Do you train?

Yeah I train. I am a bit of a veteran when it comes to RPG. I have played since they were only text based and training wasn't an just answered questions. When the first real RPG came along I wondered why I was toast every few minutes...then it dawned on me...LVL's! Training in necessary and in most games actually fun. It makes you richer in FFXII also. Loot for all you are worth, get some Thieve's Cuffs and go nuts on the stealing. Attempt to attract 6 or more of the same monster to you (ie zombies and such) and wipe them out in one fell swoop with magicks. It's FUN. I love training.
I definitely train my characters (I've been big into leveling up since my first rpg), but I've found that training is easier in XII because of the shear amount of Hunts to go on. So training doesn't seem to be happening, since I'm so busy hunting various monsters. Which is a great thing about XII's system. :D
my main team is level 81, 88 and 90 - my reserves are 62, 51 and 50 - so i intend to do some more training. As a rule i tried to avoid training, but there are times when it is called for. Worst mistake i ever made training was in FF8, where i levelled all my characters to level 100 on disk 3. go to ultimecia's castle, fight omega weapon, he casts lvl 5 death...all dead.
Does that mean that if your level 100 on final fantasy 8 you can't beat the game??
I wouldn't agree with the guide here. I was about level 18 when I went there. I got all my members to level 21 and headed for the Hennes Mines. Defeated the boss but after that I levelled up to 25. I will admit that it wasn't exactly a stroll in the park but I would say level 21/22 should be fine for where you are to go next.

Same i'm up to the village just after ozmone plains and all my charaters are up to lvl 18 (execpt my frans who's lvl 23 :) ) and i'm perfectly fine... just resently i started to upgrade wepons and armor cause for most of the game i'd just been buying magic but now i have better equipment it's really easy
I do train alot in this game. Im always higher then what the guide recommends, I prefer to know Im going to kick some serious butt if Im about 6 or 7 levels higher then the recommendation lol.

Plus I always make sure my characters are all the same level to balance it out just in case 3 get wiped out in battle.
i train here and there during the game then when the bahamut became available i started hunting marks and leveling my characters up alot. i eventually got to level 99 ^_^
I had to train a lot throughout Final Fantasy XII. I found it hard to advance through each region without leveling up. The levels of the enemies seemed to vary a lot between areas... But, even after I beat the final boss, I found myself still training. Not for any real reason, other than I found it to be rather fun. Love the Gambit system :3
I try to train at the end, so the main game is a bit more difficult than when you're training and you're 5 lvls above the standard. Game gets too boring if you train too much during the game imo. Ofc when yoou're at the end of the main game and want to do the optional (hard) sidequests, you'll train longer than the ones who trained during the game but that's something I'll gladly take =).
I had to train a lot throughout Final Fantasy XII. I found it hard to advance through each region without leveling up. The levels of the enemies seemed to vary a lot between areas... But, even after I beat the final boss, I found myself still training. Not for any real reason, other than I found it to be rather fun.

Same here, I didnt like being surronding by about 4 enemies and being lower or equal level to me cause they were always tougher. I love levelling up for the chains and getting higher ones for better drops. they can be fun!
Training is essential. I havent played much FF before (only X and X-2) but i found out that you just HAD to train. Atm im at Jahara and at lvls 26/27. I recently did the Gil Snapper mark and found that alot tougher than expected. I thought it was due to not training (which was one reason) but i think my tactics might need to change.
I havent trained until the Judge B in Mt Bur Omisec, but I wasnt able to kill him, so I trained a lot. Than I killed him and now I can not continute the storyline, as I am totaly addicted to training :) I am doing all the avaliable marks and training as hell, to be able to buy the best avaliable equipment :)
I always aim for level 99. Levelling up can be tedious, but also very satisfying when you slash through enemies that are a lot weaker than yourself. All the reward goodies often make up for the time spent doing it as well. :)

Plus, it is close to impossible to beat all the optional super difficult bosses unless you level up properly.

The downside to it is that you sort of get lost from the story development when you have to spend hours killing monsters. I guess sometimes story and strategy don't mix very well.
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I love leveling up in XII. Although I find it a tad harder to get levels in this game than in any other. Maybe it is just me.

I like being in higher levels and seeing how much their stats increase with each level.
Well in most FF games I normally don't train but every once in a while I do. In this game I did train, and it seriously has helped with the bosses and the espers. I actually know a way to level up to level 20 before you head to the Giza Plains and meet up with Penelo. I was actually level 25 with Vaan there.
Although I find it a tad harder to get levels in this game than in any other.

I agree, when you're at a higher level it seems like it's taking forever between each level. I know the case is the same in other FF games as well, it's just that I (too) noticed it more in this one.

Being at a high level always makes me feel good about myself, as I sit back and look at what I've accomplished. :)
This game almost forces you to train mainly because mobs will murder you even if you are close to its levels.. I love training in this game than the other ones because it's all active. I hate running around in the area looking for random battles.
I trained in this game but I didn't power level like I did in alot of other ones. It seemed to take much longer to level up on this game than in the others. So, therefore I only leveld up to what I had too and left it at that.

I love training though. It gives you that feel of "Power", lol.

This game makes you train if you are at a low level though. So, I only did it when I had too.
I did spend a lot of time looking for hunts and since most of those require running around areas with monsters, I got some training in as well. I also don't like running straight through areas, I found myself wanting to map out the whole area. I hated looking at incomplete area maps.