Playstation Do you have a ps3??

I don't intend to get a PS3. I don't think I've even had my PS2 for more than a couple of years. There are still many games I have left to play on it, and many games to play on my other consoles. The PS3 is expensive and I'm interested in none of the games currently available so I won't be getting one for a looong time if at all.

See, that's what Sony needs to worry about, but they seem to be completely oblivious to it. I still have my PS2 after 6 years, it's never messed up on me once. I actually AM starting to run out of games that I'm interested in playing for it though, as I've bought just about every one I want, but I have absolutely no reason to upgrade to a PS3. If they actually bothered to keep backwards compatibility in then it wouldn't be as bad.

And I still don't believe it was necessary to take backwards compatibility. They said it was necessary to remove dual-shock from the controller to have motion sensor, but guess what, it wasn't! What they should do is take out the Blue Ray, since HD seems to be winning.

Only two games I'm interested in and no backwards compatibility except on the expensive model ≠ me buying a PS3.
The PS3 actually dropped its price quite abit. Its nearly as cheap as the Xbox. The cheapest Xbox is Xbox Arcade which is 299.99 and the PS3 40GB with Spiderman 3 is 399.99. Mind you this is in Canada im not to sure anywhere else. The PS3 80GB is only 100 more and its definitly worth it to get.

I just picked up Oblivion and im lovin it ^_^
I got a 60GB model for my birthday on my birthday, which was basically a month after it was released. So the release delay worked out better for me ^_^
someone in my alegebra class said that it sounds like an airplane taking off when u turn it on and put a game in. is that true? i waz going to get one the first chance i got, but if its that loud im reconsidering....
someone in my alegebra class said that it sounds like an airplane taking off when u turn it on and put a game in. is that true? i waz going to get one the first chance i got, but if its that loud im reconsidering....

It hardly makes a noise at all, to be truthful I think its more or less one of the quietest consoles released ^_^
It hardly makes a noise at all, to be truthful I think its more or less one of the quietest consoles released ^_^

yay! im still gonna get one then :D btw, is backwards compatibility what lets u play ps2 and ps1 games on it?
Yes lightning. The 60gb version is fully compatible with PS1 and PS2 games with a small exception of PS2 games. The 80gb is compatible with PS1 games and a smaller number of PS2 games with having the Emotion Engine chip from the PS2 removed.

The 40gb is only compatible with PS1 games as it runs those on emulation software.
Yup, I got a ps3 for Christmas :) Best game at the moment, I'd say it's Oblivion :) It's good :)
Ah.. I would love to get my hands on one. After all, FFXIII's going to be released on this platform, yes?
Unfortunately, it sure doesn't seem likely that my parents would be getting me one anytime soon.
Unlucky! And yeah I'm waiting for FFXIII too. Looks good from what I've seen of it and it will be interesting to see how Square Enix utilizes the features of the PS3.
Well, I got mine today as a late Christmas present from my girlfriend. Unfortunately didn't have Ninja Gaiden in stock but I still got Eye of Judgment and that looks pretty cool.

Hopefully I'll start getting a good list of games for it. I'm going to preorder Mercenaries 2 soon for it.
Yep just got my 80gb PS3 last week. I've been kinda hard pressed to find games however. Right now I'm playing Assassins Creed and Call of Duty 4.

By the way I already had it freeze and lock up on this common or has anyone else had this happen to them?
They only sell the 40GB version here in UK but if I ever need more space, I can just buy a external hard drive.

As for having freezing problems, I hope I don't get that. I'd be interested to know if others have had such a problem too.
Yea i just got mine recently too and have been playing assasins creed and thinking of another game to buy. But as for the freezing it happen to me twice before. But since then its been pefectly fine. So idk your ps3 should be fine. Well any suggestion on what game to get
so no loud noise when u turn it on? just wanna ask a bunch of people and make sure before i spend 399 dollas
Nope. Not got one yet and I prolly wont bother for a while although I do intend on getting one.......eventually

The whole lack of backwards compatabilty kinda put me off abit, if my PS2 dies then Il have to go get another PS2 rather than upgrading to a PS3 & I also need a new spare tv seeing as I knocked mine over and it broke. Stupid cat :dry:

So long story short. No I don't have one
Well the 80gb is backward compatible with most games not like the 60 which is compatible with all ps2 games. And no mines dont make a noise when i turn it on or anything like that