Do you train?

Training is a must. You can't become perfect the next day.

Espacially when you need to chain to win cash in FFXII
I love training.

My friends have always called me the "Training Queen" because that's all they ever see me doing when they watch me play. I only further the storyline when I feel I've gotten to an acceptable level, which is always abnormally high for the point of the game that I'm at.

it's the same for me, like for example; im currently at the Tchita Highlands and, though it sounds rediculously enough, i'm lvling my characters from lvl 45 to lvl 60. but it's going very well because everyone has the golden armlet, which double LP, or does that increase it by 6 times? i dunno. but none the less, i like to rack up a huge chunk of lvling so that i won't have to do after every event. the area is pretty good for lvling so far.
Train? Yes, I usually grind on monsters for more EXP and AP to gain a level. I leveled up before I enter new area anyways. My characters tend to be a few levels higher than the monsters roaming around in the area.

This game seems that your required to level to keep moving on. Instead of the past few games where you can slack off and defeat bosses with no problem.
i level all my characters the same.

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I train on them all & it bores me to death, it didn't bother me on XII tho I think because the battles were quicker and theres the embroidered tippet or golden amulet you can use for extra exp/lp. You could level up someone who was seriously low levelled at the speed of light aswel if your others are quite high levelled and I always love seeing 'level up' flash up haha. I think XII is the only time I have EVER enjoyed training actually.....:wacky:
I train, but only when I have to. I always found that I can get by fine if I'm 3-4 levels below the recommended one; I was only level 23 fighting Tiamat and that went fine.
I don't really bother with training, if I feel I am underlevelled I just do a couple of hunts or farm stuff loot stuff to unlock the ultimate weapons and armour from the bazaar.
I found X difficult 'cause I didn't train nearly enough. In XII, I enjoyed training more, so I trained quite a bit, and always had all my characters around the recommended level. Fran was always over, Vaan was always under. Haha. The others were pretty much at an even level, after I trained up dearest Balthier. =]

As for II, well, I kept them all at a pretty good level. While some bosses were hard, I seldom died in a battle.

In VII, I trained enough to get past bosses and areas, so long as I used effective attacks and had a healer constantly, sometimes even 2 healers.

On VIII, Squall's above level 40, maybe even 50. Next down is Zell, who's mid 30s... Rinoa is early 30s, I think, and the others are late, maybe even early for Selphie, 20s. I gotta train before I tackle disk 3!!

As for IX... Well, I kept them levelled up enough in disk 1, but in disk 2, Zidane's party are rather weak.
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Yes, I do train. Actually I think most of my gameplay is infact training my characters. Usually I only advance the storyline when I am pleased, no, overly pleased with the level and power of my characters.

I believe I was on level 65 before I got Ashe, though that was only Vaan. Everyone else was in the 45-50 range. But yeah, reading that I do train alot. And in XII I found training alot easier and more enjoyable than most games, so I was easily able to reach 99 before getting Mateus.

Training is very important and can prepare you for any thing that comes up while playing the game. I'd rather be safe than sorry. But I don't always train as much as I did in Final Fantasy XII, I usually only stay about 5 levels above the average level, because in some games if you train too much you'll eventually reach the point to where the game will be so easy that there will be no challenge and the game will become boring.
Not... well. Hm. Not really? I just mostly beat all the foes on area and then hop to the next area going towards the storyline (like i clear all the spots on the map to make sure i haven't missed a thing and move on) But i find that leveling up is pretty damn easy and just fine when it comes to bosses. My Lady Ashes tho is at lvl 50 while the rest is at 40 or 42.
Kinda dissapointed about that, when i remember just a year ago i was cursing FFX and leveling up. Now THAT was a pain, hard, and had to level up for hours.

damn thing.
I only train when it's needed like now i'm lvl 45nd beat the main storyline but i can't find a good training spot someone got an idea where to train?
At the start I waaaaay overlevelled. I had Francisca (sp?) as soon as you could get it plus a load of decent other equipment. And because of this I've found the majority of the game a breeze.

Its just one of those things that I get carried away with and just don't stop. I just enjoy the games too much I suppose.
I never use a guide on first playtroughs. I find them to be laying it out too much. I like to find things out for myself. So I never knew what level i'm supposed to be.
What I always do, is everytime I come to a new area I train a bit. And when I don't seem to be leveling up as fast as I'm hoping, then I move forward in the story. This way has always worked for me.
I do use guides on second and so on playtroughs though. Just to make a 100% file, make sure I get everyting out of the game.
I do, it gets ridiculous when you're up in the 70s + levels, takes quite a while to level up, even with embroidered tippets equipped. Not complaining though, gives more incentive to explore the areas where the strongest foes are in alot more detail.
I only ever train when you get to the point in the game where you have beaten the storyline (before the Sky fortress Bahamut, i travel the world, doing quests, hunts, gaining weapons, getting espers and all that
I didn't used to train because I always wanted to get through the storyline and stuff, but when I got stuck in Stiltshrine of Miriam I started training, still hasn't helped yet and I'm starting to get impatient. haha
well yes i trained if i was stuck on a boss or if i needed to get pass a certain part like the third acent of the pharos which i am currently stuck at.

I only ever train when you get to the point in the game where you have beaten the storyline (before the Sky fortress Bahamut, i travel the world, doing quests, hunts, gaining weapons, getting espers and all that

yeah i do the same i always do the hunts its really fun, and it keeps me busy

I didn't used to train because I always wanted to get through the storyline and stuff, but when I got stuck in Stiltshrine of Miriam I started training, still hasn't helped yet and I'm starting to get impatient. haha

i get that way sometimes but currently i like to train at giruvegun nice place but takes like 3 hours to level up 5 people but worth the wait i enjoy it.
yes i always train... its just a habit. like if 1 person is level 29 and the other is level 31 then i train the person that is level 29 with other people that r level 29.... i dont like when the characters levels are 2 far apart... i like them the same level^^