one now means I don't have to pester my parents into buying me one when Tekken 6 / FFXIII get released xD
well my ps2 is f(cough) up!! my brother tripped and threw it across the room and it stopped playin dvds and now it barely plays games. my brother bought an xbox, so if i get a ps3, we'll have all the big systems covered! yay us!

If I was you I totally woulda beat my brother into a bloody stain for that :monster:

I should be getting a PS3 on Tuesday, since my parents bought it for me, I'm not fussed on the big price tag. And I hope it's the 60GB model, I need backwards compatibility.

Of course you don't care about the price, you're not paying for it :wacky: And don't you mean the 80GB? 60GB is gone, unless they still have it where you are for some weird reason and it's not impossible to find.

I'm going to consider it as an investment, buying one now means I don't have to pester my parents into buying me one when Tekken 6 / FFXIII get released xD

How exactly does a failing console with an uncertain future count as an investment? xD

Funny how they're trying to push the PS3 as a Blue Ray player too, but from what I've seen, it's not winning out over the HD formula yet, so they're gonna have to try a little harder.
I don't intend to get a PS3. I don't think I've even had my PS2 for more than a couple of years. There are still many games I have left to play on it, and many games to play on my other consoles. The PS3 is expensive and I'm interested in none of the games currently available so I won't be getting one for a looong time if at all.