Playstation Do you have a ps3??

I will probably get one when FFXIII is released, until then I'm happy with my Wii and Xbox360.
Well...I tried to get you a referral by registering, but I couldn't. When I tried to submit the necessary information, it told me my first name field included "invalid characters."

Von <---where's the invalid characters? Oh, well.

And yeah, I have a PS3. I've only enjoyed Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction and Resistance on it so far, though. Damn thing is pretty much an expensive paper weight...
I dont see any "invalid characters". fucking site...but thanx for trying VoN. You're awsome! *cheesy smile*

So, I'll eventually get one. The first game I'll get is probably GTA4!
My attempt wasn't successful, but no problemo, sir.

And I'm still trying to decide which console to buy GTA4 for. My PS3 doesn't get enough action, but the PS3 version doesn't have achievements or downloadable content like the Xbox 360 version will have...

Edit: Haha, I tried again.

This time, it told me I have to accept the Terms and Conditions...and there's nowhere to click to accept. Then it gives me that crap about my name containing illegal/invalid characters...and that my password needs to be at least 6 characters in length...

Rotten bugger.
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As of 9:15 this morning GMT I have joined the proud owners of a PS3 club.

But damn it all if I don't have a tonne of now useless PS2 games.
I don't have one, I'm too poor. Hopefully when my dad gets his disability accepted, we get like 3 years of backpay and he said he'd buy me one, thankfully.
Nope, I don't has one. Damn things are too expensive; PSP seems to contain much more appeal than PS3 at the moment, anyway.
Yes, PSP! It's great! I've gotten my neccesities from my PSP. It's the whole reason I'm talking to you right now:D

...still don't have a PS3, but it seems only VoN is trying to help me out!
Ya srsly. Daxter is also another game I wanted to get for the PSP. I love the Jak and Daxter Series and thats the only one I havent played. Plus, isn't new KH games suppose to come out for the PSP?
It's interesting having both a PS3 and PSP since they are designed to be used together.
I can't wait till I get my hands on a psp (mainly for ff1, 2 and tactics WTL)

I already have a ps3, version 2.1 so far thanks to my upgrading, and my ps2 games look awesome on it, better than on my ps2.