Do you use a walkthrough?


man of the shadows
Dec 22, 2008
Lately I've been into the walkthroughs but I use to really hate them. After I play the game and think I got everything I like to look up a walkthrough to see if I missed anything. I'm notone who reads a paragraph and say okay go east then north. I like to keep some gaming skills. So what are your thoughts about walk throughs? Do you use them or not?

I've used them for FF10-2 and FF12. Other then that wasn't much need, like I said I'll check the guides but I would rarely miss much.
In a nutshell, yup, I do

Although not on my first run through. There's not much point having your hand held all the way through it, or you might aswel jsut watch someone else play. I try to figure out what I can myself. Then I will go back and do a walkthrough run - make sure Im not missing anything, doing all the sidequests etc. Some stuff is so ridiculous, I refuse to believe you can do it without a guide. I always try to beat bosses on my own strategy though....or I might complain alot til someone helps me, but yer, I do use guides
I tend to not use a walkthrough. D;

Only if I get stuck on a part, or having a feeling there's something rare in the area I'm in and I'll look it up and see.
In most cases I'm using a guide for a boss, not usually an area.
I do as well. I only plan on playing it through one time at first until years later for my second time, so I attempt to get 100%. I've used guides for FFVII-FFXII.

I do not use them though on boss battles. Plus I hate using them when spoilers are just ahead. I mainly go after the book when I have all the side stuff to do or I'm lost. Like in FFIII it can be hard to figure out where you're going next, so I will whip it out for that reason as well.
I almost always use one. I don't replay games very often, and like to know I'm getting everything on the first time through.
Always on a second playthrough. To make sure I get everything.
Never on the first try, because like said before, then you might as well let some one else play it.
Sometimes there are cool things you might have missed before, or how to get certain things and stuff.
I really only use a walkthrough if I get incredibly stuck and can't figure my way out through certain places. Normally on the first playthrough I just go through and play, trying to figure things out for myself like Bambi does. I only use walkthroughs in times of need. My hubby on the other hand is notorious for using them. :P He gets pissed off too easily. :lol:
I'm second to what Krysta said. I don't use any guides on my first playthrough so I can learn everything. I tend to evade forums, topics, sites, etc. that usually contain spoilers about the game, so when I play the game I always have the suprise element and can expect anything.

However on my second playthrough I make sure I got all the missing stuff.

Tough Dissidia and a few games I didn't follow that rule, curiosity was stronger. :monster:
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Theyre ok but i wont use one on my first playthrough im too scared il ruin the storyline and its more rewarding doing it yourself. They are handy however when youre replaying the game and you want to finish all the sidequests and try and attempt a %100 run.
I use walkthroughs too often, I usually try to beat bosses by myself though. Getting stuck at a tough boss doesn't bother me too much, but getting stuck at a spot where I can't figure out what to do next is torture for me.
I use a walkthrough when I get stuck
Not get stuck like "OMG Ive been in this room for 5 minutes and dont know what to do!!!"
My general policy is if Im running around for at least half an hour trying to find what im supposed to do. Ill get online look at the walkthrough. Read what I have to to get past that part and then I wont read anymore. I like to figure things out for myself
I totally use a walkthrough whenever I can. There are times during games where I try to just find things myself, but there are some parts that I'd rather just get over with so I can continue on with the story. I like puzzles, but some are just tedious (Fossil Roo in FF9 is a perfect example). Also, if I get really desperate, I don't put it below me to use someone's advice. In Shadow of the Colossus, some of the bosses are easy, but some I would die on at least four or five times and I would go straight to the computer.
Ah! What is the world coming to!? o_O
Why are people using walkthroughs? sorry about the big 'hate' thing but i really do HATE them. Sorry to all you guys that use em but i class people who use walkthoughs as 'cheaters'.
How so you expect us to find Zodiac Spear and other impossible items to be found by ourselves?

I, like most of the gamers, explores the game on their own the first times and tries to uncover as much as possible secrets and whatnot, on other playthroughs we use a guide(s) to uncover secrets and such.

About puzzles and storyline, well some I never had any problem with that on almost every game I played. No one forces anyone to use them, but sometimes either our pacience is too short or our curiosity too big. :monster:
Ah! What is the world coming to!? o_O
Why are people using walkthroughs? sorry about the big 'hate' thing but i really do HATE them. Sorry to all you guys that use em but i class people who use walkthoughs as 'cheaters'.

I fail to see how it's cheating it's basically just guiding you through the game, something to refer to if you are stuck. Exactly th same as making a help thread here if yuo are stuck IMO, if people want to use them, it's not cheating, just imo, takes abit of the fun away. If I complete the game once without a guide, to the best of my ability, then use a guide my second playthrough to get my monies worth I'm cheating? xD

Also, as stated by the lovely Ruka, certain things are IMPOSSIBLE to get without the guide. Someone telling you, or looking it up online is exactly the same thing
I have only ever used one for FFX-2 really.

I pretty much only bought the game back in the day when I was a crazy fan girl and just wanted to see Tidus come back =P

So I used one to get 100% for the best ending. Which I've still yet to complete >_< Currently at 89% lol.

Other than that I don't use them. Haven't ever got real stuck in a game that I've needed to use one. My partner is really good at solving problems when I come to a tough spot in most games anyway =P
Yeah, I usually invest in the official guides. I play through quite a lot of it by myself but I keep it by my side and keep skimming it to make sure I haven't missed anything. I like to only use them for secrets and treasures really, otherwise it kind of takes the fun out of the game.

But I really can't comprehend how people would manage to find some of the FF secrets without using a guide. o_o
I don't use a walk through until after I've beaten the game during the first play through.
Then I will start over and use the walk through to see what important items I missed.
For example, in Final Fantasy VII, to this day I still haven't beaten any of the Weapons.
I know I should go back and beat them to see if anything happens but I doubt it.
One thing I hate about walk through guides or players guides is some of them are so expensive, so I buy mine used. lol.